Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2024 in Books

While I've been looking at a lot of these yearly wrap up posts, one thing I was reminded of is how much I've really managed to make reading a happy habit. I've always read a lot, but since we all locked down in 2020 I've tried to be a lot more intentional about how I read and now I'm pretty happy with that. Keeping track outside of Good Reads has been really helpful for that, and it's nice to know more about what and how I read. I've also had fun putting together my monthly reading updates (and I've had fun making tools to put together my monthly reading updates).

I like year end updates and I thought it would be fun to wrap up my reading in 2024.

What I Read

I read 103 books this year. Good Reads says I read 104, but I can't figure out where I got my wires crossed. As I wrote about earlier, apparently half of those were mysteries and much of the rest were either fantasy or science fiction.

I split my reading about half and half between audiobooks and eBooks. My reading was also split about 50/50 between things I borrowed from the library through Overdrive / Libby and stuff I purchased or already owned. I mostly read newer books, with about half coming from the 2010s and 2020s.

I read 48 unique authors. Elly Griffiths wrote a third of the books I read — although she only wrote about a sixth of the actual pages. I also read a lot of Anna Lee Huber, Andrea Penrose, Victoria Goddard, Martha Wells and Carola Dunn.

My reading tailed off towards the end of the year, which involved me getting distracted watching Critical Role play D & D and then later the UK show Taskmaster. Still I read stuff that made me happy and I was happy reading.

Important Books

I think the books that are going to stick with me the most from 2024 are The Lays of the Hearth-Fire which are a really interesting story of growth and systems and and friendships and decolonialism and retirement. The writing is very good, although maybe a little loose. I keep wondering if the books have to be as long as they are, and, although some parts feel like Goddard is returning to the same ideas with more detail each time, there aren't any parts you could lose without mangling the texture of the story, if not the narrative.

Weirdly — and it is weird — Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age by Dennis Duncan is going to stick with me. I'm not sure I'll read it again — although the audiobook is half prose, half numbers station, so a text version might be worth it — but it affirmed my nerdy passion for keeping track of things and trying to build structures that help me experience the world. I received The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper by Roland Allen for Christmas and I'm looking forward to it as well.

I don't know know that it's important, but The Legend of Galactic Heroes details the fall of democracy to authoritarian power, over ten light novels. If it has a theme it's that everyone's schemes fail, if no where else, then in death. Given the stubborn grimness with which it views life, and the chaos of 2025 so far, it stands out to me, even if I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for entertainment or thought. I mostly read it because the anime has a lot of nifty space ships.

Authors I Liked

I honestly enjoyed every book I read this year. A few authors really struck me as interesting or particularly fun.

As I wrote about when I looked at the Mysteries I read this year, Carola Dunn writes books that I devoured. I can't totally define what it is but her Daisy Dalrymple books were so easy to read that I was finishing about one a day, until I intentionally slowed myself down. Some of what I liked was in the optimism and energy of the protagonist.

Martha Wells also writes books that really grab me. The Murderbot books are probably my favourite of her works, but the Raksura books also really good. It took me a little time to get into them — given how unexpected and complicated the world she built is — but once I was in, they were really fun books. I think both Murderbot and Witch King / The Rising World, grabbed me with imaginative worlds, but were easily understood and highly relatable.

Anna Lee Huber really stood out to me for the way her protagonists work. In both the The Lady Darby Mysteries and The Verity Kent Mysteries she creates a protagonist that's instantly interesting, with secrets and layers that support that initial impression as the series go on. They also have historical english female characters who, anachronistically or not, feel independent and active in a way that that fits in the historical frame of the story. They're also just really interesting books to read.

Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas's book on wildlife in the city, Secret Life of the City: How Nature Thrives in the Urban Wild was very interesting. It inspired me to think a lot about nature and how much space for nature there is — and can be in our urban environments. It also set the bar high for non-fiction.

