Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Sunday, March 02, 2025

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as I'd have liked, but I always had an eBook and an audiobook on the go.

If you look at this month's author cloud, it's very funny how tiny Victoria Goddard is because "The Tower at the Edge of the World" and "Aurelius (to be called) Magnus" were probably the two most memorable books, for all they were only a few pages long. Victoria Goddard has definitely grown to be one of my favourite authors over the last few months.

The mysteries were alright. I continue to struggle with Louise Penny, just from the mix of Canadiana, warm comfort, and gritty murder. The Daisy mysteries by Carola Dunn are definitely giving me the "I ate too much of that" feeling you get if you eat too much popcorn and I didn't really find much to love in "The Case of the Murdered Muckraker" (although the audiobook narrator really didn't make the American accents fun listening).

I revisited "Altered Carbon" for the first time since 2019. The world is very interesting and provides a natural environment for a Noir mystery to unfold. On this read through I found that the plot didn't really engage me and the use of Noir tropes didn't flow well into the plot and the world building. Having started on its sequel "Broken Angels" I also feel like there's just some first-time author in "Altered Carbon" which grated for me.

Stats for February (Year To Date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 12 (23)Pages Read - 3117 (6650)

Collage of the covers of the 12 books listed above.February 2025 Covers


Unique Authors: 9 (11)

Author - books read - pages read

Anna Lee Huber - 1 - 431 (4 - 1571) Becky Chambers - 1 - 336 (4 - 1492)
Carola Dunn - 1 - 273 (1 - 273) Iona Whishaw (1 - 409)
Katharine Schellman - 1 - 327 (1 - 327) Louise Penny - 2 - 497 (2 - 497)
Martha Wells - 1 - 234 (1 - 234) Richard K. Morgan - 1 - 544 (1 - 544)
Susan Cooper (1 - 363) Tomohito Oda - 2 - 402 (2 - 402)
Victoria Goddard - 2 - 73 (5 - 538)

Word cloud of the authors I read in February. Richard K. Morgan is the largest at the bottom, Anna Lee Huber, Loiuse Penny and Tomohito Oda are about the same size above then Becky Chambers, Katherine Schellman, Martha Wells and Carola Dunn are smaller and fitted in. Victoria Goddard is tiny and tucked in the middle.February 2025 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1970s - (1) 2000s - 4 (4)
2010s - 4 (10) 2020s - 4 (8)


Audible - 1 (4) Kobo - 5 (8)
Libby - 5 (9) - 1 (2)


Audiobook - 3 (8) eBook - 7 (13)
eBook Comic - 2 (2)

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2024 in Books

While I've been looking at a lot of these yearly wrap up posts, one thing I was reminded of is how much I've really managed to make reading a happy habit. I've always read a lot, but since we all locked down in 2020 I've tried to be a lot more intentional about how I read and now I'm pretty happy with that. Keeping track outside of Good Reads has been really helpful for that, and it's nice to know more about what and how I read. I've also had fun putting together my monthly reading updates (and I've had fun making tools to put together my monthly reading updates).

I like year end updates and I thought it would be fun to wrap up my reading in 2024.

What I Read

I read 103 books this year. Good Reads says I read 104, but I can't figure out where I got my wires crossed. As I wrote about earlier, apparently half of those were mysteries and much of the rest were either fantasy or science fiction.

I split my reading about half and half between audiobooks and eBooks. My reading was also split about 50/50 between things I borrowed from the library through Overdrive / Libby and stuff I purchased or already owned. I mostly read newer books, with about half coming from the 2010s and 2020s.

I read 48 unique authors. Elly Griffiths wrote a third of the books I read — although she only wrote about a sixth of the actual pages. I also read a lot of Anna Lee Huber, Andrea Penrose, Victoria Goddard, Martha Wells and Carola Dunn.

My reading tailed off towards the end of the year, which involved me getting distracted watching Critical Role play D & D and then later the UK show Taskmaster. Still I read stuff that made me happy and I was happy reading.

