Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 106)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get excited about Mars, Star Wars and the Internet!

  • First, on Sci Show, Hank Green gets excited about finding water in the soil of Mars. It's funny then that as I'm posting this, we just discovered that there are flows of liquid water across the surface of Mars. (So you can watch Hank get excited about water on mars again in about 75 more favourites posts. 
  • Next the people at Sincerely Truman, lay down some rules for Mr. Abrams on what's essential to make Star Wars good. I think the rules are pretty good ones, and I'm cautiously optimistic that the new movies will follow these. 
  • Finally, Lauren Fairweather reminds us that the Internet can be really awesome.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 97)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we find the future we live in, live gloriously in the past through music and go a long, long time ago to a place far, far away where things were better.

  • First, on Computerphile, Professor Brailsford, talks about the history of computing in the 1960s and 70s and how this crazy UNIX came to exist and make life better.
  • Next, Laura Shigihara and Meine Meinung take your breath away covering music from Chrono Cross / Radical Dreamers. It may just be my nostalgia talking but as they play the bridge where it references Chrono Trigger, the hair on my arms stands up every time.
  • Finally,  Belated Media once asked What if Episode One was good, like, really good? Well now he's asking about Episode Two. And seriously, how great would it be to watch this movie!?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 31)

This volume of my favourite YouTube videos is pretty wide ranging including some video game music, some intelligent thinking about movies and some thoughts on YouTube itself.

  • First in this volume we have a video of an original song "Guild Ho" from Dodger. The video feels a bit rough to me, but I especially love the enthusiasm in this.
  • The second is a cover of "Terra's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI by Laura Shigihara and GBritaney. This is haunting and beautiful and really worth a listen.
  • Next is an incredible video from Belated Media, in which he breaks down and rebuilds Star Wars Episode 1. I think his analysis is right on and that the movie he describes would have been significantly better (and not in the way that two hours of staring at a star field might also have been better, I mean significantly).
  • Next Mr. Charlie McDonnall does a very cool real-life time attack of the landmarks of London. Cool video and good memories.
  • Finally SMPFilms does his best to figure out what a YouTuber actually does.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Blog : Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 12)

This volume of my Favorite YouTube Videos is a mix of interesting vlogs and childhood memories.

  • The first video is another vlogbrothers video (and there's going to be a lot of these for the next little bit). John's discussion of Healthcare reform is interesting on its own, but I really like the visuals added by ThoughtBubble.
  • The second video is the theme to Today's Special, which I think was my favorite television show as a kid. I don't have much to say about the intro, but it makes me happy.
  • The third video is from another favorite show from my childhood, Under the Umbrella Tree. It's interesting in that the show's producer (Noreen Young) managed to get some of the rights back for the show and begin selling the dvds (sadly the shop is now closed) and posting the episdoes to YouTube. Unfortunately I don't remember why I've favorited the second part (rather than the first), but all of the episodes are still pretty cool, even when viewed as an adult.
  • The fourth video is another from the Hank's songs that were at a few times a weekly (or bi-weekly) feature of the vlogbrothers. This one was originally released for father's day (as the topic might make you guess). I think (although I'm not sure), that the animation was done by Hank's business partner Alan Distro.
  •  The fifth video is one of my all time favorite vlogbrothers' videos in which Hank describes to us the 13 movie canon arm removals of Star Wars.

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...