Showing posts with label Project Post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Project Post. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Project Updates: April 2020

It’s pretty usual for me to get to April and realize that I’ve lost track of all the things I was excited about. I’m still working on balancing my teaching so that I can be creative and productive and a good responsible teacher as well. It’s less usual to have that April realization fall in the middle of a global pandemic where suddenly everything has gone weird and suddenly I’m stuck at home, as opposed to being a little out of work for the spring and stuck at home.

Anyway, once I finish marking I want to do … something, so I’m going to “circumwork1” and see where my projects on this blog are at.

Projects I am "actually working on"

One of the problems with maintaining the blog is that I have a list of things I “should” be working on even if they’re not actually the things I want to be working on. I try to avoid that by keeping my timelies short and achievable (yes, I know I’m bad at that) and by keeping the number of projects I’m working on at once (yes, I’m not great at that either).

Currently I have on my list:
  • The Blog (as Project)
    • I’m not 100% sure where I’m at with the blog, I’m enjoying tracking games and books. I don’t know that it’s a really productive thing to be doing, but I’m enjoying it. I also find that I don’t really want to put that much out there in terms of thoughts, because I’d rather put my time towards making something.
  • Covert Action in Space
    • I got a little held up because it turns out that randomly generating meaningful floor plans is a little harder than I’d figured. I still love the idea, but this isn’t at the top of my list.
  • Game Tracker
    • I’ve been teaching first year Java again and I wanted to get things rolling here again. I also taught a senior programming course in the fall which involved using online services and mobile interfaces, both of which my project needs. I opened it up a few weeks ago and couldn’t quite figure out where I left off, but managed to get it mostly on the path again.
  • Pong
    • I wanted to be way further ahead on this and have my AtariST version done ahead of my students, I managed to work along side them, but then completely lost the thread when the “transition to on-line” teaching happened. Hopefully I’ll have cause to get back to it.
  • Code Click
    • I already spend quite a bit of time thinking about how to share that moment of joy I get out of coding, and while I haven’t got that much done, I still think about code click a bunch. Transitioning to on-line has also pushed me to think a lot more about how I want to teach and the resources I want available when I’m teaching.

Projects I have “on hiatus”

There are a bunch of things I started out and then put aside, some of them are things I want to be working on so I think it's worth listing them all out too.

  • SNES Coasters
    • I’d like more and bigger coasters and maybe to spend a bit more time working on perler stuff.
  • Space Station Game
    • I keep thinking about this one. I’m still not ready to really set down and work on it, partly because I’d like to build up my skill working on some other projects first. I've been playing quite a bit of EU4 which has definitely provided some feeling for how the game should work when I actually get to it.
  • Action RPG
    • This is another one I’m not ready to work on yet, but I have a lot of ideas and I’ve been developing my drawing skills.
  • Sci-Fi Novel
    • The problem with having sat with a story in your head for 20 / 25 years is that when you think about writing it, it feels pretty trite. There’s a lot of things kicking around in my head from as far back as when I was a teenager. I don’t really know where to go with it, but it still might be fun to tackle at some point.
  • The Roofs (Fantasy Novel)
    • This is the story that sits further in the front of my mind. I’m not sure it makes sense, and it might be missing a reasonable antagonist, but I guess I won’t know until I write it.
  • Chrono Trigger Sprites
    • I have the first two sitting in the window over my desk and I love them. It’s time I got the rest finished.
  • Bubble Puzzler
    • I think with Pong out of the way this is the place I want to focus building games. It’s a good learning opportunity and I think it’s a great place to get started.

Projects I actually want to work on now

So I’m not sure where I want to put myself for all of the time between now and September. Obviously working on code click is a good idea for professional growth, but the Game Tracker and the Bubble Puzzler also make sense.

I also want to work on more artistic things. A lot of that I don’t think I want to make projects for, but I think that both the SNES Coasters and the Chrono Trigger Sprites. I also really want to get the Roofs written.