Important Books

I think the books that are going to stick with me the most from 2024 are The Lays of the Hearth-Fire which are a really interesting story of growth and systems and and friendships and decolonialism and retirement. The writing is very good, although maybe a little loose. I keep wondering if the books have to be as long as they are, and, although some parts feel like Goddard is returning to the same ideas with more detail each time, there aren't any parts you could lose without mangling the texture of the story, if not the narrative.

Weirdly — and it is weird — Index, A History of the: A Bookish Adventure from Medieval Manuscripts to the Digital Age by Dennis Duncan is going to stick with me. I'm not sure I'll read it again — although the audiobook is half prose, half numbers station, so a text version might be worth it — but it affirmed my nerdy passion for keeping track of things and trying to build structures that help me experience the world. I received The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper by Roland Allen for Christmas and I'm looking forward to it as well.

I don't know know that it's important, but The Legend of Galactic Heroes details the fall of democracy to authoritarian power, over ten light novels. If it has a theme it's that everyone's schemes fail, if no where else, then in death. Given the stubborn grimness with which it views life, and the chaos of 2025 so far, it stands out to me, even if I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for entertainment or thought. I mostly read it because the anime has a lot of nifty space ships.

Authors I Liked

I honestly enjoyed every book I read this year. A few authors really struck me as interesting or particularly fun.

As I wrote about when I looked at the Mysteries I read this year, Carola Dunn writes books that I devoured. I can't totally define what it is but her Daisy Dalrymple books were so easy to read that I was finishing about one a day, until I intentionally slowed myself down. Some of what I liked was in the optimism and energy of the protagonist.

Martha Wells also writes books that really grab me. The Murderbot books are probably my favourite of her works, but the Raksura books also really good. It took me a little time to get into them — given how unexpected and complicated the world she built is — but once I was in, they were really fun books. I think both Murderbot and Witch King / The Rising World, grabbed me with imaginative worlds, but were easily understood and highly relatable.

Anna Lee Huber really stood out to me for the way her protagonists work. In both the The Lady Darby Mysteries and The Verity Kent Mysteries she creates a protagonist that's instantly interesting, with secrets and layers that support that initial impression as the series go on. They also have historical english female characters who, anachronistically or not, feel independent and active in a way that that fits in the historical frame of the story. They're also just really interesting books to read.

Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas's book on wildlife in the city, Secret Life of the City: How Nature Thrives in the Urban Wild was very interesting. It inspired me to think a lot about nature and how much space for nature there is — and can be in our urban environments. It also set the bar high for non-fiction.

Louise Penny was also interesting with the Chief Inspector Armand Gamache books. In particular they really remind me of how I understood Canada in the the late 1990s and early 2000s. A Canada that's transmitted through the CBC, by a guy who's probably wearing a cable knit sweater with cigarette burned holes in the sleeves, and which has differences, like anglo and french, but that is mostly pastoral with a little bit of grit underneath.

Trends And Stuff

My system — such as it is — for reading at the moment is largely to shift between different types of books. So if I'm reading a mystery as an eBook, then I'm more likely to read something Sci-Fi as an audio book. I also move between heavier and lighter books so while I was blasting through the Daisy Dalrymple books, I was also working on the Lords of Uncreation which was a less light read. (It was still pretty good and contained very few sentient spiders — which can be important notes for a Tchaikovsky book.)

My mix of mysteries, sci fi and fantasy stayed fairly consistent through the year and I swapped audio and eBook pretty consistently as well.

I read on average 97 ePages per day (ePages as defined by selecting the "kindle" edition of every book in Good Reads) and I finished a book every 3.5 days which was right on track for my goal of two books every week.

The shortest book I read was We Interrupt This Broadcast by Mary Robinette Kowal — available on her blog at 25 ePages. The longest book I read was At the Feet of the Sun by Victoria Goddard at 1330 ePages. The second longest book was The Hands of the Emperor also by Goddard and also in The Lays of the Hearth-Fire series. She likes long books, although the shorts she's surrounded the main series with are also very good. The median length of book I read this year was 335 ePages.

The majority of what I read was published since 2010, about 3/4s of all the books. The earliest published book was Whose Body? by Dorothy L. Sayers, published in 1923 and the most recently published book was Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs, published in June 2024, which was incidentally the last book I read in 2024. The only other 2024 published book I read was The Last Remains by Elly Griffiths. I don't know why by for the last two years, I've read the most books from the year before (so more 2023 books in 2024 and more 2022 books in 2023), and very few from the actual year.

