Showing posts with label DemonTomatoDave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DemonTomatoDave. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 155)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we lament the passing of small local video game zoos and celebrate just how cool modern engineering can be.

  • First. Dave Bulmer, sings a song that makes him very happy. About Donkey Kong. And how he doesn't have a zoo any more. And it's a real song even!
  • Next, Destin from Smarter Every Day discovers that the cupola shutters on the International Space Station work by turning a rod stuck through the side of the space station. You might think this would let all the air out, but, because engineering is cool, it doesn't.
  • Finally, The Engineer Guy breaks down the way aluminum cans are manufactured, which is a very complex process for something that happens within a second or so.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (154)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we freeze the rain, celebrate feathered friends and begin at (almost) the very beginning.

  • Did you ever want to watch rain drops hold still? Destin from Smarter Every Day brings you your dreams with a syringe and a slotted spoon. 
  • Next, Norman Caruso, The Gaming Historian takes a break to tell you his 10 favourite birds in video games, because ... well, don't *you* have 10 favourite birds in video games? (I think my number one is Sage Joch)
  • Finally Dave Bulmer brings you not the beginning, but the beginning of the bit at the beginning of the beginning but just after the beginning of the beginning. By which I mean he's talking about the beginning of the Prolog of The Way of Kings (by Brandon Sanderson). Dave already talked about why he's talking about the Stormlight Archive in an even earlier beginning.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 152)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos,  we drum up some memories, hammer down some problems and then sponge up some more useless knowledge.

  • First, I hope your imaginary spaceship is ready, because Dave Bulmer is really excited about Forbidden Planet and he has his iambics, his pentameters and corrugators ready. (If you're also wondering what the hell he's going on about, he explains, in this video).
  • Next, Brent Black brings us Super Mario 3D World with lyrics, because it's nice to celebrate the games that can save your friendships rather than destroy them.
  • Finally, John Green has some facts that you might need to know (by which of course will never *need* to know, but will still come to you when you least expect it).

Friday, September 23, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume (144)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos,  we get a little superstitious about song writing.

  • First, Pomplamoose rebuilds a song to create the Stevie Wonder Herbie Hancock Mashup.
  • Next we take a deep dive with Dave Bulmer and Brent Black where they talk about their collaborations to date and the new (then) Ocarina of Time with Lyrics Video. (It's two parts and total, about an hour and a half, just a heads up).

Friday, August 12, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 138)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we believe, get stuck and colour some magic.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos, (Volume 137)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we share a pizza, get some luggage and go check out our local comic book store!

  • First, Dave Bulmer, shares his thoughts about how (and why) to make a good Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. And he does it by breaking down what makes the Ninja Turtles, why the 90s movie worked in the day and what's important when you're trying to tell a story. I think it's also a good point to keep in mind when you're trying to adapt a story from one medium to another.
  • Next, Dave unveils his bookshelf series (which eventually became its own channel), talks about why we should talk about the things we're enjoying and embarks on reading through all of the Discworld books. (Don't worry he hasn't gotten that far yet, so now's the perfect time to jump in). I've been kind of delighted since I started reading Discworld in order just before this and it's nice to have someone to read along with.
  • Finally, the very awesome Amy Dallen sings about her comic book store (because that's where the books live, but it's also much more!). Also features a bunch of the Geek and Sundry vloggers in their LCBSes (including mine!)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 60)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get to enjoy music in boxes and music about boxes and learn together.

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...