Louise Penny was also interesting with the Chief Inspector Armand Gamache books. In particular they really remind me of how I understood Canada in the the late 1990s and early 2000s. A Canada that's transmitted through the CBC, by a guy who's probably wearing a cable knit sweater with cigarette burned holes in the sleeves, and which has differences, like anglo and french, but that is mostly pastoral with a little bit of grit underneath.

Trends And Stuff

My system — such as it is — for reading at the moment is largely to shift between different types of books. So if I'm reading a mystery as an eBook, then I'm more likely to read something Sci-Fi as an audio book. I also move between heavier and lighter books so while I was blasting through the Daisy Dalrymple books, I was also working on the Lords of Uncreation which was a less light read. (It was still pretty good and contained very few sentient spiders — which can be important notes for a Tchaikovsky book.)

My mix of mysteries, sci fi and fantasy stayed fairly consistent through the year and I swapped audio and eBook pretty consistently as well.

I read on average 97 ePages per day (ePages as defined by selecting the "kindle" edition of every book in Good Reads) and I finished a book every 3.5 days which was right on track for my goal of two books every week.

The shortest book I read was We Interrupt This Broadcast by Mary Robinette Kowal — available on her blog at 25 ePages. The longest book I read was At the Feet of the Sun by Victoria Goddard at 1330 ePages. The second longest book was The Hands of the Emperor also by Goddard and also in The Lays of the Hearth-Fire series. She likes long books, although the shorts she's surrounded the main series with are also very good. The median length of book I read this year was 335 ePages.

The majority of what I read was published since 2010, about 3/4s of all the books. The earliest published book was Whose Body? by Dorothy L. Sayers, published in 1923 and the most recently published book was Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs, published in June 2024, which was incidentally the last book I read in 2024. The only other 2024 published book I read was The Last Remains by Elly Griffiths. I don't know why by for the last two years, I've read the most books from the year before (so more 2023 books in 2024 and more 2022 books in 2023), and very few from the actual year.

Reading 2024

I like how generally unstructured my 2024 reading was. In some past years I've have a more focused project or an author or genre I've been looking for but for the most part I just let my self float through 2024. I always had an interesting book to read and I like most of what I read.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Blog - 2024

Um hello! I'd wish you a Happy Belated Blog End and Start day, but that was a while ago... Did anyone one get the licence plate of that August? I'll be picking calendar shrapnel out of my brain for weeks!

If you're new here, welcome, good timing. The next sentence I'm going to write is weird, but it'll be a whole year now before I write again. My rule is to never start a project without an idea of how it ends, so I never set out to blog for more than a year at a time and the beginning of August -- actually mid July, but honestly nothing here makes that much sense -- marks the end of the last year of blogging, and, since I feel like continuing on, the start of the next year.

I noted last year that I wanted to cut back on quantity in favour of quality. I've certainly achieved reduced quantity, quality isn't quite where I want it but you know, things are coming along. I guess my goal of this year is now to increase the quantity of the quality.

I'm proud of the two "Things about Games" posts I wrote (Sea of Stars and Unicorn Overlord) and I enjoyed the things I wrote about reading and rereading. I also had fun rebuilding the way I record the books I read and the games I play. Games especially aren't quite there yet, but my over engineered mail merge is fun. 

Do I know what I'm doing next? Nope. I might blog more. I might finally move off blogger/blogspot. I might just hang out and write another August post here next year feeling like I'm almost where I want to be. Still I'm working on getting the "shoulds" out of my life and just doing. 

I'll see ya'll for the New Year's navelgazing. In the mean time I hope we can have a little adventure. Hope you've found a nice seat. 

A view from a lawn chair of a bit of a messy yard, under a blue sky with a couple of fluffy summer clouds.

Thursday, August 03, 2023

Ten and Three Years Blogging

Well, it’s August again and I get to wish you Happy Blog End and Start Day.

If this is your first Blog End and Start Day, welcome! This is the day when I “wrap up” my blog and then also the day when I start a “new” blog for a new year. This is the tradition because I always find it hard when long running projects fade away and so I don’t want to take on anything that doesn’t have a committed end date. So every August I start a new season (or edition, or volume) of the blog.

