As always I seem to get behind on projects, but in the last few months I've managed to start picking things up again. So I'm going to reorganize my deadlines again today and reorganize a few of the projects.
- Project 5 - SNES Coasters
- I have actually gotten as far as beading and fusing my new larger format test coaster. Now it needs a backing and then I'll give it a test for a little while to see if it develops the same cupping that the smaller ones.
- I'm going to try to get the backing on in the next week and then I'll test it for a month or so. I'm going to set the deadline to see if I make more / bigger ones on July 17, 2015.
- Project 12 - Chrono Trigger Sprites
- I've finally made some progress. Last night in fact I actually spent about 2 hours beading the beginning of a 1x1 Chrono sprite. This is giving me a chance to see what works and how the colours look (little problem there, but I'll give a longer update once I get everything done).
Coming together. |
- Progress is happening so I hope to have the 1x1 sprite and update done by June 23, 2015.
- Project 14 - Sketch Fiction
- I originally was calling this flash fiction, but based on the lack of ... plot in the stuff I've been writing I wasn't sure if flash fiction counted. I ran across an article on "sketch fiction" which I'm repurposing as a term for what I'm turning out.
- As you might have guess from the above, I have actually written a bit. I have one sketch done and ready to go an others "in the pipeline". I'm going to try to do six sketches in the next little while, rather than one a month like I'd originally posted. I'd like to try to have all six posted by August 1, 2015.
- New Projects
- I have two (and a half) new projects I've either started or would like to start. I'll put up proper posts for them soon.