In an effort to keep my goals small and my projects limited, these are my near, term projects:

  • SNES Coasters
    • I want to finish a set of 4 large coasters, get them fused and backed and then I’ll see what’s next. I think I can get that all done by April 30.
  • Game Tracker
    • I’d like to get this working with outside data, either my original plan of google sheets, or with something else (possibly firebase). Either way I don’t want to spend too much time thinking about it, so I’m going to try to have some version of that working by April 30 too.
  • The Roofs
    • I don’t know how long it is, or how I’ll feel actually trying to write, but I’m going to give it a shot and try to have a first draft finished by August 31. (And yes, I think I did just put write a novel on a list of “short achievable near term goals” no, I’m not great at planning things)

(and we’ll leave the blog rolling along as it is, since that’s fun).

1 Circumwork: To do things that feel like work without actually being related to any task that needs to be done.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Project 20 - That Code Click - Introduction

I like it when things click. When I’m programming I love that moment where things go together perfectly, and I love that moment in my own brain when a topic suddenly snaps into focus. I also like when I’m working with students and I see that moment for them.

This next project is my attempt to share that feeling and to help people learn about all of the stuff in computing that I think is really cool. It’s a chance to look at how things work, how things fit together, how things were designed and how those elegant moments in problem solving come to be.

I hope this is a chance for me to stretch my writing, teaching and communication skills. Additionally there are a lot of other technical skills I should pick up such as video production and things like that. It’ll also be a nice chance to chase down those topics I’m interested in, but never really have the time to manage while I’m teaching (and then forget about when I’m not teaching).

For the short term I’m going to simply create a few written articles and upload them here while I start building out the idea. In the longer term I’d like to see a blog and then maybe a fully dedicated website to host those articles and other supporting material.

For this first iteration of the project, I’m planning to write one article on “Counting in Binary on Your Fingers” a fun trick I always enjoy using to introduce binary numbers. I’d like to get that finished some time before November 29, including text and my own photos to illustrate. I'll also put together a list of future topics I'm thinking of. If you happen to have a great computing "click" you'd like to suggest, let me know.

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Project 19 - Pong - Phase 1

Project 19 - Pong

I am implementing Pong. Yes, that Pong. I’m implementing it both for fun, but also because it’s going to be necessary for a project for work in the fairly new future.

I figured since I was implementing Pong, I might as well make a project out of it. As a bonus since my implementation is basically finished, I get a free finished project out of the deal.

I decided, as is my wont, to work in This is pretty much my go to platform whenever I need to prototype something or do a thing with quick interactions. I’m also educating myself about P5.js which is proving to be fun as well.

My original take was to work with vectors, which has exposed me to all of the linear algebra I didn’t learn or have forgotten. This will also be helpful for my Bubble Puzzler work (which apparently I haven't updated here, to my surprise). I then remember that my Phase 2 for this project is to have a working version of Pong on the Atari ST, and so I’d be better off handling things like coordinates and motion as simple variables. You can find the source in on GitHub.

// player positions on the screen
int p1Y;
int p2Y;
int p1X;
int p2X;

// paddle display information
int paddleW = 10;
int paddleH = 75;

// player scores
int p1Score = 0;
int p2Score = 0;

// ball position on the screen and motion
int ballX;
int ballY;
int ballMoveX;
int ballMoveY;

int ballSize = 10;

Within the program my code is fairly basic, I’m relying on processing’s control of the framerate, and basically assign the ball a speed between 2 and -2 on the y axis and 2 and -2 on the x axis. This feels like a fairly workable implementation of speed, although increasing it as the game goes on would be an option (I suspect an actually competitive game would go on for quite a while).

The ball bounces off the top wall and off the paddles. If the ball hits a paddle near the edge (about 1/8th of its total length) then it bounces in the y direction as well as the x.

void bouncePaddle(int paddleX, int paddleY) {
    // bounces the ball off the paddle 
   if (((ballX + ballSize >= paddleX) && (ballX <= paddleX + paddleW)) && 
              ((ballY + ballSize >= paddleY) && (ballY <= paddleY + paddleH))) 
     ballMoveX *= -1;
     // reflects the ball back on the y axis if it hits near the edge of the paddle
     // mostly for fun, not sure it was in pong, but I enjoy it in most clones
     if ((ballY + ballSize < (paddleY + (paddleH / 8))) || 
         (ballY + ballSize > (paddleY + 7 * (paddleH / 8)))) {
       ballMoveY *= -1;

This produces enough interesting effects that I’m calling this phase of the project done.