This is somewhat complicated by the fact that I tend to actually make changes to how I’m blogging in January, but I publish my first real post on … July 24, 2011… wait why do I write publish these these on August 1? Aaanyway, this is my yearly update to the Blog as Blog (writing about things, as opposed to project updates).

The biggest thing that’s different this year from last year is that the actual number of posts is way down. I’ve gone from averaging 5ish posts a month to more like 3. Most of that is changing how I keep track of the books I’ve been reading, and going from a list to a monthly infographic. This has generally made me happier because it cuts down on trying to keep track of the books and having a constant need to post and honestly making the monthly infographics has been fun. In light of all of the AI nonsense going on right now, doing things by hand feels worthwhile and entertaining and satisfying.

I’ve also been trying to put less stuff on the blog so that I can focus more on projects, be that [writing] or other stuff. I also want to write more better blog posts, I really want 2023 to be the year I set myself as a writer in my mind, and writing more meaningful posts is a part of that, so I’m trying to put less filler on the blog.

Since April I’ve given myself the objective of writing two meaningful blog posts each month. One is supposed to go on here, and the other is supposed to go on my professional blog Learning and Technology. I should be at eight posts so far, and I’m at five, but I feel like I’m moving in the correct direction. (It is the nature of blogging that all posts are made while moving in the correct direction because when you’re falling around not doing things, one of the things you don’t do is blog.)

Virtual stickies on two squares, one square reading 'General Update on Code Doodles', 'Most Memorable Mario Levels', 'and Station Mystery Process'. The other reads 'Using Good AI for Teaching' and 'Thinking more about AI - June 2023 edition'

I think I’m happy content wise with what’s up and I feel like I’m doing things I like doing in a way I like doing them.

What I’m increasingly less happy with is the platform. I’ve been on Blogger for a while and got very close to quitting a few years back when they suddenly modernised a bunch of stuff and it got easier to use. As a platform blogger is okay, but it isn’t exactly doing what I want. The biggest (and maybe dumbest) thing right now is that it still limits you to 200 characters of tags per post. That’s fewer characters than I generally need and it breaks the way I want to be using tags.

The other thing is it’s past time that I consolidated my digital footprint outside of Google’s infrastructure. Especially with issues coming up around AI, the time feels right to move on, but also just in general if I want to advocate for doing things the right way online I should probably do things the way I think they should be done.

So I’m going to start looking at moving the blog over to my own infrastructure. I’ll post lots of updates as I get things set up, but you may have to move your RSS feed when the change comes. A while back feedburner had a fit, so I took it off the blog, but then it started working again, so if you follow on RSS and have for a while, migration should happen automatically, but it may not. It’s 2023 never trust a corporation, or software, or anyone, or anything. Maybe move to the woods and help restrore the environment...

Cough. I’m not 100% sure what tech stack I’m going to go to, but figuring that out will give me more things to blog about, so it’s a win all around. At the moment, I might lean into wordpress, but I also think, given a lot of what I want out of the web, I may go towards Hugo and try to keep things as flat and dumb as possible.

Anyway, that’s your update for another Year of the Blog. Take care and I’ll see you in August 2024 (plus hopefully lots of days in between).

A sky split with clouds on the left and blue on the right over bright trees.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

More on what to do about the books I'm reading

After my other post about what I wanted to do with tracking my reading, I spent a while thinking about what was most important to me and then put a post together as a starting point.

I figured details weren't that important since Good Reads tracks all of that, so I really wanted to take a high level view. The other things I wanted to keep was the enjoyment I get out of having the authors in the tags of the posts, but without the pain in the ass of fighting the blogger tag system. 

It turns out that it's not easy to get a report on books from Good Reads. The ,csv I downloaded was missing either a lot of books or a lot of information. I ended up building the stats by hand, which was fairly manageable with 8 books in January. That seems like it'll be more-or-less average for the year. I'm avoiding the urge for now to build a tracking tool. 

