- First, if you asked, I'd tell you that Jurassic Rhythm is why Chrono Trigger is awesome... of course, I'd be willing to tell you that any part of Chrono Trigger is what makes it awesome. Also if you asked, I'd tell you that this song is why Caleb Elijah is awesome... of course, I'd be willing to tell you that any song he plays is what makes him awesome. Now if you asked me what make is guitar awesome, I'd ask what the hell is wrong with you because LOOK AT THE THING!
- Next, in case you were wondering (and I'm sure you were) it turns out that every hat you thought was different was pretty much the same, and Lindybeigh is here to fill you in.
- Finaly, not content to answer your questions about headwear, Lindybeige is also happy to fill you in on those things you were wondering (amd I'm sure you were) about shoes.
Showing posts with label CalebElijah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CalebElijah. Show all posts
Friday, October 14, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 147)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we touch hearts, heads and feet.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 140)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we haul out old favourites to take ourselves on some epic adventures.
- First, CalebElijah plays "A Wish", which is the snow area theme from Secret of Mana. As always CalebElijah makes me happy and this is one of my favourite parts of one of my favourite games, so this one definitely makes all the hair stand up on my arms.
- Next, Mr. Smooth McGroove, sings "One Wing Angel". I like the cover even though I don't really like the song (nor how excited people get for it, but apparently I'm a game hipster ... surprise).
- Finally we get to the very awesome Meine Meinung playing "Guarida Millenial Fair". One of the things I absolutely love about Chrono Trigger is how the music tells so much of the story and I love the way Meine Meinung covers Chrono's adventure at the fair.
- This is definetly the point where I fell in love with Meine Meinung so the next six videos in my favourites playlist are all from them, so expect the next two volumes may be all blue grassed video game music all the time.
Friday, May 06, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 130)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, it's music day. Wake up, suck up and chill!
- First, get up, and don't forget to wake Pomplamoose up before you Go!
- Next, Brentalfloss flosses up the theme to Luigi's Mansion. So grab your vacuum and get to work (although I don't recommend listening to the cover if you're planning to play the game in the near future, the ear worm quotient is ... high).
- Finally, CalebElijah plays "Sub Zero Snow Field" from Seiken Densetsu 3, which I think may be one of the most beautiful pieces of music in video games. Certainly the cover is absolutely gorgeous.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 99)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we find out what the Ze Frank do, get reflective on sea and fire and then do our very best not to drop our punch cards.
- First, the question comes up from time to time: What is the Ze Frank? Fortunetly there is a video from the Super Carlin Brothers that answers.
- Next, CalebElijah continues through Xenogears, now playing Bonds of Sea and Fire.
- Finally, from Computerphile, Professor Brailsford talks about the exciting days of programming on punch cards.
Friday, August 14, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 98)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we creep and crawl, travel far away and have an idea about what we know.
- First, Kiri Callaghan gets curious about why we're freaked out by spiders. I have to say, I think my fear of spiders has a lot to do with how alien they are, as opposed to the spideryness. (Maybe.) Anyway if you are scared of spiders I think this video isn't going to bother you too much and may give you something to think about.
- Next CalebElijah playe Dazil, City of Burning Sands from Xenogears. Given the music in this game I think I may need to track it down and play it some time.
- Finally, on Idea Channel, Mike Rugnetta asks if Google is Knowledge. I have to say that primarily I think that Google is information that we synthesize in to knowlege. Furthermore I think accepting that Google is knowledge requires further consideration of how much you trust your knowledge.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 91)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we can have a dream, a laugh and a journey!
- First, Brentalfloss shares an original composition with us.
- Next, Wil Wheaton's son Ryan Wheaton was on an episode of Table Top. His interview is good and it's nice to see such a great family dynamic, but mostly ... well you really should just watch it.
- Finally, if you need music to walk over green hills to, CalebElijah covers Colour of the Summer Sky from Secret of Mana. Now if you'll excuse me it's time to go get too hot working in the garden, then go hide in the basement and play Secret of Mana.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 90)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, now that we're started, maybe it's time to start.
- First, take a second to relax, and take dip in the ocean with Mr. Smooth McGroove, covering Aquatic Ambiance from Donkey Kong Country.
- Next, let your drive build, with CalebElijah covering Powel from Seiken Densetsu 3.
