Showing posts with label Sketch Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sketch Fiction. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Project 14 - Sketch Fiction - Sector of Interest : Wrap Up

Well, I've managed to write all six of my planned sketch stories. I'm disappointed it took me so long to do what was supposed to be a few days worth of work basically, but it's done. Hopefully I'll revisit a project like this soon and maybe do it a little more like I was originally envisioning. In the mean time, however, I'm really happy to say that I've finished Project 14.

Sector of Interest

“Sector Control, this is Bulk Hauler TMS-M884MXHQ. I am exiting jump-space from gate 5417-a into your zone of control."

"Good morning, Hedge Queen, we have your on our boards. Good to see you again.”

"Thank you Control. My Nav-model has synced, can I get a course to the Loading Station Six?”

"Confirmed, HQ. Sector-Nav will transmit."

“Thanks, control. Anything interesting going on out here?”

“Nope, HQ, you’re not that interesting and neither was the hauler eight hours ago. I’m guessing the hauler in eight hours won’t be that interesting either. Mail courier might be interesting at least.”

“Oh that’s right, I almost forgot. The courier had some engine problems and the Station Master at Hai Shen gave us the mail packets to pass on to you guys here.”

“Huh, good to hear then HQ. Data or physical as well?”

“Both, Control. I can transmit the data once we’re in one-hop range and I’ll get Johny to run over in the tender and pass the physical packet over to you guys. Looks to be about 6 cubic meters.”

“Rodger, Hedge Queen. Sector-Nav will transmit a solution for the tender too. Stand by.”

“Thank you, Control. I’m glad we get to be interesting after all.”

“Don’t hold your breath, HQ. We have a pretty high standard of interesting out here.”

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Project 14 - Sketch Fiction - Neighbours

This is the fifth of the six sketch stories.


They sound that fucking klaxon whenever a ship is going to drop. All it does is scare the cows, and let me know that the cows are going to be even more scared in about a half an hour, when a damned space hulk drops on our heads.

The land was dirt cheap. Is dirt cheap. All for 0.8% chance (per landing) of falling debris hitting the farm and just a 0.00013% chance of catastrophic explosion. So now I’ve got a great plot of land, with neighbours that pull a spaceship out of orbit twice a week and then smash it to bits.

Usually they’re pulling down ancient bulk haulers, giant asteroid cages with jump drives that basically fall apart on their own as soon as they’re down well. Sometimes it’s something more interesting, like a tug or  a guard cutter. Every once in awhile they drop something really interesting like a deep space survey ship or a yacht or even a bombardment platform once, but usually it’s just the work-a-day stuff.

It’s more interesting to watch at night, where you can usually see a star come to a stop in the sky and then start getting bigger and bigger. In the day, I just get to wait for a little spec in the sky to grow until it looks like a bird and then a shuttle and then suddenly a giant, hulking, behemoth.

I think it’s the grav-mirrors that upset the cows, but I don’t know why. The mirrors make a high pitched noise that bugs the dogs, but most of the other animals couldn’t care less about them. It’s just the cows. Maybe cows are just adverse to physics defying monstrosities floating in the sky.

If I have the time, sometimes, I’ll walk up to the top of the ridge to watch them. The ship floats down on the grav-mirrors. It’s a little surreal to watch this giant thing that used to move effortlessly through space drop slowly through the air until you’re standing on the ridge above it.  Once they have it positioned, they drop it the last few meters, then they pull the grav-mirrors out and send them back up to hook up to the next ship.

As soon as the ship’s down, they swarm all over it. They run three shifts a day, twenty-four hours-a-day. Whenever they drop a new ship they’re working on it right away. As soon as the last entrails of the last hulk are gone, the next one is dropping right to the sound of that klaxon.

They’re very polite. They’ve dropped “significant’” spaceship bits on the farm four times now. Each time then send a crew right away, hauled off the junk, decontaminate the area and paid me for the crops or the animals killed. Then, six months later, I can go back to using the land again.

That might be the problem actually, herd memory. Sylvie was killed by space junk, heralded by klaxon, so we should all be wary. Mountains shouldn’t float, why doesn’t the human panic? That, or maybe they just really hate the fucking klaxon.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Project 14 - Sketch Fiction - Home

This is the fourth of six sketch stories. It's unrelated to the others.

