Showing posts with label Tactics Ogre: Reborn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tactics Ogre: Reborn. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2023

Blog: Video Games of November 2023

I spent a lot of November down with COVID, so I don't really remember the month and certainly didn't have a lot of energy to play. I'd planned to pick up Sea of Stars around my birthday and that turned out to be a pretty good speed when I had the energy for it.

My top five games (by play time) for November were:

  1. Sea of Stars - Sea of Stars is a lot of fun. I think it stands up on its own, but it's also the modern extension of great SNES role playing games. It's certainly made with a lot of Chrono Trigger in it's heart and kind works as the sequel I'd been imagining, rather than Chrono Cross.
    Screenshot: The three heroes talk to a wanderer on a mountain top at sunset. The Wanderer says 'Mountains're nice'

  2. Dicey Dungeons - Dicy Dungeons has been the thing to play when I don't want to use my brain too much.
    Screenshot: The Inventor, an orange D6 faces off against Beatrice, a vampy bee woman. The invetor has a shocked card, which they can't use without adding a die, a two handed sword which will do at least six damage plus another die's worth and a jackhammer where when you push the button your opponent's equipment will be shocked.

  3. Tactics Ogre: Reborn - I started a new playthrough to look at the differences of the routes. I'm finding the overall story a little flat, and some of that is due to them trying to keep a dark and gritty tone. The game play in each mission is always fun, so as long as you don't think about the war crimes you keep committing, it's fun.
    Screenshot: Our heroes, lead by the Hawkman Canopus, fight their way up a large rough fortress on a dark and stormy night. The battle seems to have turned with only a few opponents remaining.

  4. Stardew Valley - I found it hard to come back to Stardew Valley. It's still a good an enjoyable game and the core farming is enjoyable, but I found having played through all of the story years ago, I just didn't really connect.
    Screenshot: Our farmer looks at a patch of Kale in a rather patchy looking farmyard.

  5. Mineko's Night Market - I thought I'd try this out as something new in the farming / store management genre. It's fun, but not quite what I'd hoped. It's slow on its own and then has some fairly severe technical issues on the switch that make it frusterating to play.
    Screenshot: A closeup of a white cat, looking bewilderedly at the front of a van which has been made to look like a snail.

Here's my total play time for November:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Saturday, December 02, 2023

Video Games of October 2023

October was a complicated month, so I wasn't thinking too much about what I really played. I did install steam on my Mac and so that was nice to expand the pool, although there's not a lot that plays nicely on my 2016 mac.

My top five games (by play time) for October were:

  1. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - I'm reaching the ending of my first play through. Maybe should have pushed thought quicker, just to let the story go at speed. ToTK has been
    Screenshot: Link stands on a snowy hill looking out on a mountainous landscape, while a korok looks at him squarely in the side of the head.

  2. Dicey Dungeons - This has been pretty good for quick pick up and play situations. The number of different ways to approach the core concept of role dice and use them to activate cards is fun alghough, I would love a design my own deck and just play with things, even if it would be stupidly imbalanced.

  3. Pikmin 4 - Continues to be solid and I appreciate just how much there is. Have drifted off in the last little bit, but I'm sure I'll be back.

  4. Tactics Ogre: Reborn - It snowed, and just to confuse everyone, rather than playing Ogre Battle, I played Tactics Ogre. It's a little thin for story, but the actual combat in an encounter is always fun.

  5. Hades - Still great. Does not like my Mac's keyboard.

Here's my total play time for October:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Video Games of April 2023

April was pretty quiet in terms of games. I was mostly focused on making stuff and organizing in my own time. Plus watching more stuff, particularily "Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These" since apperently I really like lots of space ships, even if not accompanied by very nuanced stories.

My three games (by play time) for April were:
  1. Tactics Ogre: Reborn - I'm still really enjoying Tactics Ogre. I think there's some mechanics I'm still a little fuzzy on, but the game has given me enough resources that I can push through most things.

  2. Hollow Knight - I started a new play though and it's been a nice reminder that I am getting better at the game, however slowly. My other play through is pretty far along, but I'm certainly struggling and I find each time I restart I get a little better and a little more momentum.

  3. Mario Kart 8: Deluxe - Vrooom. Honk. Screeech!

Here's my total play time chart for April:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Sunday, March 05, 2023

Video Games of February 2023

 February was pretty busy and I didn't really have much of window to sit down and play something big. Tactics Ogre ended up producing the bite-sized play I mostly was looking for. Towards the end of the month I wanted to play something a little more interactive and responsive and so I started poking Hollow Knight again.

