- First, in a topic near and dear to my heart, Destin from Smarter Every Day takes a look at the highly non-intuitive physics of curling. This was before the new directional sweeping craze that seems to have taken over high level curling this year, so I don't know what's changed in the research landscape since then. Still Destin does a great job explaining the more technical matters of curling.
- Next, Caitlin and Vaughan are ready for Morrrrrrrtttttaaaallll Kooooommmmmbbbbaaaaatttt!
- Finally and most importantly, Charlie talks about sex and consent.
Showing posts with label Charlie McDonnell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie McDonnell. Show all posts
Friday, April 01, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 126)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we throw stones, get in fights and then get serious about consent and how we talk about sex.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 124)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we cut to the chase, drink tea and attend a play.
- First, this Video. (from Mike Rugnetta)
- Next, Charlie talks about his patriotism, how to be patriotic when you're British and how wonderful hot leaf water is.
- Finally, dust off your Greek classics and watch John Green talk about Oedipus on Crash Course Literature.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 100)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we invent colour, eat cereal and follow the whims of Nerdfighteria.
- First, Mr. Smooth McGroove brings vibrancy and colour to a black and white (yellow?) world, singing the Muda Kingdom Theme from Super Mario Land.
- Next, Mr. Charlie McDonnell talk about whether or not it's worth it to spend ten minutes of your life watching him eat cereal. Well that and the worth of how we spend our time doing anything.
- Finally, Mr. Hank Green, does... things...
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 88)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we learn about ourselves, listen to some beautiful music and then set out on an epic quest.
- First, Charlie shares some revelations he's had about how to have fun at parties (and other things).
- Next, CalebElijah covers a very beautiful song from The Legend of Mana.
- Finally, we have Lucahjin's Let's Play of Suikoden II. I missed the Suikoden games when I was younger, so I was fascinated by this game that had most of everything I wanted in an RPG. So now, inspired by this Let's Play, I've started down the path of playing these games (in order, which becomes FREAKING EXPENSIVE if you want the disks ... which I do).
As always with her "serious" Let's Plays, Lucah is very informative and fun and I always find her "serious RPG voice" soothing. If you have the time, or need something for the background I really recommend watching this series.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 86)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we spend some time making films.
- First, we see Jenny Bingham's slightly dangerous method for learning lines. Anything to keep us from having to memorize King Lear.
- Next, I think it's time for a spot of tea, with The Tea Chronicles, Charlie McDonnell's first short film. Charlie set off to make five short films (this, OFFLINE, Strangers in a Bed, and Our Brother (1 & 2)) in 2013 and this is where he started.
- And since that is a touch intense, let's end with Charlie's making of for the Tea Chronicles to cool off a bit.
Thursday, July 03, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 55)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, things are adorable, things are triumphant and things are sad. Also we've wrapped around back to that point I was doing Cool Things. (I gave that up, but still kinda keep the tradition going on twitter.)
- This volume starts with the introduction of Mr. Charlie McDonnell's Blippid Book. What's a Blippid Book? Well you'll just have to watch to find out, won't you! But you can rest assured Charlie was just as adorable when he was one as he is now.
- Next, Dodger tackles "They Bleed Pixels" which is a super unforgiving, but awesome looking platform. She never finished the game, but I really liked watching all the videos in this series since there's a lot of triumph when she beats the super hard parts. I also really like the way the wall jumps work in this game.
- Finally we have a memorial Coffee Time vlog by Dodger for her Papa, who sounds like a pretty amazing guy.
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 51)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get a look at public relationships, cosplay in action and acting, and the children of gods who are themselves gods (or something).
- First in this volume, Charlie McDonnell talks about entering into a public relationship. I debated a little, whether or not I should include this video since the relationship didn't last the time between then and now, but I think that the problems Charlie faces are still important to talk about.
- Next Adam Savage sits down with Norm from Tested to talk about his No Face costume. I thought their remarks on the theatre that comes out of cosplaying interesting. I always like seeing characters who have an established relationship meet at a con.
- Finally we have the first episode in Chuggaconroy's Okamiden Let's Play. As with all Let's Plays I'm including the first episode as the placeholder for the whole series. If you're looking for a long format play through of a fun, charming game, with a fun and terribly punny commentator this would be your target.
