Showing posts with label Fire Emblem - Awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fire Emblem - Awakening. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Blog: Games of April 2019

I'll write more soon, but April marked the end of my PhD. Not of course the end of work, but definitely a change in my levels of stress and business.

My top five games (by play time) for April were:
  1. Fire Emblem: Awakening - This game. I'm not sure I like it, but I like lots of parts of it. The thing I like the most is the support conversations, where in if two units work together during a mission, they might have a chat together afterwards. I find this somewhat warps the balance of the missions themselves (and somewhat pushes the game off of the style I love in Path of Radiance). They're also biased significantly towards your units falling in love and having kids, which ... is not what I want in the game? Still it gets its hooks into me and I do enjoy it.

    Teaching the team to talk.

  2. Breath of Fire II - I want to finish. I would like to be finished, and I am at least getting closer to the end. Sadly, not the finest Breath of Fire entry.

    Oh sure!

  3. Xenonauts - I've bounced off this game so many times, but for some reason this time it's really sticking. It stays very true to the XCOM original, with many nice quality of life improvements and, somehow, quite a bit of fun.

    Starting to feel organized when we land.

  4. Cursed Treasure 2 - I think this is the best tower defense game. I lament that 3 has never happened and I really would just like people to turn out a ton of interesting levels to follow up with.

    It warms my heart every time.

  5. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - I ground myself to a halt in my Master Mode Quest, I wanted to finish everything in Master Mode and I cannot kill those two damned Silver Lizalfos. So I started a new game. Regular mode, and no fast travel (so far anyway). And I'm having a blast, this game is so, so good.

    Running back again.

Here's my total play time chart for April:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Blog: Games of February 2019

February was a bit rough in terms of mindful gaming. It was also the last month I'll spend fully immersed in my thesis, so I guess I'll take what I can. I stress gamed more than I wanted to and didn't give myself a lot of time to play stuff I really enjoyed in a relaxed way. As such my February post feels a bit more critical than usual.

My top five games (by play time) for February were:
  1. Into The Breach - I like this game. As I've said before the puzzle structure of the tactics gameplay makes me feel much smarter than some games where I don't have the time to sit and think stuff through. The more I play the better I get with the different mechanics and that's been a nice feeling.


  2. Civilization VI - I dunno. The game is fun, but I always struggle with the one-more-turn problem. I should probably have left this one closed on steam, but it also feels like an easy game to play when I have a few minutes. Something I want to think about going forward is finding some good bite-sized games.


  3. Breath of Fire II - This game is confusing. It's certainly a strong response to the first game in the series, but it's still weaker than most JRPGs of the era. The translation also kinda rips the heart out of the game.

    Would you believe the W stands for Whale?

  4. Fire Emblem: Awakening - As I've said here a lot, I'm bad at tactics games. I'm bad at this game. I think I managed in my one play through a awhile ago to grind myself into a state where I couldn't win. I restarted and seemed to be a bit more balanced, but never got myself to a point where I felt happy with how my play through was going. I should probably seek out someone who is actually good at the game on YouTube.

    from GameFAQs user Master_Bass

  5. Invisible Inc. - I've really come around on this game and really enjoyed it in February. I like the stealth based tactics, and now that I've embraced them better, I've gotten a lot better. I'm now curious to see, if I lean into the rogue-light elements and let my team get better, how the game will evolve.


Here's my total play time chart for February:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blog: Video Games of December 2018

I was super busy for the bulk of December, but I enjoyed what I played and I feel set up to take 2019 on in style.

My top five games (by play time) for December were:
  1. Civilization VI - Two months in a row at number one. I guess the game is ok. I think accepting that I'm just not a hard Civ player has really let me love the game as it is.

    Think of the launch filming parties!

  2. Fire Emblem Awakening - I'm not exactly sure why I started playing this, but I did figure it would be something to play during Christmas, especially when I wasn't going to be near my PC or TV. As it turns out I got really hooked and I think this game is quite good.

    I get bogged down playing Fire Emblem because I won't ever let anyone die, so there are a lot of levels where I'll play for an hour and then reset because I messed something up. Being able to play without losing my fighters each time has been a real relief. That said I'm finding the running a bit hard in the later(?) levels of the game, but it's been a blast.

  3. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - A whole year, we still love it and we're still playing.

    Two very dapper players.

  4. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - We're not talking about it.

    Yes, yes this is a very old picture. But hey, Link likes that rubber suit.

  5. Pokémon Go - I felt a bit like this Christmas wasn't nearly as interesting as years past, but as always fun to play.

    Daaaw, it's cute and pretending to be rare!

Here's my total play time chart for December:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Blog: Video Games of April 2017

April was pretty much dedicated to Breath of the Wild. I played other stuff pretty much either to give myself a palate cleanse or because I was somewhere where I couldn't play (I played BotW on the WiiU). I haven't really dedicated such a long period of time to a game before (at least intentionally) and it was interesting to get immersed that way. There were definitely times where I felt like it was too much, and it did cut down on how much sleep I was getting but overall it was a fun month.

My top five games (by play time) for April were:
  1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - In short, I spent sixty hours playing Breath of the Wild and I'm not sure I spent enough time playing Breath of the Wild. There is so much game there and so much purity of fun that I'll be back before too long. At this point I've played 110 hours of that game in total and it's one of the best gaming experiences I've had. I'm not sure it's one of the best games, but I'll talk about that later. For the time being I'm waiting for a little bit until I feel like it's time to pick it up again. 
  2. Hearthstone - I'm not sure what's up with the current state of Hearthstone, but I'm really enjoying it at the moment. (And I'm still not any good at it, but I'm really enjoying it). I do think Blizzard perked up the competitive game and for us scrubs at the bottom of the ladder, I'm seeing a pretty even split between classes.

  3. Marvel Puzzle Quest - It's a game! On a bus! And it's fun!

  4. Fire Emblem: Awakening - I like my RPGs on the TV and so Awakening makes me kinda sad. For some reason even if I'm sitting in my game playing chair the 3DS still just doesn't feel quite right. Other than that I think it's a pretty good game with a lot of nice features added to the classic formula. (Although it's still freaking hard.)
    From GameFAQs user MasterBass

  5. Xenonauts - XCOM, real XCOM, is a great game. Xenonauts is a faithful recreation with a modern make over. It has a lot of the charm of the original and it is cleaned up some, but it also feels like some of the faults in the original were also recreated. There are a few spots where the game just feels really devoid of fun or interest. On the other hand there are plenty of times where it's a lot of fun and well designed. (Also it's quite freaking hard, I just seem to suck at a lot of genres that I love.)

Here's my total play time for April:

And here's a chart of how much I've played each game over the month:

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...