That being said, in the short term, I suppose I need some more inputs because solitaire pong seems not-too much fun. Beyond that I think that’s probably it for the implementation. My next priority is to prepare to produce the Atari ST version of the game. I would also like to produce a version of Breakout because that seems fun and possibly also add in a few interesting visual effects.

I should be done the AtariST version by early January because I need my students to start on their projects by then.

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Project 1 & Project 11: Update I Didn't Write More

This post is just to finish off my updates for my summer of writing more. As it turns out, I didn't really want to write more, so I didn't.

As discussed in the yearly August post, I'm moving my focus elsewhere for now. That should mean more writing on the blog with more projects getting done. As for the fiction, I'm sure that will come again someday.


ProjectNew WordsTotal WordsPercent of Target
The Roofs0810.7%

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Project 12: The Chrono Trigger Sprites Live - Marle

Once again, I've made some progress on my Chrono Trigger Perler Sprites. This time I got Marle done.

It's been a long, long time since I started working on these. In that time I've moved at least 3 times trucking an unfused sprite around with me. A little while back I finally fused the Marle sprite, and now that I have a little time and space, I'm going to try to push on. I'd like to finish the 1-to-1 sprites before September and then I'll see if I still want to do the double sized sprites.

The Marle Sprite

Similar to the Crono Sprite, I started by determining all of the colours in the sprite and which sprite colour of Perler bead I would use to match them.

The colours in the Marle sprite and Perler Beads colours

Thanks to the lessons learned on the Chrono Sprite, I produced a map for each bead colour in the form of a separate sprite image (and included the bead colour in the file name, which I really appreciate returning to these two years later). The table of those colours are below.

Sprite PartHex ColourPerler ColourNotes
------The Original
#381838PurpleAgain I chose to outline the sprite in purple which gives a good definition to the outside. Might look a little better with the top and bottom filled in as well.
#f8a838ButterscotchHighlights in Marle's hair.
#584848Dark GreyDarkest shadows on the crossbow.
#807060Light Grey"Metal" in the crossbow.
#f86810OrangeLow lights in the hair, belt and shoes.
#488878 and #205040Parrot GreenTwo sprite colours into one perler colour. Largely shadows.
#f8a8a0PeachPinker skin tone.
#80f8b8Pearl BluePants.
#801800RustShadows and Crossbow Body
#f8d8d0SandSkin tone highlights, a little more beige than the true colour.
#a0a8a8Silver PerlCrossbow highlights.
#f8f848YellowHair highlights.
#ffffffWhiteHighlight pixels and filler for the crossbow.

Success of the Sprite

I made sure that the full bottom of the sprite was level all thew ay across. This allowed me to avoid the problems I had with Crono where he tips over if not propped up on the edge. Possibly not a problem in some applications, but if you want your sprites standing, then they need a consistent bottom row. I think here I added in a little extra purple on the bottom to make it stand (although looking at the purple pixels, I can't really see). I hope that me!from-3-years-ago knew what he was doing.

The other change I made was filling in the crossbow. It's technically empty in the real sprite, but for structural integrity I opted to fill it in so that the sprite would be much more rigid and robust. In terms of looking at the sprite in the real world, you barely notice and I think it still looks good.

I'm quite happy with the sprite. I have it sitting next to the Crono sprite in my office window and they look very good together. I am especially enjoying being able to see them from the garden outside.

The process of putting everything together was a bit rough. This project fell way down my priority list, so the couple of times I jumped back in there was a long figuring out what was going on period. On the plus side, I was much more organized about generating the sprite-part sheets, so building the sprite and putting together this post was fairly straight forward.

My next sprite is Lucca. I haven't started yet, but I'd like to have the sprite finished and the next blog post in the series made by August 23, 2019.

Monday, August 05, 2019

Project 1: Blog x 9

Happy August! Also happy blog end and start day (belated)!