Reading 2024

I like how generally unstructured my 2024 reading was. In some past years I've have a more focused project or an author or genre I've been looking for but for the most part I just let my self float through 2024. I always had an interesting book to read and I like most of what I read.

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Books I Read - January 2025

I had some health stuff to deal with in January, which kinda skewed how I read over the month. Sharing "The Dark is Rising" with my partner was great; we listened to a radio play version during the height of the pandemic, and we both really appreciated getting the whole text.

Victoria Goddard's writing continues to entertain and "The Return of Fitzroy Angursell was great to read and made me happy. I really enjoy the way Fitzroy fully abandons himself to the adventure and so adventure embraces him back.

I also reread the first three of the Wayfarers books by Becky Chambers. I was thinking about the emotional intelligence that you find in "The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet" and that it would probably be soothing post health stuff. These books have excellent examples ways to approach the differences between people and cultures, but they are a little bit clunky to read and end up with a real "and then" structure where things feel disjointed between scenes and characters.

I'm on the mend so blogging should slowly start again now.

Stats for January

Reading Stats

Books Read - 11Pages Read - 3533

Collage of the covers of the 11 books listed above.January 2025 Covers


Unique Authors: 5

Author - books read - pages read

Anna Lee Huber - 3 - 1140 Becky Chambers - 3 - 1156
Iona Whishaw - 1 - 409 Susan Cooper - 1 - 363
Victoria Goddard - 3 - 465

Word cloud of the authors I read in January. Anna Lee Huber is large and in the centre, with Becky Chambers slightly larger below. Above, Susan Cooper, Iona Whishaw and Victora Goddard are about 1/3 of the size.January 2025 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1970s - 1 2010s - 6
2020s - 4


Audible - 3 Kobo - 3
Libby - 4 - 1


Audiobook - 5 eBook - 6

Friday, January 03, 2025

The Books I Read - December 2024

The Lays of the Hearth Fire series by Victoria Goddard is good. It's also long, but I really enjoyed spending most of December on "At the Feet Of The Sun". Kinda made it to my goal of 104 books for 2024, Good Reads says so, but my tracking only gets to 103. Still not to bad and I'm looking forward to all I get to read in 2025.

Stats for December - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 4 (103)Pages Read - 2429 (35619)

Collage of the covers of the 4 books listed above.December 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 4 (48)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone (1 - 209)
Amanda Cross (1 - 186) Andrea Penrose - 1 - 370 (7 - 2,466)
Andy Weir (1 - 481) Ann Leckie (1 - 397)
Anna Lee Huber (7 - 2,483) Ben H. Winters (1 - 322)
Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288) Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293)
Carola Dunn (9 - 2,230) Charles Todd (1 - 352)
CLAMP (4 - 1,934) Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688)
Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996) Dennis Duncan (1 - 339)
Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132) Elly Griffiths - 1 - 313 (13 - 4,672)
Garth Nix (1 - 408) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny (4 - 1,418) Margery Allingham (1 - 208)
Martha Wells (6 - 2,240) Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841)
Milan Kundera (1 - 314) Nicholas Eames (1 - 464)
Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290) Patricia Briggs - 1 - 416 (1 - 416)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) R.F. Kuang (1 - 560)
Roger Zelazny (1 - 290) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard - 1 - 1330 (3 - 2409) Yoshiki Tanaka (6 - 1509)

Word cloud of the authors I read in December. Victoria Goddard is largest on the bottom with, Andrea Penrose, Elly Griffith and Patricia Briggs smaller and all about the same size above.December 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - (8) 1990s - (12)
2000s - (5) 2010s - (45)
2020s - 4 (30)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 2 (26)
Libby - 2 (52) Libro fm - (10)
My Library - (1) Shared - (6)


Audio Book - 1 (45) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 3 (48) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

The Books I Read - November 2024

November was a bit weird. The Hands of the Emperor is long, but excedingly good. I'm continuing to find Anna Lee Huber a very engaging mystery writer, for both of her series. This is How You Lose the Time War was quite interesting to reread, I enjoy the epistilary nature and the co-authors passing back and forth. I think because of the nature of how they made it, it could some times be a little more tightly constructed, but the writing alone is worth reading.