You can expect the next sketch story when I damn well post it. (Which is to say I've kinda given up on deadlines here, but I'm still trying to stick with creating cool things.)


The spar was warm from the sun and there wasn't much that needed done, so she sat and sang idly. The sea was light and the ship surged, pulling for home, same as the crew.

As she sang, a song of harbour and home, the crew calmed.  Hauling wasn't a bad life, better than some courses you could sail, but still, nobody wanted to sail the last stretch, everyone wanted to be home.

The was a fuss down on deck, those two sailors they'd picked up at Stoneille. She made to go down, but Jerin was there and knocked the two of them clean out. She shook her head, first job back home would be to make sure this was the last they saw of the sorry louts.

The crew on deck cleared the two trouble makers out of the way, dumping them on one of the coils of rope. Jerin trussed them up, then stalked among the crew. 

They rounded the headland and the light changed, suddenly brighter, warmer. The city surged down from the hill, a riot of colour, blue and green, down into the plain, yellow and red and crashing white up onto the mountain. The roofs blended together as they poured down to the sea from there, mixing together and meeting at the docs.

"Ahoy," she shouted down, "It's home again."

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Project 14 - Sketch Fiction: 46616-C

This is the third of six sketch stories. It's unrelated to the first two.

You can expect the next sketch story on March 29, 2016.


Transcript - 46616-C

House: "Are we recording?"

Communications: "Yes, Sir."

House: "Very Good. Sit Rep 46616-C, is called to order."

"Package A is inbound from Incident 46616. Estimated time of arrival, T minus 35. Package A includes, Agents Blue, Red, Green, Black and Violet. Primary mission objectives were achieved with minor complications. Medical, can you give us an update on the members of Package A?"

Medical: "Yes, Sir. Agents Red, Green and Violet are all nominal and teams are standing by to provide standard medical debriefing for each. Agent Black has received minor injuries from physical projectile weaponry and received field treatment. Agent Black will require minor surgery to repair damage to the right shoulder.

"Agent Blue was struck by a non-standard energy weapon. This weapon has caused negligible physical injury, but does seem to have caused Agent Blue to speak in an unknown language. Agent Blue will require a full medical examination, as well, we suspect, as significant further investigation from both medical and science branches.

House: "Very Good. I believe Communications has secured assistance from our partners at Organization F to assist in matters with Agent Blue."

Communications: "Yes, Sir. A linguistics team from Organization F will arrive by 0800."

House: "Very Good. Security?"

Security: "Yes, Sir. The external security indicator is low. Given that Agent Blue is demonstrating unusual behaviour, internal security is being stepped up to manage a rogue agent situation."

House: "Very Good. Housekeeping?"

Housekeeping: "Yes, Sir. Catering and laundry services are standing by. Rooms are made up for all non-resident agents arriving. Resident agents' domiciles have been prepared. Staff are standing by to assist all agents. "

House: "Very Good. Science?"

Science: "Yes, Sir. A lab has been cleared and prepared to investigate Agent Blue. Funding has been established under the project code S-46616-B, and the project has been codenamed "Surprise Translation". We are ready to proceed as soon as the Agent and the linguistics team have arrived on site."

House: "Very Good. Then finally we can receive Transportations report."

Transportation: "Yes, Sir. Envelope A received minor damage during the incident, although none of it affected flight-worthiness. We have teams standing by, and believe Package A should be fully operational again in thirty-six hours. In the mean time Envelopes B and C are ready and on standby."

House: "Very Good. We seem to be operating by the book and, in good order. Please ensure that all staff are prepared for the returning agents and in particular not to react unduly to Agent Blue's condition. Emergency Sit Rep 46616-C is now closed."

Monday, February 29, 2016

Project 14 - Sketch Fiction: A Morning Disrupted

This is the second of six sketch stories. It's totally unrelated to the first, except that I wrote it and it's supposed to be short and simple.

A Morning Disrupted

He came out of the dark smithy stretching and brushing out his beard. He looked up the road as far as he could see, finding no sign of Stera and breakfast.