As of August 1, I've completed the latest year of blogging and I'm going to lay out my plans for another year of blogging. Now, it's time to update the Blog as Project and the Blog as Blog again. Also it's time to sit in my garden and enjoy August.

I finally finished my PhD in 2019, which I hope will open up my time to work on interesting projects and write about them here. The last year was a little thin on those with the bulk of the posts being reading updates, with a few other posts sprinkled in. I'm starting to get some momentum up though and trying to use that to carry through and get things done.

Back in May I set myself a goal of writing 4000 words a month for the blog. This has been pretty largely a failure, but I think the tracking has been good for me. I've probably written about 2000 words a month and I think for now that's ok. My primary focus has always been to try to be doing more things, which means I think I should be putting my time to working on projects rather than writing about stuff.

So for the Ninth Edition of the Blog, I'm planning to get at least one project post out a month (which ties in nicely with my New Year's Resolution to finish a project a month). I'd also like to put in a few more video game thoughts posts, as I've been playing a lot of good games this year.

Let's go make something!

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Project 1 & Project 11: June Monthly Update

Well, I'm kinda giving up on this idea. I'll update more / better come August, but I've decided that these projects just aren't the priorities I want to focus on right now. I didn't write any on my creative writing project The Roofs at all. My blogging output was acceptable, but I'm not reaching to change it all that much in actuality right now.


ProjectNew WordsTotal WordsPercent of Target
The Roofs0811%

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Project Update: PhD

I thought I should write a post commemorating the fact that I finished my PhD. It seemed appropriate considering I’ve been doing the PhD as long as I’ve been keeping the blog, and the blog has (in a tiny part) been about me getting stuff done (particularly the PhD).

Photo Credit: FotoBart

I had some idea of writing about the things I learned (not 100% sure what those are), or possibly to sum up the project I worked on (don’t really want to do that yet), or maybe to give some suggestions about PhDs in general (which I don’t have). So for now, I'm just happy to say: I'm Done!

I worked a long time, fairly hard, but slowly, and managed to finish, mostly refusing to stop. I’m proud of myself. It may not be all I had envisioned, but it is finished. Someone once pointed out to me that the PhD is supposed to be the beginning of your research career, not the end, and I’m trying to keep that in mind now.

I didn’t get my PhD to become a researcher or to become a teacher. I mostly worked towards it because I was interested in the work. I’m still interested in that work, and some of that work will filter along here in the shape of smaller projects. I also enjoyed the journey, for the most part. There was stress, and I stayed put a bit too long. 

I feel extremely free to take on new projects. To some extent, that’s a statement that practically anything I take on can’t be as large as the PhD, so I should probably be able to do it. I am also enjoying being rid of that stress every time I sit to do anything, that I should be doing something else. It’s not a cure all, that stress is still there, but I feel like I’m more able to compartmentalize my time and stop working when it’s time to stop working.

Practically, I’m pleased to say this caps of the revival of #nafyofuthmo. Project in the books (literally), done and dusted. I’m a bit sad though, because: how fun is it to say #nafyofuthmo. (Seriously say it out loud, naf-yo-futh-mo). I’ll have to find some other snazzy, weird agglomeration of words to say now.

So there. I finished my PhD. I built the software I needed to build. I did the experiments I needed to do. I wrote the words I needed to write. I made the edits I needed to make. This isn’t the end of the road, but it’s a spot I should put a marker to remind myself I made it this far. 

I don’t really know what’s next. I’m a little burned out, I’ve been a grad student since January 2007 and that’s been a while. In the short term I’m teaching and enjoying the parts of computer science I enjoy, and I’m taking a rest. I’ll figure the rest out, but for now I’m glad to be done.

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Project 1 & Project 11: Monthly Update

Woah. That was harder than I figured. A little bit because I've taking a sessional teaching gig for May/June, but more so just from the freedom to be able to sit down and write. Blogging wasn't too bad, mostly things I'd been thinking about for a while, but the fiction was really hard to start.


Project New Words Total Words Percent of Target (for Month)
The Roofs 81 81 2%
Blogging 2233 2233 55%

As far as the blogging goes, most of that was my Earthbound Post, I also counted my Games of April post, but I didn't count the book updates. For next month I'd like to produce at least 2 posts of the size of the Earthbound one.