My top five games (by play time) for February were:

  1. Tactics Ogre: Reborn - I spent quite a while being foxed by a mission that I just couldn't beat. Then I finally read a walkthrough that suggested I go and grind money by going on a hunt and I've throughly enjoyed myself. Also hopefully made a ton of money to give me the stuff I need to beat the mission I got stuck on. The level cap is a good addition, but it does cut down on the smashing through stuff that sometimes you just want.
    A lot of Dark Knights of Lodos decend on our heros at the bottom of the pile of a fortress.

  2. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Replay is going along at a fairly good pace, although the days have been pretty busy so I haven't settled to play much. Pushing through ignoring sidequests really does make the main plot more engaging, and the reduction in weird bad guys who are just hanging out reduces the number of questions about what's going on.
    Noah and Lanz fistbump in a city park.

  3. Hollow Knight - I've now played a lot of Hollow Knight, despite having not finished it ever. This time however I feel like I'm finally getting good enough to really get somewhere. I've been replaying the last 10 hours or so and now I'm finally setting out into the unknown again.
    The Bug Knight and the Mantis Elders bow to each other.

  4. Sea of Stars (Demo) - Sea of Stars certainly looks like Chrono Trigger if it was made in the year 2023. I wasn't sure if it was an honestly good game or just something satirical (which I've had the impression that Messenger - the dev's previous game - is), but while the demo was definitely fourth wall breaking the rest of the game felt pretty good and it seems like the game itself is going to be fun to play. The RGB "puzzle" was a really neat inclusion.
    A wide shot showing a town, The Port Town of Brisk, the rocky surrounding country and what looks like an elder dragon asleep on a mountain with it's tail in a hotsprings.

  5. Mario Kart 8: Deluxe - Vroom vroom.
    Rosalina blasts through the air towards the chalette and finish line, with onlookers in the stands and also hot air baloons.

Here's my total play time chart for February:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Games of January 2023

For a bunch of reasons, January just hasn't been a time when I've really wanted to sit down and play much. I've mostly been poking at Tactics Ogre and picking up Xenoblade Chronicles more when I've wanted to play something with more story and activity.

My top five games (by play time) for January were:
  1. Tactics Ogre: Reborn - I'm a sucker for Ogre Battle stuff, what can I say. The game is pretty satisfying, although I do wish it has an easy mode just to make moving through some of the game a little easier.
    Screen shot from Tactics Ogre: The knight Folcurt and a team of others, fight octopuses on an icey lake.

  2. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - I'm enjoying the replay and trying to get through doing as little side content as I can. Doing all -- most of -- the side quests and stuff was really important to the world building, but as with all of the Xenoblade games it really ruins the pace, so now that I'm seen everything I'm hoping to get a better feeling for what the story feels like when you're keeping your pace up.
    Screen shot from Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Our heroes stand at the edge of a small pond at sunset looking at a huge rock in the distance.

  3. Mario Kart 8: Deluxe - Vrooom vroom.
    Screen shot from Mario Kart 8: Roselina passes through a gate on Rainbow Road on her hover bike surrounded by bananas.

  4. Super Mario World (Nintendo Switch Online)I had 10 minutes to spare and wanted to play something quick, responsive and fun. Super Mario World is one of the best feeling games I actually have installed on the switch.
    Screen shot from Super Mario World, Mario waits for a mushroom to come out of a question block on Yoshi's Island 1

Here's my total play time chart for January:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Saturday, January 07, 2023

Games of December 2022

Apparently this is was the year of being pretty focused on one game at a time and this time up it was Tactics Ogre.

My top five games (by play time) for December were:
  1. Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Given how bad I often am at tactics games and how hard I bounced off Tactics Ogre when it came out on PSP, I'm a bit amazed at how much I'm enjoying it now. I'm not necessarily doing super well, but I'm certainly having fun. There's something about the flexibility of the different units and the customization of weapons and skills that makes the game perpetually interesting.

  2. Tunic - My partner and I agreed to play this together. The exploration element and the mystery of the instruction booklet is really cool. As the person with hands on the controller I ended up getting seriously smacked around by the second boss and that kinda dampened my enjoyment. I think the approach to accessibility, adjustability isn't quite right.

  3. Rune Factory 5 - I figured I should check out at least one farm sims in the year of farm sims.  It's no where near as good as Stardew Valley on any criteria you'd choose to name. It has no internal consistency in design, narrative or game play. It's also not interesting, far to into anime tropes (or maybe memes), no balance of challenge, no fun in the farming or crafting. It also has really frustrating slowdown and jank. Disappointing and it sounds like that's indicative of the year of farm sims.