A collage of covers seems like a nice way to encapsulate the month and gives me something visual to hang on to. I also decided to build my own word cloud of authors. It's a spiral with authors being added in the order I read them, and then as I read more books of theirs I'll start enlarging the size. I think there are some things that could use adjusting -- I'm not that happy with the font for one thing -- but again my goal for this was to get something done. I do lose the tags in the blog tags, but I don't know how much I care in the long term.

A list of authors and how many times they been read and a picture of those authors written out in a spiral.

I figured beyond titles and authors I'd keep track of when books where published. I'm surprised how much "new stuff" I'm reading, so it seems like that was worth while. I also already track where I got books from and formats (so I know if I want to re-read), so I tossed that in as well.

It's a start. I don't feel like the look is exactly what I'm looking for, but it'll do for now. And it's reconnecting me with I'm also not sure if it captures the right information, but I don't know that there's anything it *needs* to capture right now. I figure I'll add year-to-date in the February post and go from there. I would like it to have a little bit more of an "infographic" look, but I also want to stay fairly pure in terms of HTML and CSS (at least for now).

If you have any thoughts about tracking books, I'd love to hear them.

Monday, January 30, 2023

What to do about the books I'm reading

 I've spent the last several years tracking the books I've read on the blog. I started doing it more or less become Sharon Lee does it and it seems cool. I also may have some latent quantified selfer tendencies.

It's been fun to do, to some extent and it's something I can do to feel creative without really having to think (and knitting projects are also kinda nice). It also makes me revisit what I've read and keep the keeping track I'm doing on Goodreads organized. I'm not sure whether or not it helped me to read more, but it certainly didn't hurt.

On the other hand, there are some problems. Some of them are technical and then a few are more organization (and now one is ethical).

The first problem I have is that blogger limits the number of tags you have on a post. Actually that's not true. Blogger limits the number of characters you have in tags to 200. I have no idea why, but it means that if I have more than about 3 books in a post I have to leave things out and I really like having the authors and books and series show up in the cloud tag at the bottom of the blog. I suppose I could put one book per post, but that's always felt like too many extra posts.

The next is that it's hard to keep a numbered list in a table in HTML. It's not impossible (and I do actually intend to write up how I automated it) but it means that when I look at my blog on the web on a nice big computer screen it looks good, nice list of numbered lines with enough space for things like the title and the author. However if I look at it on my phone, or at the RSS feed it's messed up. The counting relies on javascript which isn't implemented the same everywhere and often it's a mess.

I used to manually number the table to keep that from happening, but manually numbering 120 rows of an HTML table is an invitation to duplication and mess. It also doesn't' help the inevitable problem that no matter how careful I am, the list I have on the blog never matches the list of have on good reads and I'm at a loss to fix it. I think it was pretty good in 2021, but more or less it's always been wrong.

Keeping the list on Goodreads and on my blog is also redundant, and aside the benefits I mentioned earlier, I'm not sure there's a lot of reason to keep two lists. I think putting the books on the blog also provided me with a good excuse for not writing on things. Oh, I should writing about automatically numbering rows in an HTML table, but I'll just update the books first. Blogging about books has certainly swamped the number of posts I've made about anything else for the last while.

Finally I'm tempted to quit Goodreads. My partner and I have been trying to move a lot of our business away from Amazon, and since the business with Comixology, I've been pretty unhappy to let them be the automatic choice in our life. I've discovered Bookwyrm, which has the benefit of being part of the fediverse along with Mastodon, but on the other hand I really like seeing the handful of friends I'm friends with on Goodreads and I'd be sad to leave there right now.

So I'm not all that sure what I want to do. For the time being, I'm not blogging the books I've read this year. If you're interested then you're totally welcome to keep track of what I've been reading over on Goodreads. I think some kind of periodic data project might be the way to go, since there's a lot of fun visualization things that I could be doing and that would also keep me in touch with the books I've read the way blogging them did. 

