- First, Dael Kingsmill, illustrates the trauma that is a broken Internet connection.
- Second, Pomplamoose is the shit, and they have been right since the very beginning.
- Finally, The Gaming Historian walks us through the rise of Tengen and the war of Atari vs Nintendo.
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Friday, April 14, 2017
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 156)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we go through the five steps of trauma, remind ourselves just how awesome we are and then get dirty fighting about video games.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 153)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we reprogram our brains, go play and find the animal hidden in our own minds.
- First, Destin from Smarter Everyday reprograms his mind as an exercise in bias and bicycle riding.
- Next, Pomplamoose would like to know if you'd like to Come Out to Play
- Finally, Mary Doodles scribbles with her buddy Danté and discovers an animal in hiding. (Kudos for deciding it was facing us, I kinda thought it was going the other way.)
Friday, December 02, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 152)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we drum up some memories, hammer down some problems and then sponge up some more useless knowledge.
- First, I hope your imaginary spaceship is ready, because Dave Bulmer is really excited about Forbidden Planet and he has his iambics, his pentameters and corrugators ready. (If you're also wondering what the hell he's going on about, he explains, in this video).
- Next, Brent Black brings us Super Mario 3D World with lyrics, because it's nice to celebrate the games that can save your friendships rather than destroy them.
- Finally, John Green has some facts that you might need to know (by which of course will never *need* to know, but will still come to you when you least expect it).
Friday, November 25, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 151)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we save our bees, celebrate our lab techs and lament the passing of time.
- First, if you're feeling like you've heard too many sad, weird or creepy Greek myths lately, Dael Kingsmill is here to tell you a touching story about a guy and his bees. Well it's still weird, but what can you do?
- Next we have a moment of thanks from Periodic Videos for their awesome lab tech Neil.
- Finally, Laura Shigihara plays her cover of Chrono Trigger's Corridor's of Time, The Fall and as usual raises all the hair on my arms with this song.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 148)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we code, we paint, we sing and we kick ass (well people do, we watch).
- First, we have the extras to Numberphile and Computerphile's visit to Pixar. The original video was interesting, but I was especially interested in this one because it focuses on academias relation to industry, engineers (and computer scientists) relation to artists and software's relation to the real word.
- Next, Mary Doodles draws a triceratops eating lunch. Because, of course.
- Finally, Laura Shigihara, sings "Stronger than You" from Stephen Universe and stands all the hair up on our arms (well my arms anyway). I ... should probably watch that show at some point.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume (144)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we get a little superstitious about song writing.
- First, Pomplamoose rebuilds a song to create the Stevie Wonder Herbie Hancock Mashup.
- Next we take a deep dive with Dave Bulmer and Brent Black where they talk about their collaborations to date and the new (then) Ocarina of Time with Lyrics Video. (It's two parts and total, about an hour and a half, just a heads up).
Friday, September 16, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 143)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we question our cats, prepare for winter and get a spring in our step.
- First, let's all take a minute to appreciate that cat's don't have thumbs, because cat's are jerks and their thumblessness is really our only defence. Here Simon's Cat reacts to a door being closed, which we all know is bad news in cat world.
- Next, let's take a minute to prepare ourselves for winter (it's coming, I hear) and make sure we have the power of love to stand up to the cold. To help us, Dael Kingsmill tells us about The Snow Queen.
- Finally, let's take a minute to put an upbeat song under our wings to go on and take on what ever comes next. Mr. Smooth McGroove helps us out, with the Secret Garden Theme from Little Big Planet 3.
Friday, September 09, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 142)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, it's a music week, so grab your game boy, the internet and head to an Oasis for a listen.
- First, Jimmy Wong has a little song about a particular brotherly video game.
- Next, Pomplamoose would like to remind you that the Internet is Awesome (although we should probably have one of those the web is not the internet talks at some point).
- Finally, Meine Meinung, play their original song Oasis.
Friday, September 02, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 141)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we get our feathers in order, look waaaaaay back and then put on our music helmets.
- First, Meine Meinung, hop on their chocobos and take us for a ride.
- Next, John and Hank Green team up to talk about Big History, and start, as you do, with the Big Bang.
- Finally, if you wanted to hear all of Daft Punk's songs mashed into one accapella ear worm, the Pentatonix are here to provide.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 140)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we haul out old favourites to take ourselves on some epic adventures.
- First, CalebElijah plays "A Wish", which is the snow area theme from Secret of Mana. As always CalebElijah makes me happy and this is one of my favourite parts of one of my favourite games, so this one definitely makes all the hair stand up on my arms.
- Next, Mr. Smooth McGroove, sings "One Wing Angel". I like the cover even though I don't really like the song (nor how excited people get for it, but apparently I'm a game hipster ... surprise).
- Finally we get to the very awesome Meine Meinung playing "Guarida Millenial Fair". One of the things I absolutely love about Chrono Trigger is how the music tells so much of the story and I love the way Meine Meinung covers Chrono's adventure at the fair.
- This is definetly the point where I fell in love with Meine Meinung so the next six videos in my favourites playlist are all from them, so expect the next two volumes may be all blue grassed video game music all the time.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 139)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we go to war, fall in love and learn not to trust anyone with a bucket full of icy water.
- First we have Jesse Cox's Let's Play of Valiant Hearts. I found this to be a really interesting game, as it's used to explore the history and impact of the First World War. I like seeing different ways games can be used to teach and engage people and I think Valiant Hearts is a worthwhile experiment.
