- First, on Tested, Adam Savage gets rid of a Zeebler and we get to look at Marty Cooper's animation.
- Next, The Fruity Ukuladies get by with a little help from their friends.
- Finally, Dodger walks through all the links between cosplay and theatre and argues that theatre and cosplay are two fields that should be going hand in hand.
Showing posts with label Adam Savage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adam Savage. Show all posts
Friday, July 22, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 135)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get invaded, get help and get dressed up.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 125)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we take a look at the fancy computing of yore, learn to draw bunnies and then figure out how to produce a very successful six season television show.
- First, we start out with some of the history of the Apple Macintosh from Computerphile. The original Mac was definitely a departure from how computers would have been seen up to that point (see the smiley face when it boots), although I would love to take the chance to compare it to the Lisa which Apple was also producing at the time. If you're interested in more Macintosh history, checkout folklore.org which is a collection of stories written by the folks who created the Mac.
- Next, we stop in to learn how to draw a bunny with Simon Tofield of Simon's Cat.
- Finally, Adam Savage takes an hour to talk with Vince Gilligan, just at the end of Breaking Bad. I've never watched Breaking Bad, but I'm always kinda interested in stories of TV production. There are probably spoilers, but it has been more than two weeks since then.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 104)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, fight bugs and we look at how to come together, both online and offline.
- First, in a follow up to a video his about what to do with YouTube, Kevin Gisi, takes a more serious look at what the options are to replace YouTube. He may not have had what he needed in pocket, but I am glad (as I said last time) that Subbable and Patreon came to exist and while they haven't solved all of the problems I think it's better for creators and fans today than it was back then.
- Next, Adam Savage shows off his favourite video game and discovers that as soon as anyone films you playing a game your skill immediately drops off by about 90%.
- Finally, The City of Calgary, put together a video to thank all of the volunteers and the city that came out to help put peoples homes and the city back together after the flood here in 2013. Not going to lie, I may have cried into my coffee cup rewatching this one.
Friday, July 03, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 93)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we geek out about stuff! (I know right, what a surprise!)
- It's Comic-Con time, at least it was back in 2013 when I favourited these two videos from tested.com. First we have Adam and Jamie's panel from SDCC (hosted by Wil Wheaton) where they talk for an hour about what keeps them interested and what they want to do.
- Next Adam talks to Will and Norm on Still Untiled about how SDCC 2013 was for them all.
- Finally, not from tested but still super cool, Laura Shigihara sings the "Lament of the Highborne" from World of Warcraft.
Friday, May 08, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 84)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we save the world (twice!), look at how to make a movie look great forever and then we burn things in the coolest way.
- First, we have SuperJeenius's Let's Plays of Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age.
I'm not sure I made it clear ever, but this series of blog posts is based on all of the videos I've favourited and sometimes me-from-the-past seems set to make my job harder. This volume has been one of the problems where that's been the case. I found a bunch of videos in the list and I don't know why I liked them, so a lot of them got tossed. Then I had Episode 37 of Golden Sun: The Lost Age, which is interesting but makes no sense being halfway through the second game. So I don't know what me-from-the-past thought about this video or why it ended up in the favourites.
I can say that both Let's Plays are very good and SuperJeenius's style makes a Let's Play very entertaining and engaging. So I'm going to throw the playlist for the first game in here and leave it up to you if you make it all the way to Episode 37 of the second game. - Next, Adam Savage talks with Will on Still Untitled about the special effects on Blade Runner and why almost nothing else measures up.
- Finally, we get some slow motion action watching what happens when you drop embers into liquid oxygen, from Brady Haran and the team at Periodic Videos.
Friday, February 06, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 72)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we learn things, end things and eat things. THINGS!
- First up, as you may have noticed John and Hank have a thing about discovering all the ways we're all wrong. Such a thing apparently that they (well John) made a whole show dedicated to it.
- Next, somehow I missed that both the Jeffs answer the dumb question I asked, so here's Jeff Mattas answering my question. If you want to see Jeff Cannata answer my question I posted it a while ago.
- Finally, Adam Savage and the crew at Tested.com make an omelette. Then Traci Des Jardins up omelettes them.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 67)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we return to the Internet of old and looks to the Internet ahead, make a box and eat a game.
- First, Hank Green refreshes your memory on all of the Internet dance crazes you may have forgotten. Also reflects on a few potential high points for the vlogbrothers project.
- Next, Adam Savage makes a box. Why is this a favourite? Because boxes are awesome, this box is particularly awesome and making things is cool.
- Finally, Rosanna Pansino makes a chess board cake and edible chess pieces.
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 51)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get a look at public relationships, cosplay in action and acting, and the children of gods who are themselves gods (or something).
- First in this volume, Charlie McDonnell talks about entering into a public relationship. I debated a little, whether or not I should include this video since the relationship didn't last the time between then and now, but I think that the problems Charlie faces are still important to talk about.
- Next Adam Savage sits down with Norm from Tested to talk about his No Face costume. I thought their remarks on the theatre that comes out of cosplaying interesting. I always like seeing characters who have an established relationship meet at a con.
- Finally we have the first episode in Chuggaconroy's Okamiden Let's Play. As with all Let's Plays I'm including the first episode as the placeholder for the whole series. If you're looking for a long format play through of a fun, charming game, with a fun and terribly punny commentator this would be your target.
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The Books I Read - February 2025
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