Stats for November - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 4 (99)Pages Read - 1865 (33190)

Collage grid of the covers of the 4 books listed above.November 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 3 (47)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone - 1 - 209 (1 - 209)
Amanda Cross (1 - 186) Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096)
Andy Weir (1 - 481) Ann Leckie (1 - 397)
Anna Lee Huber - 2 - 687 (7 - 2,483) Ben H. Winters (1 - 322)
Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288) Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293)
Carola Dunn (9 - 2,230) Charles Todd (1 - 352)
CLAMP (4 - 1,934) Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688)
Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996) Dennis Duncan (1 - 339)
Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132) Elly Griffiths (12 - 4,359)
Garth Nix (1 - 408) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny (4 - 1,418) Margery Allingham (1 - 208)
Martha Wells (6 - 2,240) Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841)
Milan Kundera (1 - 314) Nicholas Eames (1 - 464)
Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290) R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242)
R.F. Kuang (1 - 560) Roger Zelazny (1 - 290)
Sherry Thomas (1 - 364) Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337)
Suzette Mayr (1 - 224) T. Kingfisher (1 - 114)
Tomohito Oda (1 - 192) Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227)
Vernor Vinge (1 - 555) Victoria Goddard - 1 - 969 (2 - 1079)
Yoshiki Tanaka (6 - 1509)

Word cloud of the authors I read in November. Victoria Goddard is largest on top, below Anna Lee Huber is  smaller, to the side Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone combined are the same hight as Huber.November 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - (8) 1990s - (12)
2000s - (5) 2010s - 4 (45)
2020s - (26)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 1 (24)
Libby - 2 (50) Libro fm - 1 (10)
My Library - (1) Shared - (6)


Audio Book - 2 (44) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 2 (45) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Mystery Series I've Read (This Year (so far))

I've always liked mysteries, but until recently I don't think I'd have described myself as a mystery reader. Looking at the stats (since I keep stats) almost exactly half of the books I read this year were mysteries and mostly historical mysteries at that. That's between 47 to 49 mysteries — depending on what you count as a mystery — and 48 non-mysteries in mid-November 2024.

I liked mysteries — especially mysteries set in England, between World War I and World War II  — enough that I ended up working on a post-war themed mystery in my own sci-fi universe. Certainly at the moment when I need something easy to read a mystery tends to be my first choice.

Given all of that, and the sheer bulk of mystery books I've read, I thought I'd write up a little thing about what I've read and which ones I've really enjoyed. I'm including them more-or-less in the order I read the first entry of the series this year. I've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum.

Ruth Galloway Mysteries — Elly Griffiths

Cover - The Ghost Fields by Elly Grifiths


I can't explain why I like the Ruth Galloway mysteries. The crimes (especially the early entries) are often child-related or child threatening, which is usually a non-starter for me. The characters are interesting, but tend not to exhibit growth, or fall back from growth and can sometimes be a little repetitive over the course of 14 books. That may be a human condition, but a crux of the series is that the two leads have literally not sat down and used their mouth-words with each other for a decade, much to the irritation of their 10 year old child...

The university angle is nice and dealing with the frustration of your department head not doing what you want, or being the department head and not being able to do what everyone wants, feels very real.

Wrexford & Sloane — Andrea Penrose

Cover - Murder on Black Swan Lane - Andrea Penrose



The Wrexford & Sloane books are fun. They're regency era mysteries, which are much more about the people solving the crimes than they are anything to do with the crimes themselves — I cannot remember a single crime in the books. Mostly they're on the romance of chemist-lord and satirical-cartoonist, plus their rag-tag band of sometimes literal kids-in-rags. I'm not sure if this the narrator for the audio books I've been reading or the author, but the word choice is sometimes a little repetitive and odd, but they're always engaging adventures.

