Showing posts with label Weekend Confirmed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekend Confirmed. Show all posts

Friday, February 06, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 72)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we learn things, end things and eat things. THINGS!

  • First up, as you may have noticed John and Hank have a thing about discovering all the ways we're all wrong. Such a thing apparently that they (well John) made a whole show dedicated to it.
  • Next, somehow I missed that both the Jeffs answer the dumb question I asked, so here's Jeff Mattas answering my question. If you want to see Jeff Cannata answer my question I posted it a while ago.
  • Finally, Adam Savage and the crew at make an omelette. Then Traci Des Jardins up omelettes them. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 65)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we are strong like trees, get things done and rock out in the forrest!

  • First off Laura Shigihara shows off why she's an awesome video game composer.
    • Don't forget to check out the trailer for her new game Rakuen!
  • Next from Weekend Confirmed, which feels way back in the day, Brendon Chung answers some questions about how (and why) to get things and discusses beginning at the end. 
  • Finally, Watsky is Strong as an O-A-K.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 33)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos we get to be nerdy (I know, what a surprise!). Video games, video game music, being Felicia Day and being at that end of undergraduate education.

  • The first video in this volume is from that time when Jeff Cannata answered my question on the (now sadly defunct) Weekend Confirmed video extras. This question came in light of Mass Effect 3's rather botched ending and so I was interested in what games the WC crew thought did their endings right.
  • The next video is an a cappella (and humorous) version of the "Theme from the Dark World", from the "Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" by Demon Tomato Dave. It's a dark place and menacing.
  • Next, another in the a cappella (although not humorous) vein, is a cover of the over world 1-1 theme from "Super Mario Bros". This one is from csvy (who only has the one video and hasn't updated his blog in 3 years).
  • The fourth video in this volume is the first edition of Felicia Day's Flog. In this one she learns how to be a blacksmith (well sort-of).  
  • Finally Elmify goes over her plan in light of being rejected from med school. Most important:  Step 47: Wind Machine. (Spoilers: she's doing pretty well, even if she does seem to suffer from graditise.) As always I'm astounded by her editing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Blog : Cool Things on September 14, 2012

I'm starting a new series of posts on the blog side where I'm going to mention some of the cool things I've run across. I hope this is roughly weekly, but the blog schedule has to flex to the actually being a student schedule.

This first edition is mostly things from youtube, where I'm a little better oganized about keeping track of cool things (and you don't have to worry there's at least a year's worth of favorite YouTube videos before I have to do anything there). In the future I will hopefully be keeping track of all the cool things.


Let's start then with the inimitable Dodger, who has started a let's play series of the game They Bleed Pixels. The style of the game is pretty cool, I especially like the character's pose as she jumps, and how reactive the game looks. It looks like it can become incredibly frustrating so I'm just as happy to let someone else play. Dodger's Let's Play style is enjoyable, she's actually good at games, and makes for great back ground listening. I also appreciate how she goes back at the end of the prologue video to pick up the collectables she missed. Check out the following episodes too, unfortunately there isn't a playlist of them yet.

Another cool video I found this week is Karen Kavett's video on how she created a Doctor Who Guess Who set. She's pretty inspirational on the getting excited and making things front and she makes some pretty cool things. The video features the music from Chameleon Circuit.

The last video this week is the 1000th video from the vlogbrothers (well, technically the 1001st). It's pretty cool all the things that have come together over the last five years. DFTBA.


This week I've also been playing (a bit to my chagrin) Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Dark Lord, a downloadable title by Square-Enix on the Wii. This game is a pretty cheesy tower defense game (in which you have to defend your tower ... rather than use the tower for defense). The concept is a little weird/j-rpg the mechanics are a bit simple (and sometimes frustrating) but for some reason this is a hell of a lot of fun.

Yeah, that's what it looks like ... (via GameFAQs


I've recently run across the not-at-all new Film Sack from the Frog Pants Network. In which Scott Johnson, Brian Dunaway, Randy Jordan and Brian Ibbot discuss a movie each week, usually a B from a while ago and see how it feels, if it holds up and whether people should actually be interested. Despite not being much of a movie buff myself listening to these four guys talk about films is really fun and the kind of thing you can put on in the background while getting things done. I've started listening both to the oldest episode and going forward and the newest one going backward and we'll see what happens when the film sack trains collide.

On a related note, Film Sack's cousin podcast Autopilot is preparing for it's second season. This podcast (put together by Scott Johnson and Tom Merritt) takes a look at the pilots of television shows and is informative and entertaining. They released the first season earlier this year, and decided to fun the second season through Kickstarter (rather than through sponsorships). I enjoyed the first season enough to get on board to give them a kick.


I'd like to thank my friend Daley for his bump to the blog earlier this week. He runs his blog at and keeps a good eye on the world both there and on his twitter.

And finally, although I'm sure everyone's had enough gangnam style, here's the crew of Weekend Confirmed getting overwhelmed by the spirit of ... dance ...

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...