There are other more general thoughts I've been having about blogging, none of which I'm all that ready to write about. For now, I think this is where I'm at, less book blogging and I'm going to have to find something else to do when I need a slightly brainless project. Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Project 1: Blog 12 - Update

Happy Blog End and Start Day (Belated)

A photo at golden hour, with a quarter of a rainbow reaching over a small garden.

I’m late. Later than usual, but I like to take the first of August as a day to wrap up what I’ve written on this blog in the year before and look ahead. One of my original ideas with the blog was that things shouldn’t go on forever, so this is my time to look at what I’m planning to do for the next year.

I suppose, as I always do, I should point out that I’m doing two things at once here (because I’m bad at being straightforward about things). The first thing is a project tracker, where I keep track of all the things I’ve worked on for myself. The second, one of those projects, is a blog where I … write … things.

This is my second attempt at writing this post. My first came out quite angry with myself and felt rather bilious when I looked back at it. In short, I’m a little frustrated that I haven’t been moving forward with creative projects, including the blog. I haven’t done a lot that’s really interesting with the blog this year, but I do have posts which I quite like on set similarity and Java Preferences. Also, while they may be deeply boring, I still enjoy posting the regular updates tracking the games I play and the books I read.

I want to do more creative things, and I want to give myself more grace that the things I do don’t have to be perfect. Maybe I'll write more here; maybe I won't. Maybe I'll write more somewhere else; maybe I won't. Maybe I'll dance the funky chicken; maybe I won't.

Thanks for following along and I’ll see you next August.

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Project 1: Blog11!! - Update

So, a decade of doing this blog thing huh. I may still not have any idea what I’m doing but I’m moving ahead so that’ll have to be good enough.

This year I’m not in the garden because 
  • a) the smoke is in the garden and I’m tired of the smoke and 
  • b) I’ve picked up a full time job and it does take up all those in the middle of the day hours. 

A rose with bright pink flowers in a small garden.
I may not have been out that much, but the rose is happy this year.

I started blogging in late July 2011 and usually take the first of August as Blog End and Start Day. I'm a little late, but I mentioned that full time job thing. You may also be looking at the list of posts (way down at the bottom of the page) and be thinking to yourself, but TJ, you started this in February and then sat on you butt for several months, and to that I would say, yes, but I’ve found a way to make it more complicated as that.

The “blog” is a project tracker where I’m supposed to keep “the world” updated on the things that I’m doing as a form of self-accountability. That doesn’t work as well as I’d like, but that’s the idea. The *trick* is that the first of those projects is a blog where I practice writing … and keep track of interesting metrics about my life, so Project 1 of the blog is a “Blog.” Other projects are updates, but for the “Blog” I also post the posts here.

If that’s not confusing enough, Blog End and Start day is the day where I finish writing the “Blog” for last year and start writing the “Blog” for this year. Clear as mud? Excellent. The basic idea stems from how frustrating it can be when a long-running project falls apart because the creator isn’t into doing it any more. This way if I decide I don’t want to blog any more, well you wouldn’t have expected me to do it past August anyway.  (If you were somehow sitting there with baited breath for a new blog post to come out.) Between now and next August is my 11th year of blogging.

By far, I’ve spent this last year using the blog to keep track of games I’ve played and books I’ve read. In fact, aside from last year’s Blog End and Start Day post and my new year resolutions posts I only wrote one in-depth post (on Paper Mario: The Origami King). This was more or less on purpose, because I wanted to focus my time on creating novel stuff (well, new stuff, not just the novel…), so I’m happy enough with the blog this year.

I like keeping track of what I’ve read and what I’ve played because it feels so easy at the end of the year to look back and have no idea where your time went. Instead I’ve felt like everything I’ve played and read this year has mattered. It’s helped me to read more and it’s helped me to enjoy the games I’ve played.

