Showing posts with label The Tick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Tick. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blog : Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 13)

This volume of my favorite YouTube videos is mostly musical with a side of spoon.

  • The first video in this volume is possibly the best cover of a Zelda song ever. The music in Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is astoundingly good to begin with and this cover by FreddeGredde only improves on it. I also really appreciate the video song style with all the different instruments and voices he added in to give the song a lot of depth and interest. If ever there was a song to wake up to on Christmas Day, this is it.
  • The second video in the volume is from the department of things you've probably heard of, but I still like the video anyway so there (which is a weird department to have, but there you go). Fireflies by Owl City is fun and upbeat and makes me happy, so here it is.
  • The third video in the volume stems from the interest the vlogbrothers developed in anglerfish (I'd say don't ask, but really that's just how the vlogbrothers work, they're a series of inside jokes), and their unusual sexual practices (which are outlined in the song, I won't spoil it for you). Also, a floating cat (cuter than the anglerfish in the picture).
  • The next video is important because it involves The Tick and the origin of the most important battle cry to ever grace the television medium. SPOOOOOOOOOON!
  • The final video in this volume is another song by Hank Green of the vlogbrothers and tells the tail of the most dangerous squirrel ever to live. The video is fun, and shows just how awesome the community of nerdfighters can be. Also it provides a free lesson in squirrel linguistics.

The Books I Read - December 2024

The Lays of the Hearth Fire series by Victoria Goddard is good. It's also long, but I really enjoyed spending most of December on ...