For the fiction, I'm not sure I'm ready to dive in as much as I thought I was. I'm going to keep the goal where it is for now, but I'm working on a few other projects right now (more blog posts to write) and I'm not feeling like diving into a project the size of the the thing sitting in my brain right now.

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Project 1 & Project 11: Write More

With my PhD winding down, I've been thinking about how I want to organize my time for the next while. I'll write about my thoughts in general in a bit, but at this point I think where ever I go I want to improve my communication, especially in writing.

So to address that I'm (re)setting up to projects for myself, both to write more.

Project 1 is my already existing project for the blog, but I would like to increase my blog-as-blog output to at least 4000 words a month. I'm still working out exactly how I want to use those 4000 words, but the idea is to think about, write, edit and revise some non-fiction writing each month.

Project 11 is my already existing project to write a fantasy novel. At the moment I think I would like to try to put 4000 words a month there too. The core concept has been floating around in my head forever, and it seems like time to at least produce a trunk novel out of it. I also reserve the right to divert these words into some other fiction project, possibly some more short stories, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Job one is to actually write stuff consistently.

I'll put out a monthly update at least until August 1, 2019 and we'll see how it goes.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Project 18 - Video Game Play Tracker - Update 2 (v0.2.0)

I actually finished up v0.2.0 of my game tracker months ago, but I finally got some free time so I thought I’d write up what I have. I have probably forgotten a lot of the details at this point, but I’ll just soldier on. In this update I finished up adding in aggregation and filtering of play sessions to the display system (and did a little bug fixing). 


I wanted to be able to filter play sessions into specific time periods. Right now I start a new spreadsheet every year to keep track of the data in a manageable way, and I start a new set of tabs within each spreadsheet to track data for each month. I wanted to be able to replicate this in an ad hoc way, which would allow me to build a more informative and flexible way to look at the data.
A google sheet showing games played on the first and second of january 2019.
A small view of my tracking spreadsheet.

Additionally it’s nice to be able to include or exclude games or groups of games from the list. For example, how much time have I spent playing all the games in the Zelda franchise? I have no idea right now but filtering would make that a question I can ask easily.
As such, I added two types of filters for play sessions, one for games and one for dates. The filters work by finding all the play sessions that match and then showing only data from those sessions. 

The game filter works by matching the (whole) name of a game. Multiple games can be added to the filter which then allows multiple games. So far, I don’t have any structure like a series or a genre, so I don’t have filters working for that, but that’s something to work on in the future. The filter provides a list of all play sessions that match the set of game names.

A screen shot of a list of filters, one for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, one for games played in the last half of January 2018.
The two basic filters.

The date filtering works by using date windows. Each window has a beginning and an end date and the filter allows through all play sessions that are between the two ends. If either of the two dates is unset then the filter allows all sessions to the beginning or end of time.

It took a little fiddling to make them work, in particular to make an empty filter allow everything (which is backwards to how the filters are designed, but extremely unintuitive to work with).


In my spreadsheet I keep a log of all games played for the year (including the date, the game name and the amount of time played). Then for each month I break out one pivot table that includes the total amount of time each game has been played for the month and a second table that breaks out the games played for each day so that I can produce the stacked bar-chart of the games. I needed the aggregation system to allow me to basically do that in the stand alone system.

A screen shot of a google sheet showing the games played in January 2019
January's games played chart. (See a better view in my January 2019 post).

Aggregation was interesting because I wanted to make it as abstract as possible, but still needed to make it concrete enough to work in the command-line interface. I think I may need to take a second swing at it to make it really work smoothly. 

The way it’s currently constructed aggregators take a set of play sessions (raw or filtered) and extracts a aggregate, which is a map organized by game name, the type of aggregate and the value (as a double). Aggregates can be merged to put together different stats about a set of play sessions. 

A screen shot of the program showing the total time, number of times played, the mean play session and the average play session.
The aggregated games in my test file (mostly from early 2018).

As I said the system is a little messy and I think having now let some time pass I could do a better build solution.