Harbinder Kaur — Elly Griffiths

Cover - Bleeding Heart Yard by Elly Griffiths



The Harbinder Kaur mysteries are notable for only occasionally featuring Harbinder. If you like Elly Griffiths's writing then these are a good example, although I found they didn't have the same connection of character that the Ruth Galloway books did. The best is probably "Bleeding Heart Yard", although the ones that don't feature Harbinder, but do feature the weird band of secondary characters are certainly worth a read as well.

Veronica Speedwell — Deanna Raybourn

Cover - An Unxpected Peril by Deanna Raybourn



I love these books because they have the loosest variation of historical you can possibly put in mystery. In fact I'm not even sure they count as mystery so much as alt-history-fantasy-romance, but if all powerful lepidopterist of mysterious origins and her Lordling Taxidermist love interest are your thing, then these are your books. I love them for being very weird, but comfortable with that weirdness.

Kate Fransler — Amanda Cross

Cover - In the Last Analysis by Amanda Cross



I think I started reading the Kate Fransler books sometime while I was in undergrad, and the mystery with a university background, has really appealed to me. (See Ruth Galloway). Mostly driven by the Ruth books, I reread "In the Last Analysis" and it's a fun mystery. It does feel a little bit like a book written by an English prof who looked at a mystery and said, I can can do that better.

Inspector Ian Rutledge — Charles Todd

Cover - A Fine Summers Day by Charles Todd



The Rutledge books do a lot for me because they're set all over post-World War I Britain which just makes me happy. On the other hand they do tend to be slightly different arrangements of irascible suspicious small town locals, antagonizing and antagonized by the big bad detective inspector from Scotland Yard. There are a lot of interesting elements in the post-Great War themes, but these always just feel nodded to and not addressed. I'd love these a little more if the bigger series plots and themes got more air time.

Lord Peter Wimsey — Dorothy L. Sayers

Cover - Whose Body? by Dorothy L. Sayers



I love the Lord Peter books and of the Queens of Crime, Sayers is my favourite. Lord Peter is savvy — and genre savvy — but human and concerned with humanity as much as he is by justice. There's also something about the way Sayers writes characters that I find really appealing. Her themes of cause and consequence makes her mysteries feel real and important. I read "Whose Body?" to be a little more critical and analytical about how she writes, but then got distracted enjoying it. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to read it again.

Lady Darby — Anna Lee Huber

Cover - Mortal Arts by Anna Lee Huber



The Lady Darby mysteries are, to some extent, the opposite of the Veronica Speedwell ones. Where everything for Miss Speedwell is set to eleven, Lady Darby is set to a much more sedate and carefully illustrated six. They're written with much more realistic characters, situations, crimes and settings, although they are very compelling and Huber's writing really appeals to me. Character again is the real standout in these books, but the mysteries are engaging and well set and make sense.

The Last Policeman — Ben H. Winters

Cover - The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters



This is one of the books where I'm not sure it's a mystery, partly because it's set in the literal apocalypse where the validity of investigating the crime is the key question. The first book "The Last Policeman" didn't quite click with me so I haven't continued in the series, but people I trust say it's good, so I might continue at some point.

Lady Sherlock — Sherry Thomas

Cover - A Tempest at Sea by Sherry Thomas



I love the Lady Sherlock mysteries. I think the earlier books were stronger and the series shows why you need to be careful with an overarching villain to your mysteries. (You will at no point be surprised about who masterminded the crime of each). Granted I also much prefer the Sherlock Holmes stories where Moriarity doesn't feature.

In the Lady Sherlock mysteries, I love the view into the minds of people with very different mindsets and I also love how super powers are quite possible provided you have a large enough group of people bringing enough skills together to make things happen.

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache — Louise Penny

Cover - A Rule Against Murder by Louise Penny



As Canadian as possible, under the circumstances. To be fair, M. Gamache would probably not be terribly thrilled to be described that way, but these books channel my memories of CBC radio and the sophisticated, rustic milieu which Canada used to present to the world.

The characters are intense and realistic and the crimes (despite for some reason always happening to the same six people — I'm early in the series still) are passionate and sensible.

As with the Lady Sherlock books, I think having an overarching villain cross too much of your mystery books detracts from the story at hand, but the setting and the people really drew me in.

