Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year’s Resolutions 2019

I guess this is a thing I do now. So, here are a few things I thought about working on in 2019:

General Resolutions

  1. Be Slower - I don’t know that I would describe myself as hastey (especially because that’s not a word anybody uses), but I’ve found myself several times over the last year reacting in a way that wasn’t that helpful and that could have been avoided if I’d just slowed down. That way I can get more information, or I can react in a way that actually makes sense based on how I’d really like to react.

    Similarly, I think this extends my monotasking goal of last year. I want to slow down and do a thing until the thing is done (or done enough) and not keep jumping to something else every time I don’t want to do the thing.

    So the goal for 2019 is to go slower, think more deeply and keep in mind that whatever it is will still be there when I get to it.
  2. Finish Things - In addition to going slower, I need to get stuff done. For a long time I was really bad at even starting things (and I’m still not *very* good at it), but I’m also really bad at finishing things.

    For 2019 I’d like to get better at finishing things in two ways. One if a job can be finished, I want to finish it as quickly as I can. For another, as an aspect of being slower, if a job can’t be finished I want to focus my energy on moving it forward so it can get done.
  3. Be Comfortable - I think this is a bit of an aspect of being slower as well. I’ve found, in this last year especially that I allow myself to get very stressed, and so instead of being slow, I freeze. Instead of that this year, I want to relax in my own skin. So that even if things aren’t the way I want, I can keep moving.

Specific Resolutions

  1. Finish The Thesis - Goddamnit.
  2. Make Something Everyday - Partly freezing from stress, partly freezing from not wanting to distract myself from the thesis, but I haven't made nearly as much as I want to in 2018. In 2019 I want set myself a don’t break the chain challenge of making something cool and/or creative every day. It should be a tiny thing, but it should be a little bit of creative practice.
  3. Finish A Project Each Month - As a concrete instance of finishing stuff, I want to give myself a goal of finishing a project every month.
  4. Enjoy Good Stuff - Read more books, watch more movies, watch more tv, play more games, seem more art, listen to more music, look at more trees (and mountains and stuff). I want to push myself when I’m making a decision about my time, to lean towards enjoying something good.
  5. See More Things - As with 2018, I have a lot of flexibility and I really ought to be putting it to good use. So I want to try at least once a week to do something unusual, so that I get to see more things.
And with that I hope we all have a wonderful 2019 in which we all get ourselves to the places we want to be.

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