Project Update

Compared to the first update, I did a better job of using the git workflow and breaking down my work into smaller chunks and updating regularly. This was helpful in the work I needed to do to finish my thesis project. I also tried to start teaching the workflow to my students this semester and I think generally the “do small things well” mantra has done me (and them?) well.

A listing of the main menu of the game tracker.
The current state of the Game Tracker

It’s also been months and months since I finished the actual main work for this update. I did break some tests which ended up taking me a while to fix. Since then I’ve mostly been working on my PhD so I’ve had to backburner the whole thing.

The two big directions I’d like to take the project in next, are to produce a GUI version using JavaFX and to integrate a Google Doc back end storage. The first step I think is going to be the hook up Google sheets and then go on to the JavaFX front end.

My plan, as it stands, is to finish the next update including the Google Sheets connection (and some various fixes / reorganization) by June 1, 2019.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Project 17: The Revenge of #NaFYoFuThMo - Update

Well, that was a bit of a bust. National Finish Your (by which I mean my) Fucking Thesis Month, only netted me about 3000 words. Suffice to say I haven’t actually finished my thesis. I wasn’t exactly planning to, but still I’d have like to have had more progress.

I knew I had some other stuff to do that would hang up the writing, but still had high hopes of magically getting ahead. I’ve rewritten why and how several times now, but at the end of the day, the thing I need to put here is I can get to the end if I just keep stepping forward.

Beyond that, #nafyofuthmo is fun to say (say it out loud if you haven’t NAFF-yo-FUTH-mo). It’s also time I finished this thesis. I am going to wrap up the writing by end of January and to keep myself entertained, so I’m going to keep #nafyoing until I get done. I'm going to shoot for a daily(ish) update on twitter. Sometimes that will be new words, and sometimes it will be the other work and sometimes I'll have to do some other stuff, but I'll try to keep myself positive and on track.

I've got everybody and the stuff together. 3-2-1 Let's Jam.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Project 17: The Revenge of #nafyofuthmo

Well I didn't exactly mean to still *have* a thesis to write at this point, but I do and it's time it got done. So I'm hauling out the power of the niftiest hashtag I've ever invented and I'm bringing back #nafyofuthmo (National Finish Your - by which I mean my - F*ing Thesis Month)

And also Cowboy Bebop gifs.

So I'm way closer to being done than I was last year, so that's a plus. I'm mostly working on the system describing my demonstration systems and evaluating them. I'd love to get those finished by the end of the month. I'm setting myself the goal of 800 words each day.

One thing I've enjoyed is the permission #nafyo (if I may be so bold) gives me to take time to work, even if I won't get too much done in any session. At least it's worth it to sit down and get something done.

As last year, I'll be posting day-to-day updates on twitter and at least a wrap-up here.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Project 1: Project Octoseason Blog*

Happy Blog End and Start Day!


Yes, it’s time for that annual celebration where I remember that I started the Blog on August 1 (a long time ago) and should probably figure out what I’m doing with it. It’s also your annual reminder that not all things last forever, but this blog still might for another year.

Ahem, first, as tradition dictates, I’d like to remind you that the “Blog” here comes in two parts, the Blog as Project Report, and the Blog as Blog (which is itself a project). Effectively, my intention here has always been to get excited and make things - even if that’s not always as evident as I’d like it - and one of those things I’m excited to make, is a Blog where I talk about - well mostly the media I’ve consumed, but you get the idea.

Tradition further suggests that now is the time that I tell you I’m not done my PhD, but I’m close - and folks I’m getting ever closer to actually finishing the damn thing - and given that, that I haven’t done quite as much work on my own creations as I’d hoped last August. Still, here we are, I’m not going to beat myself up, I’m just going to celebrate what I have done.

In terms of projects in the last year, I’ve worked on four and I’m generally, pretty happy with how they came out. I started messing around generating floor plans for a game I’d like to make at some point. That only managed two posts, but I still had fun - and I’m still thinking about it, the Flurpins will be back “soon”. I pushed myself to read more, and set myself the goal of reading 12 books in 21 weeks. That was a nice project, in that it had a set end date, and ended at the end for 2017. I actually made it all the way to 18 books - what a stunner. I started on a program to help me with game tracking, and also to just get some general programming practice in. Finally I tackled #NaFYoFuThMo an effort to get me pushed across that finish line of that ever looming PhD.