Looking forward, I want to write more. So, I’m going to try to write more. I’d also like to document more about my thoughts for teaching and the things I like about programming. My day job involves a lot of writing and not that much teaching, so this feels like a great way to build my writing skill while keeping in touch with my teaching. No guarantees, but I’d like to write two posts a month. I’ll update my other projects in a bit and I want to get some progress on them too (as I always do).

Google has managed to clean up enough about blogger that I’m content to keep the blog here for now. I am still considering options (and the day job calls for more word press), but moving the blog feels like a ton of work if I don’t have to.

2021 is definitely bringing new and different things for me. I’m learning and growing and hopefully another year of blogging will help with that.

A blue sky above green pine trees and a brown garden fence.
Once upon a time, the skies were blue and we were happy.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Blog: Games of January 2021

January was a transitional month for me, so I had a different month playing games. My days are a little more structured and I'm much more able to take an evening or a day on the weekend to play. I've also been trying to play more intentionally, and focus on a couple of games.

My top five games (by play time) for January were:
  1. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - The more I play Age of Calamity, the more interesting I find it. I do find that the musou style of game play doesn't really appeal to me, but with practice I do feel like I'm doing epic things now. The story and especially the cutscenes are really well done and have made it worth playing.
    Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Hestu the tree spirit crushes a kneeling moblin.

  2. Dicey Dungeons - I needed to find something to enjoy during lunch. Now given that I work, take lunch, play PC games and do my hobbies all at the same desk, maybe I *don't* need something to enjoy during lunch, but I'm still looking. Dicey Dungeons has more-or-less been a good fit for that, but I am finding I'm hitting a bit of a wall as I get to its harder difficulties. It's fun and has a lot of good mechanics, but the pacing is a bit harsh.
    Dicey Dungeons - The Thief die fights Audry the body builder, with Dagger, Poison Needle, Bloodsuck, Snowball and a Glass Cauldren

  3. Hades - Still totally awesome, but I've been playing a bit less just due to focusing on other things. The one thing I find frustrating is that if I don't play for a few days, my next few runs are really rough.
    Hades - Zagreus stands in a blood covered room in the Temple of Styx, decorated with statues of Cerberus

  4. Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Uh, I'm sliding out of this. They have announced several updates and events for February, but I'm finding it harder and harder to stay interested. I'd still love to love this, but they're just not really finishing development. I don't know if it was caught in the pandemic, it was just successful enough that Nintendo decided to put resources else where, or this was their original idea of the game, but as anything beyond a doll house it's hollow.
    Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Static stands in his new, snow covered yard, smiling.

  5. Mario 35 - I suppose Nintendo's gambit that putting a time limit on how long you can play the game worked because I keep choosing to play this over other games because it's going away in March. It's good game and the battle-royal is interesting. 
    Mario 35 - Results screen showing TJ ending 3rd, just after becoming level 1-star.

Here's my total play time chart for January:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Blog: Games of December 2019

2019 was a long year (long decade?). So it was really nice to be able to chill at the end of the month and the end of the year.

My top five games (by play time) for December were:
  1. Chrono Trigger - I was a little bit inspired by Chuggaconroy playing this during the year, but also there's just something about the December break that calls for SNES games for me. I'm pretty fascinated at the number of things I've learned about Chrono Trigger, having played the game pretty consistently over the last two and a half decades.

    An adventure awaits.

  2. Dragon Quest XI - Continuing along, I enjoyed playing, but the game does feel a bit slow.


  3. Cursed Treasure 2 - I love tower defence and out of all the free tower defence games available to play while avoiding marking this is the very best. I think I'm going to try to make my own TD game this year.

    In trouble, but happy.

  4. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - The tradition continues.

    Last concert of the year.

  5. Super Mario Odyssey - Out of all the games I played this year (more on that soon) this one is the one that calls to me the most to pick it up again. The game play and flow are enticing and it just always a joy to play.

    A game with a view.