The Angel of the Crows — Katherine Addison

Cover - The Angel of Crows by Katherine Addison



Katherine Addison is one of my favourite writers and "The Angel of the Crows" is very interesting. Imagine if Sherlock Holmes was an angel, and thus had no internal access to humanity. Of all the Sherlock Holmes inspired books I've read by people other than Conan Doyle, I think this is my favourite. It's engaging, set in a very interesting Victorian Fantasy world, and the relationship between Holmes and Watson is very interesting to watch unfold.

Daisy Dalrymple — Carola Dunn

Cover - Death at Wentwater Court by Carola Dunn



I'd tell you that the Daisy Dalrymple books are like popcorn, but I don't care for popcorn that much, so maybe more like potato chips... Anyway, my point is that I was reading these at the rate of about one a day for a good chunk of May. It seemed like every time I listened to one it just evaporated.

Inter-war, English, spirited protagonist, good — if simple — characters, these really landed in the sweet spot of readability for me. I did eat ... read ... a few too many and so I've slowed down on them a bit, but worth while and pretty well constructed mysteries as well.

Albert Campion — Margery Allingham

Cover - The Crime at Black Dudly by Margery Allingham



Margery Allingham was the member of the Four Queens of Crime, I knew the least about. "The Crime at Black Dudley" didn't really grab me the way "Whose Body?" did, partly because it seemed much more focused on the crime than the character and partly because the crime itself didn't make a lot of sense to me. I'll need to revisit it at some point.

Verity Kent Mysteries — Anna Lee Huber

Cover - This Side of Murder by Anna Lee Huber



The Verity Kent mysteries are interesting. Of all of the mystery books I've read this year "This Side of Murder" was the one that surprised me the most, both by its plot and its organization. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but following books in the series have solidified it as really worth reading.

Sunday, November 03, 2024

The Books I Read - October 2024

Fairly quiet month. My partner and I spent a while reading through A Night in the Lonesome October and at about a chapter each day, it was a lot of fun. Babel was interesting and worth the time, but it's not a comfortable read.

Stats for August - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 5 (95)Pages Read - 1784 (31325)

Collage grid of the covers of the 5 books listed above.October 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 4 (46)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber - 2 - 674 (5 - 1,796)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn (9 - 2,230)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths (12 - 4,359) Garth Nix (1 - 408)
Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258) Heather Fawcett (1 - 320)
Ian Rankin (1 - 241) Ilona Andrews (2 - 668)
Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352) James Ogilvy (1 - 201)
Katherine Addison (1 - 448) Katherine May (1 - 212)
Katie Mack (1 - 237) Louise Penny (4 - 1,418)
Margery Allingham (1 - 208) Martha Wells (6 - 2,240)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) R.F. Kuang - 1 - 560 (1 - 560)
Roger Zelazny - 1 - 290 (1 - 290) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard (1 - 110) Yoshiki Tanaka - 1 - 260 (6 - 1509)

Word cloud of the authors I read in October. Anna Lee Huber is Largest in the middle, R. F. Kuang is a little smaller, just above and below Yoshiki Tanaka and Roger Zelazny are about 1/3 the size below.October 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - 1 (8) 1990s - 1 (12)
2000s - (5) 2010s - 2 (41)
2020s - 1 (26)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 1 (23)
Libby - 2 (48) Libro fm - 1 (9)
My Library - (1) Shared - 1 (6)


Audio Book - 3 (42) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 2 (43) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Books I Read - September 2024

Again, Critical Role cut down on a lot of my reading, especial audio books. The three books set in the inter-war period were interesting counter points and I have to say that Anna Lee Huber writes in a style I really enjoy. Garth Nix's Left-Handed book sellers was a lot of fun, a little more elegance in crafting the front half, but a good action novel in the second. As always Martha Wells' Murderbot is outstanding.

