Showing posts with label Final Fantasy XII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Final Fantasy XII. Show all posts

Friday, October 06, 2023

Games of September 2023

I'm trying to focus on other stuff and be intentional with my play time, so my play time was down overall for September and most days I didn't play more than an hour. In trying to be intentional I'm trying to play things I find fulfilling and so I took a deep breath and installed Steam on my Mac Book. I'll eventually get my gaming PC fixed back up, but this will do for today (assuming the laptop survivies, it is a 2016 model).

My top five games (by play time) for September were:

  1. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - I spent a lot of my time in Tears of the Kingdom wandering around and finishing things up. I'm not sure that hunting almost everything down on the first playthrough has been that good of a choice, but as always the moment-to-moment game play is good so it's usually fun.
    Screenshot: Link dressed in desert garb runs past a giant dragon standing on a huge rock.

  2. Pikmin 4 - Pikmin 4 is a solid game. The only complaint I really have is that it's menu is on a different button than Tears of the Kingdom. It's a little bit conflicting because I *like* Pikmin 3 more, but as I said last month, I'm so glad to have this much more pikmin to play.
    Screenshot: Red and yellow Pikmin are blasted out of a dark cave. Their faces remain vacent.

  3. Final Fantasy XII - I didn't touch this much and I kinda didn't miss it. There are parts of FFXII which are pretty good, but it's slow and grindy and playing it never really feels that rewarding. I enjoy the concept of the game a lot more than I really like playing it.
    Screenshot: Ashe fights a dinosaur at the beach.

  4. Hades - Uh, so, I can play games on my Mac Book. I maybe *shouldn't* play games on my Mac Book, but I can.

    Scrrenshot: Zagreus arrives in Asphodel, flooded with lava and he stands by a large engraving in the floor of a skull holding a bone.

    Uh, please ignore the melting Mac Book.

    But seriously, Hades is still really good.

  5. Super Mario World - I'm not quite sure what's wrong with me that there are so few games that I really love the controls in, but I'm kinda fussy and sometimes Super Mario World is still somehow the game that fits.
    Screenshot: Mario swims down into a tunnel surrounded by grey stone.

Here's my total play time for September:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Monday, September 04, 2023

Games of August 2023

August is always a busy month and it's a transitional one for what I play and how. I tend to think about games for summer and games for fall and August always sits in the middle. My partner also traveled a bunch in August so, I didn't play much of Tears of the Kingdom, which she has mostly watched me play. Instead I picked up Final Fantasy XII, and also poked Pikmin 4. I also played a bit of Cursed Treasure 2 (remastered!) which has suggested to me that it's probably time to get my PC fixed up again so that I can do some medium screen gaming (also also maybe give some money to game makers that aren't Nintendo.

August was also not my greatest month for keeping things organized, so the data for the month is artificially reconstructed in places, but close enough for my purposes.

My top five games (by play time) for August were:

  1. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - I find that I like FFXII provided that I don't invest too heavily in it. Which, if you look at my earlier thoughts on the game matches that, half-hour a day model. If you try to rush it, or to push through, the game pushes back and you find yourself under-levelled and under-equipped. It needs to be played slowly and steadily and you get to advance the plot once or twice a week.
    Screenshot: Protagonists Vaan, Ashe and Balthier fight a (relatively small) Tyrannosaurus in a desert.
    There's enough fun in it, especially now that I'm focused on gear and organizing gambits that I keep playing, but I find it makes it really hard to invest in the game. It's done not badly for my audio book listening, and to my watch times for PlayFrame and Noah Gervais.

  2. Pikmin 4 - If I had a complaint about Pikmin 3 it's that there wasn't enough of it. Pikmin 4 is a brilliant answer to that problem in that a) it exists and b) there's quite a bit of it. As a bonus, c) it's an excellent improvement on all of the elements of all of the games. This is the best Pikmin game and it's really fun. I do wish it was a little better at tutorializing things (I know asking Nintendo for more tutorials is a dangerous game). I played like 10 hours not realising that you could switch to your dog co-captain (in addition to riding them and having them fight all your fights.)
    Screenshot, The Rescue Squad Rookie and Oatchi the dog direct glowing green pikmin to take start bits back to their nest in the dark of night.

  3. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - I mostly didn't play ToTK this month, but did pick it up a couple of times when I was feeling low energy or down. One of the brilliant things about Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom is how easy it is to jump in and find something interesting to do or find something interesting to see. I really appreciate that deeply absorbing nature.
    Screenshot: Link aims an arrow at a Moblin Boss and crew coming up a rise in a grassy field.

Here's my total play time for August:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Video Games of July 2023

I felt a bit flat overall in July and mostly disappeared into the immense depths of Tears of the Kingdom. I poked a couple of other things, before switching over to Final Fantasy XII at the end of the month when my partner was out of town. 

I haven't been enjoying game tracking as much the last little while and I'm going to institute a cut off that if I didn't play an hour of the game I'm not going to write about it. (Unless I want to, it's my blog).

