In light of certain online spaces failing, I've been thinking about better controlling my presence on the web. I've had an set up for a long while, but it seems like it's time to make sure that I have a point on the web which I own.
So if you were wondering who I am (and where else you can find me), I now keep a list of all that stuff at
I've owned my own domain at for a long time, so that makes it an easy start for building my own identity page. It's been pretty good for e-mails, but I haven't really done much else with it. I already had hosting set up, so I just had to put a page together there.
My webdev skills have grown fairly rusty -- and weren't that fancy to begin with. So this project gives me a place to play with some things and learn some new stuff. I've already spent a while playing with Hugo, which lead me to realize that CSS has changed a bit from what I knew before. I have a lot to learn, but I'm excited at the thought of getting to improve my page regularly.
For now, I've set up a pretty basic HTML page with an updated version of my CSS from my grad school page. I've organized into the two spheres I think about my life in, work and making stuff and there are links to my web presence.
I think my next two goals for the project are to set up SSL and smooth out the CSS. I'm not totally thrilled with the style right now, so I may also rethink what it is I want that page to look like.