Showing posts with label Math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Math. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 54)

This volume of my favourite YouTube videos sings us a song, then doodles us some math and some art.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 41)

This volume of my favourite YouTube videos lets us think a little bit about how math, and society works and how to solve the problems that face us.
  • I don't think there's much selling that needs to be done to tell you that a ViHart video is awesome, but I'll give it a try anyway! MATH! HISTORY! PYTHAGORAS! PROOF BY MURDER! BEANS! ... Did that work?
  • ZeFrank puts together some very good thoughts on how the culture of the Internet works and how much energy is required to act. Also, if I ever figure out how to bottle that post movie viewing energy I'll be well set for life.
  • And if you have some problems that need to be solved, John Green is the person to help you solve them.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 37)

This volume of my favourite YouTube videos is a bit old school, with a bunch of faces (or hands) we've all come to know and love.

  • The first video in this volume is "Doodle Music" from viheart.
  • Next, we get to discover what happens if you give Felicia Day a chainsaw. (You knew the answer was awesomeness, right?) Also maybe that it's best to stand well back when she sees baby animals.
  • Next, John Green pretends to be Charlie McDonnell while getting things done (like signing a contract for the TFiOS movie).
  • Next, Ze Frank (and I hope you didn't think that one wall to wall volume of him was all we were going to get) puts up a new video about a new song.
  • And, finally Watsky raps "Energy". 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 18)

In this volume of my favorite YouTube videos, we have a wide ranging grab bag. From video game music, to teddy bear tossing, to the dawn of a new YouTube star (who keeps drawing on stuff), to some four legged film makers and finally to a nerdy song about the matter of the Universe.

  • Baba Yetu is the opening theme to one of my favorite all time video games, Civilization 4. Here's it's covered by ModestOne, who had done a good job making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Another vote for why music is the most important element of video game production (well, at least I say it is). In formation about the original composer and a link to an mp3 version are in the video description (which is a nice touch).
  • The next video is a bit of a departure from the norm for my favorite YouTube videos, but it's included here because it's a very important part of my life. Each year the Calgary Hitmen (my local junior hockey team) hold a teddy bear toss in which fans all bring teddy bears to the arena and when the Hitmen get their first goal of the game throw them on to the ice. The bears are then gathered up and distributed to several organizations throughout the city to make sure that kids who need a teddy bear have one for the holidays. 
  • The next video is an early video from the mathamagician Vihart, who seems to get board and find herself doodling in math class from time to time and discovering the fundamentals of mathematics  You might have heard of her (or not who know how far the internet reaches). She's gone on to be an amazingly insightful and educational YouTube creator and educator. The firehose pace at which she unloads information is exciting and all of her videos will make you think about at least one thing you haven't thought about before.
  • The next video is Cat Diaries: the first ever movie filmed by cats, and it is (as the title rather suggets) filmed by cats. Now say what you will about cats, they are for example lousy camera operators (their whiskers keep getting in shot), but this video is adorable and heart warming. 
  • Finally we have another Hank Green song, this time about Quarks (no not the Deep Space 9 bar) the fundamental constituant of matter. Up, down, strange, charm, top, bottom. As a bonus this video also announces the unveiling of the url shortening service that reminds you not to forget to be awesome.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Blog : Cool Things on September 21, 2012

So I found some more cool things this week (and I even got some of my own work done). I'm please to share the cool things I found below.


While I'm not able to find video from the talk (although it may materialize), this week I attended the seventh Richard and Louise Guy Lecture which this year was on the Mathematics of Doodling.

A view of the 7th Richard and Louise Guy Lecture.
The Department of Mathematics at University of Calgary has hosted this talk for several years now (arranged by Louise as a 90th birthday gift for Richard) and it is always informative and interesting without being bogged down. In pervious years the topic has ranged including areas such as knot theory and the mathematics of music and they have always left me more excited to explore than I was going in.

Sadly Louise passed away several years ago, but Richard continues to attend the lectures (and others, including some classes each year) and it is always encouraging to see his life long love of learning. (If one may be so hokey as to say it that way).

I hope the lectures serve as a model and that we can see more and more interesting talks that continue to inspire us to be better question askers and answer finders.


One cool thing I found this week is Day[9]'s blog. Day[9] or Sean Plott (as the non-gaming world knows him), is a former pro Starcraft player and now pro Starcraft II shout caster (and host of the Day[9] Daily). Whether or not you're interested in e-sports and better ways to play Starcraft II, it's still worth taking the time to take a look at the blog. Day[9]'s interests go well beyond the realm of video games and he is a very astute and interesting speaker and writer. (Also you can watch him making a perfume with Felica Day on her Flog this week.)


You might have seen this already given the names involved, but this week, for reasons only known to the deepest oldest minds of the universe the Nerdist manage to revive two things people haven't seen in a long time. Ben Folds Five and the Fraggles. Got something you don't want to do? "Do it anyway!" (Then watch the video.)

Former Five Awesome Girls Monday Kristina Horner and her housemates/co-star launched a new gaming channel called TeamHypercube. They're doing a mix of table-top gaming and video games and the first video game they've tackled Dokapon Kingdom is ... interesting to say the least.

Over the last few months the sports racers (are the viewers even still called that, duck fans maybe now) of a show have been working with Ze and Mr.Norman to put together a song and a video ... and this is it:


Wanna know how Chris Hardwick managed to make muppetty goodness for us this year? Well now you will:

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...