My top three games (by play time) for July were:

  1. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - I've really been plumbing the depths of the side stories and experiences in Tears of the Kingdom. Just like Breath of the Wild the amount of good things to go and do is hard to imagine. I have really distracted myself from the main story, so that's starting to feel a bit vague, but I'm sure once I pick it up again the game will snap back into focus.
    Screenshot: Link stands in a sun drenched golden forest looking at a stone platform.

  2. Mario Kart 8: Deluxe - Vroom vroom. Spent a bit of time working on time trials.
    Screenshot: Roselina races towards Toadstool Castle.

  3. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - I needed something to play that my partner wasn't too invested in. With Dan Floyd playing both FFXIV and FFXVI on Playframe I've been thinking about Final Fantasy more and figured it was a good time to pick this up on switch. Despite having played the first few hours not that long ago, it's interesting how much I've forgotten. I like the game but I can't say it's one of the most gripping, not from story or game play or style even.
    Screenshot: Vaan looks towards the camera, he seems to be whining and has been hit hard enough on the side of the face to leave a welt.

Here's my total play time for July:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Friday, November 09, 2018

Blog: Video Games of October 2018

October was a pretty head-down month. I didn't get as much done as I wanted, and didn't play that much either. I think my goal for November is to build a routine where I'm getting stuff done and enjoying my play time as well.

My top five games (by play time) for October were:
  1. Final Fantasy XII - As with last month, I tried to fit Final Fantasy XII in as a "bed time" game of sorts. This worked out fairly well as the game does lack a certain amount of excitement. I've been thinking back to the train scene from the beginning of Final Fantasy VII, because it feels like XII is kinda lacking that kind of spectacle, let alone the character or charm of Final Fantasy VI. It also suffers from severe hero / protagonist dysphoria (which is a fancy term I just made up for the bit where the game is about Ashe and for some reason you keep playing as Van.)

    An now you will be killed by a bird, unless you remembered to do that side quest.

  2. Pokémon Go - Baring a bit of snow at the beginning of the month, it's been nice to be out and about picking up stuff. Now I just want to work somewhere with a slightly higher density of pokéstops.

    You are getting sleepy, and pink.

  3. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Friends make the journey, and also working really hard to avoid getting eaten by a large ambulatory jack-o-lantern.

    Winners, but most importantly not eaten. 

  4. Paper Mario: Color Splash - I needed more pictures of the game for my post, and so I had to play more. While this game certainly has a lot of issues, it's still a lot of fun to play.

    You're a key, Slightly Grumpy Toad.

  5. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - I'm like a speed runner, but slow, and bad, and kinda unmotivated because the game is hard.

    Who's a good boy? Not Link he's never going to pet that dog.

Here's my total play time chart for October:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Blog: Video Games of September 2018

I've been busy enough, and stressed enough that playing hasn't really been that far forward in my mind. I've played to try to relax at the end of the day and to make a little mental space in my head. I'd like to get a little more mindful again, but honestly I'd also like to get my PhD finished so I can pick up a Switch and a PS4.

My top five games (by play time) for September were:
  1. Final Fantasy XII - In his great review of Dragon Quest 11, Tim Rodgers mentions the mentality behind the Dragon Quest series in Japan. They're the games you play at the end of the day when you're ready for a fairy tale. That got me thinking about how I play and how I choose what I play, and it seemed like trying to play something to chill out a little more was a good idea. FFXII is also my current favourite Final Fantasy game (VI was until I actually played it again), and so I figured it was time to fire it up. And yeah, I'm playing the PS2 version for reasons, I was struck by how awful it looked, and how weird it played, but honestly after a few hours that's all faded away and I'm really enjoying it.

    They sent me movies when I asked for games! 

  2. Pokémon Go - September was a pretty good month to be out and walking. That, and the explosion of Gen1 pokémon really pulled me forward. 

    Action in Pokémon

  3. Graveyard Keeper - I'm not sure I like this game. I basically picked it up and started to play it because everyone playing it on YouTube was playing it wrong. I think it has a lot of nicely designed mechanics, and an interesting world, but I think it's missing the compelling element to really keep me playing (It really has nothing on Stardew Valley's charm).

    A little shaky, and a little weird, but a solid set of world mechanics.

  4. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Yup. It's still nice to play video games in the morning. Played a three player game for the first time and interested that the game played just a little different.

    Forgot to take a photo in September, but now we can enjoy all the options the game gives you for purchasing fireworks.

  5. Earthbound - I finally finished Earthbound after trying to finish it for about two years. I liked it, but on its own I'm not sure it was able to overcome being a SNES era game. It has a ton of wonderful concepts and is one of the most charming and well built games I've played, particularly when it comes to the world and the narrative. I'm appreciating the game significantly more watching Chuggaconroy's new Let's Play, as it illuminates a lot of the charm and interesting history of the game.

    It was a long journey, but our heroes stayed true.

Here's my total play time chart for September:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...