Sunday, February 02, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 43)
This volume of my favourite YouTube videos is a grab bag of thinking.
- The first video in this volume is "A Letter from God to Man" from Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip. This is one of my favourites in its own right, but I also really like the "Planet Telex" sample.
- Next Hank Green talks about online video, why he created VidCon and he speaks a lot for me about why I'm making these posts.
- Finally, Charlie McDonnell plays the Mario theme on his face. Oh and I guess talks about some stuff. That's kinda cool too.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 37)
This volume of my favourite YouTube videos is a bit old school, with a bunch of faces (or hands) we've all come to know and love.
- The first video in this volume is "Doodle Music" from viheart.
- Next, we get to discover what happens if you give Felicia Day a chainsaw. (You knew the answer was awesomeness, right?) Also maybe that it's best to stand well back when she sees baby animals.
- Next, John Green pretends to be Charlie McDonnell while getting things done (like signing a contract for the TFiOS movie).
- Next, Ze Frank (and I hope you didn't think that one wall to wall volume of him was all we were going to get) puts up a new video about a new song.
- And, finally Watsky raps "Energy".
Monday, July 22, 2013
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 35)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos we get the chance to talk about creativity, hats, story telling and bowser's arms.
- The first set of videos are from Charlie McDonnell. A while ago he decided (if that's the right word) to have a "YouTube Midlife Crisis" and he talked about some of his creative stresses. He also talked about some of his rules for YouTube videos, which I think are also interesting rules to look at for any creative endeavour. Interestingly I didn't favourite Part 2 of his rules, but had to watch that video immediatly after I watched Part 1 so I decided to throw it in as a bonus.
- Next, did you know that Team Fortress 2 has a story? Well now you do, and it only took a minute, thanks to the Lore Team.
- For all that I like Belated Media, I wasn't exactly sure why I'd favourited this video ... until the last 5 seconds. Stay tuned kids. Stay tuned. (Although it is a bit spoilery for A Cabin in The Woods)
- Finally, we have the kick off episode of Chuggaconroy's Let's Play of Super Paper Mario. As with most Let's Play's I tend to favourite the first episode if the whole series is worth while and this one is. It's a lot of fun and is apt to keep you distracted for a while to come.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 31)
This volume of my favourite YouTube videos is pretty wide ranging including some video game music, some intelligent thinking about movies and some thoughts on YouTube itself.
- First in this volume we have a video of an original song "Guild Ho" from Dodger. The video feels a bit rough to me, but I especially love the enthusiasm in this.
- The second is a cover of "Terra's Theme" from Final Fantasy VI by Laura Shigihara and GBritaney. This is haunting and beautiful and really worth a listen.
- Next is an incredible video from Belated Media, in which he breaks down and rebuilds Star Wars Episode 1. I think his analysis is right on and that the movie he describes would have been significantly better (and not in the way that two hours of staring at a star field might also have been better, I mean significantly).
- Next Mr. Charlie McDonnall does a very cool real-life time attack of the landmarks of London. Cool video and good memories.
- Finally SMPFilms does his best to figure out what a YouTuber actually does.
Monday, April 08, 2013
Blog: Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 29)
In this volume of my favorite YouTube videos, we take in some music, sit in all the chairs and help someone move.
- The first video is a cover of the song, Rouge Message, from Kiki's Delivery Service, by Laura Shigihara and LonLonJP. I was going to say that Kiki's was one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies, but honestly all Studio Ghibli movies are my favourites. Either way Laura and LonLon put together a very nice song here.
- The second video is another from George Watsky (surprised ain't cha). I don't even need to tell you that the rap is great and the video for this one is a completely engrossing time lapsed drawing.
- Next up is another Watsky, just throwin' down.
- Now John Green takes us on a visit to the nicest hotel room in the world on the vlogbrothers. It's armoisome.
- Finally we help Charlie move house, because we're nice like that.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Blog: Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 25)
This volume of my favorite YouTube videos is musical, adventurous, strange and sciencey.
- The first video in this volume is from the FruityUkuladies and is there cover of Israel Kamakawiwoʻole's version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".
- The next video in this volume is KT Tunstall covering the Jackson 5's "I want you Back".