A Flurpin ... an odd side effect of generating floor plans.

As far as the Blog as Blog goes, in the last year I’ve kept up with tracking my video game playing, which I continue to find interesting, even if it probably seems a bit repetitive. I dropped a little behind in the monthly posts, partly because I was fairly overwhelmed in the Winter managing teaching and the PhD. I’ve mostly caught up now, and you can expect to see the June and July posts in the next few days. 

Following on from the success I had in boosting my reading in 2017, I’ve tracked all of the books I’ve read so far in 2018. I think It’s been worthwhile, and I’ve boosted my goal for the year on Good Reads from 32 to 40 (but that’s mostly to accommodate the fact that I can read a volume of Saga in a morning, and I hadn’t planned to read Saga at such a rate).

I only wrote one “thoughts on” post this year. That was Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, last August. I haven’t really finished another game this year that I’ve had that many thoughts about - while I loved Into The Breach, I found I didn’t have a lot to say other than, It’s really good. I suspect that in the next little while I may write a “thoughts on” piece for Paper Mario: Colour Splash - where you can enjoy my chants of “The WiiU is not a 3D system!” - and I may write a follow up to Breath of the Wild, another hundred hours on.

It's ok, you just have to trust the game not to smack you in the face with a hammer ... which you can't.

For the first time I wrote a New Years Resolution post. I think it was good for me to write down what I wanted to do better, or differently, this year. Generally, I’ve been more successful than not: I’m *slightly* better at monotasking and much better if I don’t let stress build up. I think I’ve done an okay job of holding fewer opinions, although that also varies with stress. I do think it’s helped while teaching introductory computer science, where many people hold a number of *very* strong opinions which may not matter very much. I think I’ve also been better at acting and getting stuff done just by standing up and doing it - it’s easier than I think it is.

I’m going to finish my thesis, sooner rather than later. I think in a small way I’ve been better on Twitter and happier with how I’ve been on Twitter. I’ve definitely read more and enjoyed a lot of what I’ve read - and then there’s Eats, Shoots and Leaves. I’m not sure I’ve made more stuff, but I’ve done a lot of stuff around the house that feels similar. I’ve seen more things, but I’d like to see more and keep pushing past the boundaries of inertia. 

More or less, I’m happy with the Blog as Blog in its seventh season. It has mostly been bits of media I’ve consumed. I didn’t really mean for it to work out that way, but at the moment I’m feeling fairly happy with that. My favourite YouTube videos have fallen off, but I think given the state of that platform generally, I'm okay with that. I may bring them back in a different form in the future.

I’m going to do an Eighth Season of the Blog - surprise! I suspect it will look very similar to the seventh. Tracking media keeps me interested, and if I find I have something I want to write about in relation to that, then I’ll have a good space to do that. I am hoping that as I finally finish the PhD, I’ll be able to add in a few more projects - I have several in mind, which should be fun.

Thanks to all of you who read, I hope the fun I have here is at least a little fun for you as well.

*Yes, yes I did make a stupid reference to Octopath Traveller in the title, what of it?

Friday, May 18, 2018

Project 18 - Video Game Play Tracker - Update 1 (v0.1.0)

I’ve really had a lot of fun with this project so far.

For version 0.1.0 I’ve added in the basics, including:
  • A game representation, including the name, the year and the platform.
  • A set of games and get back games that match particular criteria
  • A play session representation, including the game, the date and how long the session lasted.
  • A list of play sessions
  • Managers to load and save game and play  data from and from csv files.

I’ve also built a simple text-based UI, which allows you to save, load and add games and play sessions.

The Basic Text Based UI Menu

I also think I did an ok job using the git flow workflow, although I think I ended up adding too many features in my release 0.1.0 branch. I also added a ton of tests, even if I didn’t quite get myself to a test first mentality.

