Showing posts with label Sunless Sea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunless Sea. Show all posts

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Blog: Games of November 2019

As often is the case, November was pretty crazy, so I didn't play that much. My time went primarily to Luigi's Mansion 3 with a little bit of day-to-day play of Sunless Sea and Pogo. Now, I'm tired, but the semester is hitting its end point and I'm dreaming of some of the interesting things I can turn my time to in December.

My top five games (by play time) for November were:
  1. Luigi's Mansion 3 - I have super fond memories of the first Luigi's Mansion, what with it being the first game I played on GameCube. I really love the way it forms an interconnected world and an immersive environment that's really fun. Luigi's Mansion 3 seems to have a lot of those bones and is generally quite fun, but it feels a little bit short of a really engaging game.

    Ah, nothing haunting about this game at all.

  2. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - This came up in a list of most disappointing games of the decade I watched recently. Every time we play I do find myself thinking about all the little things they could have added to make this game amazing, but it just falls a little short of what you might want. On the other hand it has enough content spread out in such a way that we still find ourselves a little surprised most times we play and its an important part of our weekend mornings.

    Waiting on a winter day.

  3. Sunless Sea - My push to get better at Sunless Sea produced some interesting results. I definitely got to see more of the game and enjoyed the zen of sailing slowly across the vast(ish) unterzee.

    Crabs. As big as the ship.

  4. Europa Universalis IV - Most of my time came from a pretty chill Saturday at the end of the month. Every time I play I'm struck by the interesting balance of feeling of in control and out of control. I think for EU V they could do some streamlining of interfaces and some clarification about implications and consequences, but now I'm enjoying understanding what the flow of a war is likely to be before I actually start it. I've found it extremely beneficial to play on Iron Man because it causes you to follow through and see exactly how things happen.

    Never quite enough resources to take over the whole world.

  5. Pokémon Go - I'd have liked to get out a bit more, but didn't leave myself the time or mental space to really do so. I'm thinking even if the weather's a bit crappy in December I should put myself to doing a little more intentional play.

    Big and shiny.

Here's my total play time chart for November:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Blog: Games of October 2019

October was a month where I didn't really have a game I was setting out to play. I've hit a point where I'm a little tired of Three Houses. I played a lot of Dragon Quest as a game to relax with and then somewhat distracted myself with EU 4 a few days in the month. It's also been one of those months where I've found myself watching more things rather than playing, which is often a mid-semester thing for me.

My top five games (by play time) for October were:
  1. Dragon Quest XI - As a game to pick up in the evenings and play for a little bit, DQ XI has been great. The feel of the game is very good, even while I have some concerns with other factors about the game.

    Hello! Everything is fine! Perfect! Going exactly as expected.

  2. Europa Universalis IV - EU 4 has an amazing capacity for "fun", where in once things start going a little wrong they immediately explode into many things going very wrong. So a lot of my play time has been me trying to crush either the Papel Seat, England or Poland in retribution for the thing they did to me last time.

    Whelp. Time for another vendetta play through.

  3. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - October is probably the most interesting month to play Amiibo Fest. They introduce an extra candy collecting mechanics which has a roughly 50/50 success rate and means that you actually have to play with a little thought. We still play a bit on autopilot these days, but Amiibo Fest is still a weekend morning tradition for us.

    Racoon butts.

  4. Sunless Sea - Mark Brown produced a video about rogue-likes talking about how the player skill and the difficulty curve interact. I am bad enough at most rogue-likes that I never really seem to see the game change. Lately I've been trying to improve how I play, or experience, or something, Sunless Sea. The story elements are still interesting, although I had a couple of captains die in quick succession, which broke a little of the illusion of continuity in the story structure.

    Perfect. Totally not doomed.

  5. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Remember how I hadn't burned out on Three Houses last month? Well, now I have. The problem with the 4 endings the game has is that it does require a lot of replay of very similar missions and eventually it starts to feel like I've just done the same thing over and over again. The combat simply doesn't support the amount of story the game has and the reuse of maps is kinda disappointing, at least if you play the Golden Deer and the Blue Lions one after the other. The Black Eagles - Crimson Flower have definitely been more different so far, but I needed a break.


Here's my total play time chart for October:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Blog: Video Games of November

I wasn't terribly settled to any specific game in November, but I'm feeling relaxed and enjoyed a lot of different things.

My top five games (by play time) for November were:
  1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - As  (pretty much) always Breath of the Wild topped my list for the month. I'm trying on this play through (still my 2nd) to do an all shrines play through and I think I'm getting close. I'm curious if the Champions DLC will arrive before I finish.
    Thank you, Mr. Iwata.

    Breath of the Wild has held up to more than 200 hours playing and I'm still enjoying it. Sometimes I miss the tighter story of other games (I went to the Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses last night and was reminded of just how much fun those other games can be), but Breath of the Wild is always fun to play.
  2. Europa Universalis 4 - A few times a year I just get the urge to take over the world as the Ottomans, then I give up. EU4 is interesting in how it always has things to do, so you get a version of the Civilization "one more turn" and when I first stop playing I always think of what the next thing I should be doing in the game. I find that this fades for me some the longer I play a particular game as I don't have quite the skill / focus / DLC for a more in-depth play through.
    I always enjoy it when the game really wanders of historical maps.

  3. Super Mario 3D World - Other than Breath of the Wild this has been what I've turned my Wii U on for in the last little while. I've been enjoying dropping in for short play sessions trying to 100% complete the game. I will admit I was a little influenced by everyone enjoying Mario Ojddesy, but I'll get to that once the PhD is finished.
    Just a giant Bowser head, how bad can it be.

  4. Ogre Battle 64 - I didn't start a new play through this year! That means that I'm surprisingly close to making it to the end, although whether or not I've been careful enough to actually get the "real ending" I guess we'll see. It remains one of those games which I mostly love, but which has some problems in execution. I keep hunting for a "perfect" version, but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
    Zarus and I share a birthday!?

  5. Sunless Sea - Sunless Sea is a lot of fun and I should play it more. There's a related game, Fallen London, which is free to play and worth checking out. Both games revolve around story telling in a dark, dystopian(?) steam punk, world where London was stolen by bats and delivered into the Unterzee.
    It's hard to capture a screenshot that really captures the game, but this is a lot of it all at once.

    In Sunless Sea you travel the zee trying to make a fortune, or a name for yourself, or just sense of the world. It is a rogue like sailing game and a story card game. It plays at a wonderful pace, and, if you give yourself to it, a story that will really grab you (maybe by the foot, in the dark, with an icy tentacle).

Here's my total play time chart for November:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

The Books I Read - February 2025

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