Showing posts with label Really Freakin' Cleaver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Really Freakin' Cleaver. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 128)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we figure out who we are, why Yoshi is cool and why you should be careful when you're feeling fancy.

  • First, Micheleh takes a few minutes to look at who he is through the lens of media and passes on some very sage advice at the same time. Then stick around for his DVD extras, where he rants (very well) about "Content" and why it's a useless and insulting term.
  • Next, Josh talks about how Super Mario World is Really Freakin' Clever. He touches on how Super Mario World has a lot of flexibility (more than many of the following Mario games) and how Yoshi is integral to how we understand the game (and how he's an aspect of the game, not just level design). He also talked about how easily Mario game communicate what the rules of the game are and I was reminded of this video from Jamin from PBS Digital Studios Game Show.
  • Finally, if you need a little dose of weird this week, Pomplamoose, covered "Puttin On The Ritz." Remember folks, always keep your trip hazards under control or the lemons won't stop singing.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 122)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get ready for adventure and the weekend all with the great things of video games and music.

  • First, I've been having trouble getting going, so it's really nice that we get to start with Mr. Smooth McGroove pushing us out Into the Thick of It. So grab that rusty sword out of the stream and go fight the fluffy evil of your to do list. (Or at least that's my plan.)
  • Next, Josh would like you to remember that Star Fox was Really Freakin' Cleaver. I like his point that the world and the sense of journey is the reason why Star Fox has stayed memorable. I remember being a kid, spending hours fantasizing about how amazing a Star Fox II could be, especially imagining it letting you pick different paths and having more complex interactions with your squad mates (like having them actually shoot things). I think a lot of that came from how well the world grabbed me.
    Also, I have been creeping out my friends for years by saying  good luck like the flight controller in the beginning of Star Fox.  (Actually they've probably never noticed, but hey, I like doing it anyway.)
  • Finally, Hank is ready for the weekend, playing half a century's worth of music all with the same damn cord progression.

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...