Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Project 1 & Project 11: Write More

With my PhD winding down, I've been thinking about how I want to organize my time for the next while. I'll write about my thoughts in general in a bit, but at this point I think where ever I go I want to improve my communication, especially in writing.

So to address that I'm (re)setting up to projects for myself, both to write more.

Project 1 is my already existing project for the blog, but I would like to increase my blog-as-blog output to at least 4000 words a month. I'm still working out exactly how I want to use those 4000 words, but the idea is to think about, write, edit and revise some non-fiction writing each month.

Project 11 is my already existing project to write a fantasy novel. At the moment I think I would like to try to put 4000 words a month there too. The core concept has been floating around in my head forever, and it seems like time to at least produce a trunk novel out of it. I also reserve the right to divert these words into some other fiction project, possibly some more short stories, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Job one is to actually write stuff consistently.

I'll put out a monthly update at least until August 1, 2019 and we'll see how it goes.

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