- Next, you should know that Pomplamoose is "All about that (Super)Bass".
- Finally, Destin from Smarter Every Day took a little science to his Ice Bucket Challenge. The primary results is that his cat is smart enough not to trust him and his son is fearless and also that thanks to sponsorship he was able to make a good donation to help research into ALS.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 138)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we believe, get stuck and colour some magic.
- First, Pomplamoose covered Believe and just makes me really happy. I love that song (and that album) more than I probably should and I love Pomplamoose just as much as I should (which is to say, a lot), so it's a definite ray of sunshine.
- Next the Fruity Ukeladies are Stuck in the Middle with You. And also this post, I guess.
- Finally, Dave Bulmer starts in on the Discworld journey he told us about in the last volume, starting on the first five books.
Friday, August 05, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos, (Volume 137)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we share a pizza, get some luggage and go check out our local comic book store!
- First, Dave Bulmer, shares his thoughts about how (and why) to make a good Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. And he does it by breaking down what makes the Ninja Turtles, why the 90s movie worked in the day and what's important when you're trying to tell a story. I think it's also a good point to keep in mind when you're trying to adapt a story from one medium to another.
- Next, Dave unveils his bookshelf series (which eventually became its own channel), talks about why we should talk about the things we're enjoying and embarks on reading through all of the Discworld books. (Don't worry he hasn't gotten that far yet, so now's the perfect time to jump in). I've been kind of delighted since I started reading Discworld in order just before this and it's nice to have someone to read along with.
- Finally, the very awesome Amy Dallen sings about her comic book store (because that's where the books live, but it's also much more!). Also features a bunch of the Geek and Sundry vloggers in their LCBSes (including mine!)
Friday, July 29, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 136)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we go to a concert, chill in Sweden and get lost in people's dreams.
- First, Hank talks about the 13 things you need to know about being cool at concerts.
- Next, Mr. Smooth McGroove takes us to Sweden and gives me all the nostalgia and feels for Minecraft.
- Finally, Brentalfloss shares his first ever composition with us and it's pretty damn cool.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 135)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get invaded, get help and get dressed up.
- First, on Tested, Adam Savage gets rid of a Zeebler and we get to look at Marty Cooper's animation.
- Next, The Fruity Ukuladies get by with a little help from their friends.
- Finally, Dodger walks through all the links between cosplay and theatre and argues that theatre and cosplay are two fields that should be going hand in hand.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 134)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we think about sex, wander a mountain and then fly off into the sky.
- First, from Sexplanations, Dr. Lindsay Doe takes a look at how we figure out what sex we are.
- Next, Kristina Horner and Eia Waltzer show off their "Frozen" cosplay on a frozen mountain.
- Finally, Laura Shigihara lifts our spirits covering "Where No One Goes" from "How to Train Your Dragon 2".
Friday, May 27, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 132)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we try not to die in space, get a little angry and then drive off down a rainbow road.
- First, Belated Media talks about Alien and Aliens and the (very different) ways in which they're both excellent. I like Alien better (it has more SPACE in it), but rewatching this video I just want to watch them both again.
- Next, Pomplamoose is too mad to watch 30 Rock tonight. But they just need a little time to cool down.
- Finally, let's end by sailing off into the skies with Mr. Smooth McGroove singing the Mario Kart 64 Rainbow Road Theme a capella. This is one of those songs with a really specific association in my head, of a sleep over with a friend and racing on this course when we were super tired and falling a sleep. Definitely a great song to relax to (but maybe not drive to, if you're going to fall asleep).
Friday, May 06, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 130)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, it's music day. Wake up, suck up and chill!
- First, get up, and don't forget to wake Pomplamoose up before you Go!
- Next, Brentalfloss flosses up the theme to Luigi's Mansion. So grab your vacuum and get to work (although I don't recommend listening to the cover if you're planning to play the game in the near future, the ear worm quotient is ... high).
- Finally, CalebElijah plays "Sub Zero Snow Field" from Seiken Densetsu 3, which I think may be one of the most beautiful pieces of music in video games. Certainly the cover is absolutely gorgeous.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 129)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we pull out or magnets, bang our air drums and then try to catch them all.
- First, on Sixty Symbols, Professor Phil Moriarty shows off the fun you can have with a slow motion camera, a strong magnet and some ferrofluid.
- Next, Hank Fucking Loves Science. (There's also a clean version if you need one.)
- Finally, Michael from Belated Media invites Alex and Kellz from The Dex to talk about Pokemon: The First Movie.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 128)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we figure out who we are, why Yoshi is cool and why you should be careful when you're feeling fancy.
- First, Micheleh takes a few minutes to look at who he is through the lens of media and passes on some very sage advice at the same time. Then stick around for his DVD extras, where he rants (very well) about "Content" and why it's a useless and insulting term.
- Next, Josh talks about how Super Mario World is Really Freakin' Clever. He touches on how Super Mario World has a lot of flexibility (more than many of the following Mario games) and how Yoshi is integral to how we understand the game (and how he's an aspect of the game, not just level design). He also talked about how easily Mario game communicate what the rules of the game are and I was reminded of this video from Jamin from PBS Digital Studios Game Show.
- Finally, if you need a little dose of weird this week, Pomplamoose, covered "Puttin On The Ritz." Remember folks, always keep your trip hazards under control or the lemons won't stop singing.
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