  4. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Replaying has been fun, the little I've done. They tied in a lot of things that you don't see until later. I am a little disappointed that there's not too much to do in a new game+, but there's still enough that I'll finish the second play through at some point soon.

  5. Mario Kart 8: Deluxe - Vrooom.

Here's my total play time chart for December:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Friday, December 30, 2022

Games of 2022

Considering that I'm not always the best at going out and playing new games, this has been a pretty new year for me. I've played eight new games and while some where maybe a little more up my alley than others, all of them had something to recommend them. They're all Switch games because I really need to get off my butt and do something about my poor old PC.

I've sorted all eight new games into rough categories based on how much I liked them.

The Alright

  • Mario Strikers Battle League

    With some updates, this might be better than it was when I played it. It's a well put together game, and in multi-player it might be great to play, but playing single player was just boring.

  • Rune Factory 5

    Given how great Stardew Valley is, the question feels like "can a studio make a farming sim game with that much quality?" Rune Factory 5 is a pretty strong indication that no, they can't. At a very high level there's some fun to be had here, but honestly the low production quality makes it pretty hard to really have fun with. The game has technical problems and design problems and world building problems and story telling problems. It hasn't felt like a game that would reward playing too much, but it's pretty and good hearted.

The Good

  • Nintendo Switch Sports

    If you have the time to play and want to move, this is a nice modern version of Wii sports. It has a very Wii, fun, cozy vibe (you get to play volleyball in a bookstore), and it does a lot to get you up and moving. We played once or twice and never really got back to it which is why it ends up as "Good" in my estimation.

The Very Good

  • Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope

    There's a lot to really like in Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope. I think it's a fantastic sequel and moving tactics games off of the grid works really well the way they've implemented it. My only complaint, such as it is, is that there hasn't really been a reason to pick one team over another and to upgrade any character one way over another. I haven't played as much as I might have, so that might not be a real problem as you go later in the game.

  • Triangle Strategy

    As I've said in my monthly updates. This game is slow. Overall I think it's a wonderful modern tactics game, but I can be in and out of a mission in Tactics Ogre in 15 minutes and here it's way longer. You have to jump through multiple cut scenes for every story mission. The story is really well written, the art is beautiful and the mechanics are great and inovative. Overall it should a great or excellent game, but it just feels like a wonderful concrete block in my life.

The Great

  • Tactics Ogre: Reborn

    I'm probably *slightly* overselling Tactics Ogre: Reborn, just becuase it's my current obsession as I write this, but it hits all of the things I love in a tactics game and something about it has just felt really, really satisfying. It also has all the trappings of Ogre Battle which I love, possibly without reason. I barely remember the PSP version of Tactics Ogre, but this seems to have all of the ease of use of a modern game, and it moves so much faster than Triangle Strategy.

  • Tunic

    Tunic has been great. It's stylish and charming and the dynamic of putting together a 8-bit era manual is really really cool. My partner and I have been playing through it together and for the most part it's been an absolute gem. My only complaint is that either the combat is tuned really hard or I just suck at it. It might be a side effect of being the person who does the controls and wanting it to be fun for the puzzle solver, but it really kicked me out of the game when the second boss completely stomped me.

  • Xenoblade Chronicles 3

    I really do love XBC 3, especially the characters. The mechanics are very good and the story is very good, but at the end of the day I spent as long as I did playing it because of how much I love the main six. I think, honestly, the game would have been better with even more focus on them and less on the big plot. As I've said before the Eunie and Sena Show really sold me on the game and it elevates the rest of an already great game.

Monday, December 05, 2022

Games of November 2022

November was a little more normal, but I spent a lot of recovering from the nonsense from October. I did finish Xenoblade and started a New Game + playthrough.

My top five games (by play time) for November were:
  1. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Starting a replay has been really rewarding. There's a lot of things I didn't recognize on my first playthrough that I hadn't seen or noticed or understood. It's also reinforced just how awesome Eunie and Sena are.

  2. Ogre Battle 64 - Snow ... but also, the second half of the game still has some pretty interesting parts. It's always a nice game to chill out with.

  3. Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Way back, when it came out on PSP, I picked it up, found it really hard and kinda gave up. Getting to revisit it on the Switch has been good so far.

  4. Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope - I drifted off of Mario + Rabbids a little faster than I thought I would. I still think it's great, but it just didn't have a time it fit into during the month.

  5. Mario Kart 8: Deluxe - Mario Kart felt into a bit of the same as Mario + Rabbids. Not much time really to play it, and honestly, much as I love it, if I had time there was something more appropriate to play.

Here's my total play time chart for November:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...