Here's my total play time chart for December:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Blog: Games of October 2019

October was a month where I didn't really have a game I was setting out to play. I've hit a point where I'm a little tired of Three Houses. I played a lot of Dragon Quest as a game to relax with and then somewhat distracted myself with EU 4 a few days in the month. It's also been one of those months where I've found myself watching more things rather than playing, which is often a mid-semester thing for me.

My top five games (by play time) for October were:
  1. Dragon Quest XI - As a game to pick up in the evenings and play for a little bit, DQ XI has been great. The feel of the game is very good, even while I have some concerns with other factors about the game.

    Hello! Everything is fine! Perfect! Going exactly as expected.

  2. Europa Universalis IV - EU 4 has an amazing capacity for "fun", where in once things start going a little wrong they immediately explode into many things going very wrong. So a lot of my play time has been me trying to crush either the Papel Seat, England or Poland in retribution for the thing they did to me last time.

    Whelp. Time for another vendetta play through.

  3. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - October is probably the most interesting month to play Amiibo Fest. They introduce an extra candy collecting mechanics which has a roughly 50/50 success rate and means that you actually have to play with a little thought. We still play a bit on autopilot these days, but Amiibo Fest is still a weekend morning tradition for us.

    Racoon butts.

  4. Sunless Sea - Mark Brown produced a video about rogue-likes talking about how the player skill and the difficulty curve interact. I am bad enough at most rogue-likes that I never really seem to see the game change. Lately I've been trying to improve how I play, or experience, or something, Sunless Sea. The story elements are still interesting, although I had a couple of captains die in quick succession, which broke a little of the illusion of continuity in the story structure.

    Perfect. Totally not doomed.

  5. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Remember how I hadn't burned out on Three Houses last month? Well, now I have. The problem with the 4 endings the game has is that it does require a lot of replay of very similar missions and eventually it starts to feel like I've just done the same thing over and over again. The combat simply doesn't support the amount of story the game has and the reuse of maps is kinda disappointing, at least if you play the Golden Deer and the Blue Lions one after the other. The Black Eagles - Crimson Flower have definitely been more different so far, but I needed a break.


Here's my total play time chart for October:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blog: Games of September 2019

September wasn't too exciting. I'm continuing my march through Three Houses, (2 endings down, 2 endings left) and I've started playing a little Dragon Quest XI. Other than that I'm trying to find a good balance between productivity, gaming for relaxation and gaming for excitement.

My top five games (by play time) for September were:
  1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - It keeps going and going ... *Pink Rabbit Rolls Through Banging Drum*. This game could have turned into a total slog, but the actual game play has been fun enough that I've always been pretty happy to fire it up. Additionally the different stories for the three houses has made it really interesting to keep going. I'm planning one more play through now to finish the last ending. I'm also thinking of another play through to do some kind of 'perfect play through'.

    I think this is her problem summed up really.

    For my third play through I moved the difficulty back down so that I could play a little faster. I'm also playing the Black Eagles now, and I'm trying not to recruit any PCs from other houses (I did pick up a few, but just to ensure I have enough bodies on the field for the bigger missions). I really appreciate how different the Black Eagle story and missions are. I was a little disappointed with the similarities between the Golden Deer and the Blue Lions.

  2. Dragon Quest XI - I'm really enjoying Dragon Question XI. It brings back a lot of the things I've enjoyed about other DQs and it's refreshing. I think Tim Roger's review sums it up best for me. This is a game you can play at an easy pace, and just drift into it. There's enough game to keep me engaged, but not so much that it requires my full attention.

    And I've never been happier.

    It has some nice quality of life improvements over previous games. The ability to run quickly is nice (as is the collection of speedy mounts you can pick up. I've ended up adjusting the combat back to pretty standard for Dragon Quest, but I appreciate their attempt to spice up the combat and further the fact that I *could* switch it back. I'm looking forward to this as a nice long story with some funny accents and swords and magic.

  3. Super Mario Maker 2 - I haven't really gotten into SMM 2 the way I did to the first one. I'm not quite sure what I'm missing because they've made a lot of nice additions to the game. I think it may just be that my creative energy is pointed elsewhere right now. I also feel like the increase in quality of levels and the increase in styles/tools has resulted the levels feeling a little more standardized. I'm still enjoying it, but it hasn't been a must play.