- Now, it's time to begin with Ze Frank's Invocation for Beginnings. As I mentioned before, I'm not sure how I didn't start here, but here we are now. Are you all seated comfortably? Then, let's begin. Your pencils are sharp enough.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 89)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we push through all our barriers!
- First, we can fight through anything, so long as we have Mr. Smooth McGroove preforming Decisive Battle from Final Fantasy VI behind us. This one gives me chills and I think that's a mix between my own Super Nintendo memories and just how nicely 16-bit music fits Mr.McGroove's style.
- Next, we can journey anywhere, so long as we have Mr. CalebElijah preforming Diddle's Organ from Legend of Mana behind us.
- Finally, we can do anything so long as we work together. This video is from the Calgary Stampede and shows a little of the work that had to be done to get the Stampede back up and running in less than a month after the flood of June 2013.
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 88)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we learn about ourselves, listen to some beautiful music and then set out on an epic quest.
- First, Charlie shares some revelations he's had about how to have fun at parties (and other things).
- Next, CalebElijah covers a very beautiful song from The Legend of Mana.
- Finally, we have Lucahjin's Let's Play of Suikoden II. I missed the Suikoden games when I was younger, so I was fascinated by this game that had most of everything I wanted in an RPG. So now, inspired by this Let's Play, I've started down the path of playing these games (in order, which becomes FREAKING EXPENSIVE if you want the disks ... which I do).
As always with her "serious" Let's Plays, Lucah is very informative and fun and I always find her "serious RPG voice" soothing. If you have the time, or need something for the background I really recommend watching this series.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Blog: Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 30)
This volume of my favorite YouTube videos returns to the good old days of video games, music and the truth (as provided by John Green ... the truth that is, he promised not to provide us with any more music).
- First up, we return to my favorite all time video game cover artist, CalebElijah. It turns out he wasn't eaten by snakes in Africa, so we get to listen to his cover of Magus's Battle Theme from Chrono Trigger. If this doesn't make the hair on your arms stand up your arm hairs are not wired correctly.
- Next is CalebElijah's cover of Windy City Winlan from Breath of Fire. A little less intense, but for me no less nostalgic. We might not hear from him quite so often as we used to, but I'm always glad to see he's made something cool.
- The next video is the finale to Chuggaaconroy's let's play of Mother 3. If you want to watch it, you should start from the beginning, but I favorited this one for a couple of reasons. First the let's play is pretty well done, it's a bit rough being from Chuggaconroy's early work, but it's a good journey through a very intense game. Secondly, the game itself is worth seeing and given that it's not easily accessed outside of Japan this is a good way. Finally this episode is very well executed and really stands out in terms of voice acting and presentation.
- Next we have a vlog from Husky about various thing. He still hasn't really picked up vlogging, but he tells some interesting stories when he does.
- Finally John Green sets us straight on some misconceptions, plus tells an Inception joke, because he's cool like that.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Blog: Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 8)
This volume of my Favorite YouTube Videos is another mostly musical grab bag. I should point out that I'm starting with my favorites that are farthest in the past on the list and as such this shows how my use of YouTube has changed over time (basically, warning the vloggers are coming). This volume has some cool video game music, some interesting animal videos and a weird admission from my undergraduate degree.
- The first video is another by perpetual appearer in these posts, Brentalfloss. Here we have his with lyrics version of the Ducktale's Moon Theme.
- The second video is another by the other perpetual appearer, CalebElijah and his rendition of one of the quieter more contemplative pieces from Secret of Mana. I'm always amazed by the amount of artistry in these videos, you don't think about it, but keep in mind that not only does he play all the instruments, but he edits together all the video as well.
- The third video is one that stick with me at least in part because of the music. It's a slow enjoyable moment relaxing and watching the fish go by.
- The fourth video demonstrates that squirrels are smarter than you think and are capable of getting into more places than you'd hope. Please to enjoy squirrels solving obstacle courses. With the necessary Mission Impossible cover, of course.
- The final video for this volume is a bit of a weird one. It's a remix of the theme of Tiny Planets, which was a children's television show about this bigfooty-thing and its ... pet ... thing ... destroying children's understanding of physics while improving their understanding of basic math and cooperation. I have really fond memories of watching this show before heading into classes on Fridays during the first year of my undergrad (in fact it and Neon Genesis Evangelion are some of my major memories of that year and between the two Tiny Planets is actually still watchable, if weird).
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