- Next is a video from Katers17, going adventuring in a hole in England. Watching this video I was reminded of the story of how Shigeru Miyamoto conceived "The Legend of Zelda" based on exploring the woods near his house as a child.
- Then we see Corey "Mr. Safety" and Katers demonstrating a reversal of an important life lesson.
- Finally, we end on Mr. Charlie McDonnell talking stars.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Blog: Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 16)
Welcome to the 16th volume of my favorite videos on YouTube. This volume is a mix of music, cuteness and deep thoughts and is a lot of things that have showed up here before.
- The first video is by British YouTuber, Alex Day for his friend, collaborator and roommate Charlie McDonnell. This was a birthday gift in which Alex got several YouTubers (especially ones with ukuleles) to sing a song to Charlie on his birthday. (Also yes, these guys are freaking young!)
- Speaking of Charlie, we also have his video for Ben Folds and Nick Hornby's song Saskia Hamilton. I feel like this video is an example of the age old adage (at least as old as when I first thought of it) that when in doubt you should shout the name of a poet.
- The third video in this volume is a pair of bunnies in cups. I don't think I need to say more.
- Next we have a song from Hank Green about the likelihood of alien life, because most scientific concepts are best handled in song.
- Finally we have a TED talk from the brilliant brain-disturber Ze Frank. In this talk he discusses the show he ran in 2006 (which influenced pretty much anyone I've ever seen vlog, at least indirectly) and engage in deep participation.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Blog : Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 15)
This volume of my Favorite YouTube Videos is sad, but also heart warming. It starts with a eulogy for a nerdfighter who died too young, and goes on to some very amazing cinematography and then geeky/cool music and and film making.
- The first video is John Green's eulogy for Esther Earl, who was a nerdfighter and a cool person who died of cancer at the age of 16. It's difficult to know what to say with this kind of video, but it's a good thing to have a time and a place (that they're on the internet makes no difference) to be able to go and say, yes this was a person who existed, who impacted us and who is gone now. I also think the advice at the heart of Johns message is very important, "Don't just do something, stand there."
- The second video is an accompaniment to a NPR RadioLab episode called Words. I haven't listened to the episode yet (and I really should't put things off this long), but the video stands strongly on its own and is a remarkable piece of film.
- The third and fourth videos are music videos by Charlie McDonnell doing acoustic covers of some of his songs from his Trock (Time Lord rock) group Chameleon Circuit. We also get the Charlies of two different periods, the first concerned with Weeping Angels and the second with the ongoing relationship between ... well actually I haven't watched enough Doctor Who, to know who's at war here, but it's certainly epic.
- The final video is from my perennial favorites Pomplamoose, working together with generally awesome music person Ben Folds and novelist Nick Hornby. This was a bonus track for Ben and Nick's (can I call them that?) ... Mr. Folds and Mr. Hornby's album Lonely Avenue. It's a little more contemplative than some of the songs I've favorited, but it's still a very pleasant listen.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Blog : Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 14)
Welcome to the 14th volume of my favorite YouTube videos. This volume involves my discovery of the most popular YouTuber in the UK, a little bit of music and a couple of deeply thoughtful videos.
- The first two videos in this volume are from YouTube sensation Charlie "charlieissocoollike" McDonell. The first video is of Charlie singing one of his own songs, with a little help from himself and the power of video editing (and it wows me how much you can do at home now-a-days) and the second is the video for a project he did called chart-jackers where he and a group of friends tried their best to take over the UK pop charts. Oh, and yes, that's Mr. Stephen Fry giving the tag line at the end.
- The next video in this volume is by Ben Chan who is mostly an online violine teacher, but is also a lover of video game music. He's playing the theme to Chrono Trigger, which as you've probably guessed is a pretty easy way to make me favorite a video.
- The fourth video is one I've had a bit of a hard time figuring out. It is, as it calls itself the PEN story, and it's a beautiful stop motion film built out of photographs. As I mentioned though, I don't know why it's called the PEN story, nor about who made it or why. It's upbeat and fun, however so it's worth a watch.
- The fifth video is another interesting one. Called "How to be Alone" and is a video by fiilmaker, Andrea Dorfman of the poem (of the same name) by Tanya Davis. It's a beautiful contemplative piece that's quite compelling to watch in addition to being interesting life advice for a thing many people (myself included sometimes) are not very good at.
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