  4. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Our weekend standard continues. We're thinking we'll substitute in New Horizons some of the time when it comes out, but Amiibo Fest has been an important part of our quite time.

    Checking out the scores.

  5. Super Mario World (SNES on Switch) - This is the *weirdest* Super Mario Maker game. I think of the 2D Mario's this my favourite, but playing it again with the SNES online service, I'm struck but just how weird it is in comparison to all the other games. I've maybe played more of this game then any other (It's the very first game I bought for myself) and I've enjoyed picking it up again. In light of Super Mario Maker and a lot of common 'rules' for level development it feels very different, sometimes it feels unfair or weird, but generally I think it's fun. It's also a hefty dose of nostalgia.

    I'm amazed at how it feels like this game comes right out of the screen.

Here's my total play time chart for September:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Blog: Games of July 2019

July was the first month in a long, loong time where I was able to just relax. I spent a lot of it with old childhood favourites and sprinting around being Mario. It was a nice month. Then I got hit by what might be the best Fire Emblem ever and I'm not quite sure what's happens to all the time since.

My top five games (by play time) for July were:
  1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Oh wow. So I picked this up on July 26. I played 30 hours. It's pretty great. I have a few nitpicks on pacing and story, but both the actual Fire Emblem grid-based combat and the interstitial Professorial team-building phase are really fun. Played the first pass on normal, casual difficulty (party because I'm tired of how hard Awakening would kick my butt) and I've found it a touch easy. Overall this game has taken over my life a bit and it's pretty glorious being able to revel in it for a while. That being said, my students may be a little confused come September when I try to teaching them by fishing a bunch.

    Ah. What a lovely place for a nap.

  2. Super Mario Odyssey - The more I play of this the more I love it. There's so much diversity in things to do and the motion and control is a lot of fun. I think it could have a little more to it, and I'm sad there wasn't any DLC, but I've loved my time with Super Mario Odyssey.

    There is more in this game than has been dreamed of in any 8-bit philosophy.

  3. Opus Magnum - Zachtronics gets me. I loved SpaceChem and Opus Magnum is the new, fancy, more accessible version of SpaceChem. The missions feel a lot more achievable than some of the early Zachtronics games, and once you've achieved a working result, it's extremely satisfying to go back in an optimize those results. I think having spent a lot of time thinking about algorithmic problem solving for novice computer scientists really put me in the right frame of my to enjoy this game.

    It's not efficient but it is pretty, which this game lets you do quite happily. 

  4. Secret of Mana (Collection of Mana) - I think this my be my game-of-my-lifetime. I bought the Collection of Mana mostly for the other two games, but I've spent more time on Secret of Mana and been extremely happy playing it again. I love the way the story flows, I love the big bright sprites, I love the controls and the combat. Of course it has its flaws, but it still makes me so happy to play. Incidentally I noticed a few things this time around. One is that the UK version has different controls and a different translation to the US version. The second is just how well the game prepares you for things. Most locations are mentioned several steps ahead of the story from the time they actually become important and I find it helps the game hang together really well.

    Take that, Wasp!

  5. Trials of Mana (Collection of Mana) - I've started to play Seiken Densetsu 3 several times of the years and I've always played the first few hours and then trailed off. Mostly because I wanted to recapture my joy of Secret of Mana and play properly sitting on the couch. Trials of Mana is letting me do that and I have to confess I'm a little disappointed. I think the story is great and well constructed, but the flow and combat from SoM is missing and the game feels a little detached from my input (the way Legend of Mana on the Playstation feels). I'm wondering if the game didn't get brought across back in the SNES area because they knew it wasn't quite up to the standard of SoM. I think as a kid I would have been pretty disappointed with it (although my capacity to play through crappy games was pretty high back then).

    What a time to be alive.

Here's my total play time chart for July:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...