Stats for August - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 5 (90)Pages Read - 1431 (29541)

Collage grid of the covers of the 5 books listed above.September 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 5 (42)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber - 1 - 306 (3 - 1,122)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn - 1 - 261 (9 - 2,230)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths (12 - 4,359) Garth Nix - 1 - 408 (1 - 408)
Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258) Heather Fawcett (1 - 320)
Ian Rankin (1 - 241) Ilona Andrews (2 - 668)
Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352) James Ogilvy (1 - 201)
Katherine Addison (1 - 448) Katherine May (1 - 212)
Katie Mack (1 - 237) Louise Penny (4 - 1,418)
Margery Allingham - 1 - 208 (1 - 208) Martha Wells - 1 - 248 (6 - 2,240)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard (1 - 110) Yoshiki Tanaka (5 - 1249)

Word cloud of the authors I read in September, with the size based on the number of words read. Carola Dunn is in the middle in a medium font, Margery Allingham is above and a little smaller and Anna Lee Huber is above that in a larger font, Garth Nix is below Dunn in the largest font and Martha Wells is below in the smallest font.September 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - 1 (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - (7) 1990s - (11)
2000s - 1 (5) 2010s - 2 (39)
2020s - 1 (25)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 1 (22)
Libby - 2 (46) Libro fm - 2 (8)
My Library - (1) Shared - (5)


Audio Book - 2 (39) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 3 (41) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Friday, September 06, 2024

The Books I Read - August 2024

I didn't read much in August, which was again party due to watching a lot of Critical Role and partly I just wasn't in the right mood. Anna Lee Huber's Lady Darcy books are a good balance of Scottish murder mystery and romance and I found a Grave Matter really fun. Petty Treasons was a lot of fun and the fact that it starts in second person more or less makes sense and works.

I added a bunch of books to Libby and my Kobo, and Owls nest wish lists so I think I'll be back to my usual reading speed as summer ends.

Stats for August - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 5 (85)Pages Read - 1520 (28110)

Collage grid of the covers of the 5 books listed above.August 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 5 (42)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber - 1 - 432 (2 - 816)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn (8 - 1,969)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths - 1 - 350 (12 - 4,359) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny - 1 - 376 (4 - 1,418) Martha Wells (5 - 1,992)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard - 1 - 110 (1 - 110) Yoshiki Tanaka - 1 - 252 (5 - 1249)

Word cloud of the authors I read in August, based on the number of words read. Anna Lee Huber is largest and at the top, then Elly Griffiths below and a little smaller then Louise Penny about the same size. Yoshiki Tanaka is off to the left and quite a bit smaller and Victoria Goddard is smallest and tucked in to the bottom right.August 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (1) 1960s - (1)
1980s - 1 (7) 1990s - (11)
2000s - 1 (4) 2010s - 1 (37)
2020s - 2 (24)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 2 (21)
Libby - 3 (44) Libro fm - (6)
My Library - (1) Shared - (5)


Audio Book - 1 (37) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 4 (38) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Books I Read - July 2024

I'm late updating things for July, so I don't know that I have a lot to add. I did start watching through Critical Role, (from the very begining) and that's cut down on my Audio book listening quite a bit. I ended up picking up a lot of the Legend of the Galactic Heroes books since they were kind of easy to pick up and put down. In case you're interested, they're written -- or translated -- very dryly and I find it's very helpful to read them in the voice of Dan Carlin.


Unique Authors: 6 (41)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir - 1 - 481 (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber (1 - 384)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn (8 - 1,969)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan - 1 - 339 (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths (11 - 4,009) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy - 1 - 201 (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May - 1 - 212 (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny (3 - 1,042) Martha Wells - 2 - 891 (5 - 1,992)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Yoshiki Tanaka - 3 - 725 (4 - 997)

Word cloud of the authors I read in July. Yoshi Tanaka and Martha Wells are largest and the others, Dennis Duncan, Katherine May, Andy Weir, James Ogilvy surround them.July 2024 Author Cloud

1920s - (1) 1960s - (1)
1980s - 3 (6) 1990s - 1 (11)
2000s - (3) 2010s - 2 (36)
2020s - 3 (22)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - 1 (3) Kobo - 5 (19)
Libby - 1 (41) Libro fm - (6)
My Library - (1) Shared - 2 (5)


Audio Book - 2 (36) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 6 (34) eBook Comic - 1 (6)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (1)

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...