He ducked his head back in the smithy, "Don't rush boys, no sign of the hot-cart yet."

The air was crisp and clear, and the sun was glinting off the city's colourful roofs. He took a drink from the water barrel, and sighed as he sat down, enjoying the feel of the sun on his face.

He pulled out his pad of sketching paper and started roughing in a sketch of the smaller lamp fittings Green Marlin had ordered for the new fishing boats.

He heard unhurried hoof-steps and looked up to see a young woman wearing blue courier leathers riding down the road. He shifted a little to slide the sketch under his apron, and nodded at the woman as she went past. Once she was out of sight, down the curve of the road, he pulled his paper back out and continued sketching.

He lost track of time as he sketched, but was suddenly called back to reality with a crash and raucous yelling. Jumping up, dropping his paper, he saw two young men on dark horses canter past, while up the road Stera's cart was tipped over, with her gear spread out all over the road.

Old Korin was standing in the middle of the road waving his cane at the the retreating riders and shouting "Ruffians!" while Stera was looking over the mess of her cart.

"Damned fools," Stera shook her head as he came up the road to them, "Not sure where they thought they'd get in such a hurry. The one of them turned his horse right into my cart, trying to get around Old Korin here! Knocked it clean over! And not a glance back to see what they'd done even! The poor horse!"

Several other neighbours had gathered by then and there was enough muscle to set the cart upright and gather up the mess.

"Ah well," Stera said, shaking her head again as she checked over her equipment and supplies, "Nothing's a day but challenges, I guess. Doesn't look like anything's too much the worse for wear. Glad I wasn't carrying fresh eggs today. Give me a minute to straighten up and then I'll get back to feeding you all."


Project 14: Sketch Fiction - Update

So again, I'm past a project deadline and I don't have five stories to post.

I'm still struggling to sort out how to keep myself productive creatively and still manage my actual work for my PhD at the same time. In January I started by cutting down on my giant list of projects and focus on one thing at a time. At that point I started to focus on my sketch fiction project and hoped, at a pace of one a week, to get five out by early February.

While I definitely haven't pumped five stories out over the last two months, I have at least been a lot more focused on writing. I think over all that's been a good thing for me. In my last update, I said I had progress on four stories, and while that's true, I want to do some more work to make sure they're good. At the same time a lot of the point of the project is for me to JUST ACTUALLY GET STUFF WRITTEN AND OUT THERE, so there's a push and a pull.

I have one story finished and in a state I'm happy with. That will go up in the next post.

The rest I'm going to take my time with, but try to keep myself on a deadline of one every two weeks. The goal is to have something that I can put out, even if it's not perfect. Two weeks feels like a really long time to take to write a few hundred words, but given that I've taken months already it may not be that unjust an estimate. And as an added bonus, if I feel like I've finished early then I can be ahead of schedule rather than behind it (what a weird idea).

So my next project is to put out another piece of sketch fiction by Wednesday, March 15, 2016.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Project 14: Sketch Fiction - Update

You may or may not have noticed, but I haven't uploaded any sketch fiction since my last project update. That's not great, but I am pleased to say that I have been writing and you should start to see new fiction posted pretty soon.

Of the five sketches I still have to finish I've mostly written 4 of them. I still need to finish and edit them, but I expect to get them up fairly soon now. The last one, well I haven't been too sure what to write, but I guess it's time to make the iron hot by striking.

So, I hope to post most of the sketches in the next week or two. I'm going to push my deadline to February 23, 2016.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Project 14: Flash Fiction

A little while ago I had the please of listening to Neil Gaiman speak and read at my university. Unsurprisingly, this was really good and it was also inspiring.

I want to write and I don't write, which tends to be an impediment to getting anything written. So given this inspiration (months and months ago, remember we're fighting the procrastination here), I decided that I wanted to write a handful quick things to get myself going.

So Project 14 is a handful of Flash Fiction things. Basically, short 500-100 word pieces from some of the worlds that float around in my head. I'd like to do six of them and I'd like to do one a month for the next six months.

The first one is set on a space station and I plan to put it up here by October 31, 2014. (Sorry, it's not spooky).

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...