So I’m happy enough with v0.1.0. RIght now I’m keeping it in a private GitHub Repository, I should probably just open it up, but right at the moment I’m not sure I want to. At least just yet.

The basic tracker running in the terminal.
In terms of usability it’s not great, but it’s a good starting point. My next goal from here is to introduce filtering and aggregation so I can see play sessions aggregated over a list and filter for specific games or time periods. I’ll post an update around July 1, 2018.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Project 18: Video Game Play Tracker

I've been tracking the video games I play for the last few years now. It started out as a move to help me remember what I actually played over the course of a year and how now become something of a habit, as well as a good way for me to be more mindful about how and what I play.

Thus far I've been tracking what I've played in a Google sheet (actually 3 of them at this point). This works pretty well for the most part and it has a lot of nice "analytics" features (by which I mean it has nice pivot tables). I'm finding though that the Google sheet doesn't scale as well as it could and it's a little limited in terms of visualization options (especially 3 years into tracking).

At the same time I've been feeling a bit behind on some practical development skills. I'm not practicing as much as I'd like and when I do I'm messing with my behemoth PhD system.  (A story for another day.) I also don't play with as many dev tools and services as I'd like to.

Combining those things along with spending the last 4 months teaching novice Java programmers and I've decided to give myself *yet another* project. Generally my goal is to: make the Game Tracker work, make it work with Google Sheets and take advantage of anything that seems fancy and cool. Also get a little practice in working with a good git workflow and taking advantage of the tools GitHub provides. And most of all not to let any of this get in the way of the other things I need to be doing.

The goal here is to keep it small and keep it simple. For Phase I, I'd like to get the basics set up: a text menu system to track games and play sessions and save and loading to file. I'll check in next on May 15, 2018.

(And if you find yourself wondering what happened to those games he was talking about, I'll get back to those, but this (right now) seems like it's going to be more compatible as a project that I get to work on after all my other work is done for the day.)

Monday, January 29, 2018

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks - Wrapup

That was fun. I've been really bad about reading over the last few years and I wanted to kick myself to do a little more. And I think I did that, I read 18 books, some were comic volumes or graphic novels and a lot were audio books but I'm happy. I read several books I really enjoyed, particularly The Nameless City and American Gods. The Laundry books also scratch a lot of my nerdy itches even if they do sometimes leave me wanting just a little more.

I'm happy to wrap the project here, although I think I'm going to try to keep a list of my reading updated as I go (like the Lee and Miller's books read list) which will look basically like the project updates did. I've also challenged myself to read 32 books in 2018 in the good reads reading challenge.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 14

The Legends of the Guard books are interesting in that they're basically other artists playing in the Mouse Guard Sandbox. Lots of quick fun different stories.

Friday, December 01, 2017

Project 17: #NaFYoFuThMo - Wrap Up

Has anyone seen November? I distinctly recall there was going to be a November.

Ok. I did kinda notice November an I got a lot written for my thesis. Not as much as I'd hoped, but quite a lot, and I'm almost finished the next major chapter.

I have to say I really enjoyed doing #NaFYoFuThMo. It was a good motivator to get me to sit down and write even when I didn't want to. It also made me feel like there was an end to the project and it was a small enough chunk that I was able to accomplish it. Finally it was fun to report back to Twitter on how I was doing and post Cowboy Bebop gifs (Also #NaFYoFuThMo is fun to say and type).

I managed to write on 13 out of 30 days in November, and in total I wrote 6356 words. That's not great, but its better than I often am, so I think #NaFYo has been good for me. I also keep a "day score" which is basically a weighted average of the last 7 days and I've managed to keep that above zero for the entire month of November, so I feel like that's a win and a step in the right direction when it comes to getting things done.

So I dunno where to go next. #NaFYoFuThMo is really tied to the idea of #NaNoWriMo so I don't feel like I can carry it on beyond November. I also think if I do it'll loose the special feeling of a month long project. On the other hand I really did enjoy reporting back to twitter on how I'd done for the day. I'll think about it for a while and see where I get to.

Friday, November 10, 2017


A little while ago, somewhere out there on the Internet, I ran across a thing about the joy and value in rereading books. I’ve managed to lo...