- First, I hope your imaginary spaceship is ready, because Dave Bulmer is really excited about Forbidden Planet and he has his iambics, his pentameters and corrugators ready. (If you're also wondering what the hell he's going on about, he explains, in this video).
- Next, Brent Black brings us Super Mario 3D World with lyrics, because it's nice to celebrate the games that can save your friendships rather than destroy them.
- Finally, John Green has some facts that you might need to know (by which of course will never *need* to know, but will still come to you when you least expect it).
Showing posts with label John Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Green. Show all posts
Friday, December 02, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 152)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we drum up some memories, hammer down some problems and then sponge up some more useless knowledge.
Friday, October 07, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 146)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we look at our pasts and our futures, look at computers past and then fly through space in a very unfuture kind of way.
- First, John talks about being in high school and a) how it can leave you feeling an awful lot like a failure and b) how high school is not actually destiny or even life. It's nice to remember that our then is not our now, and our now is not our future.
- Next, Hank takes apart a mechanical calculator and it's awesome!
- Finally, we get a suite of music from Super Mario Galaxy, performed by the WDR Radio Orchestra, conducted by Niklas Willén (who I'm pretty sure is dancing on his way to the party).
Friday, September 02, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 141)
In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we get our feathers in order, look waaaaaay back and then put on our music helmets.
- First, Meine Meinung, hop on their chocobos and take us for a ride.
- Next, John and Hank Green team up to talk about Big History, and start, as you do, with the Big Bang.
- Finally, if you wanted to hear all of Daft Punk's songs mashed into one accapella ear worm, the Pentatonix are here to provide.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 124)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we cut to the chase, drink tea and attend a play.
- First, this Video. (from Mike Rugnetta)
- Next, Charlie talks about his patriotism, how to be patriotic when you're British and how wonderful hot leaf water is.
- Finally, dust off your Greek classics and watch John Green talk about Oedipus on Crash Course Literature.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 121)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we look at the shells we build for ourselves, the shells people gloop on to our heads and strawberries. (If he'd used peas I'd have had a chance. Thanks a lot John.)
- First, Ze Frank reads "If you are in a shell" and Harry Shum Jr. dances. If you have the time, stop what you're doing and put this one full screen (and I think bigger screen is better). It's very touching and I had one of those discovering my hands moments after I finished watching. And if you are in a shell, then this video is a nice reminder that you can always move.
- Next, somewhat in contradiction to the first video, we watch Frank Ippolito put Norm Chan in a shell, so that later, they can build a shell for him. Or actually, make a life cast of him, which is more cool. This is part of Tested.com's Zoidberg project.
- Finally, we check in with John Green for an update about things. This one is a video from an interesting time and it's nice to reach back and feel all the excitement when The Fault in Our Stars was starting production and Esther was getting published and the Dons were getting sponsored by Nerdfighteria.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 120)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get awesome, get science and get musical.
- First, the vlogbrothers host the Project For Awesome every year and this video is (a few of) the highlights from 2013.
- Next, Hank enjoys some holidays and his favourite, nothing to do day, thing, answering science questions. #amI1percentnacho
- Finally, Ben Chan, as a guy in four boxes, plays a parody on the themes from Final Fantasy.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 109)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we sing our victory, answer questions and then absolutely nothing creepy happens at all.
- First, let's celebrate our victories with Mr. Smooth McGroove singing the victory fanfare from Final Fantasy VII.
- Next, remember when John Green made a movie? No, not that movie. No, not that one either (I'm not even sure that one's real). Yeah, that's the one. Anyway, here he answers questions about it.
- Finally, Scott Tumilty talks about some good Halloween video games on Geek and Sundry Vlogs. Nothing to worry about here ... no ... not at all ...
Friday, August 28, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 101)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we say the words that we know, stompa our feet and play crazy songs at all hours of the night.
- First, John Green, illustrates the United State's inability to understand hats. I'd say more, but I need to go get the car out of the parkade.
- Next, it's time to get up and Stompa Your Feet along with Serena Ryder.
- Finally, Hank Green and friends prove that 3AM is definitely the best time of day to play Louie Louie.
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 94)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we face the the distant past, travel and the love we hold for our family and friends.
- First, Bryan Cranston reads Shelley's "Ozymandias". I've never seen Breaking Bad, but I assume it's a pretty nifty ad, but mostly I'm into it because it's Bryan Cranston reading "Ozymandias". Nothing besides remains...
- Next, Simon's Cat encounters the dreaded suitcase.
- Finally, Hank and John celebrate Esther Day 2013.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 85)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we look at the heavy, the light and the (hopefully) very small.
- First, John Green explains the situation in the United States leading up to the Civil War. Not only is the subject mater interesting but I also think that this is one of John's finest pieces of oratory.
- Next, Jack Conte covers Daft Punk's Doin' it Right. I love how you can see how Pomplamoose grows out of his music and Nataly Dawn's. Also this video is just plain awesome and then Jack talking about Patreon is also plain awesome.
- Finally, Professor Brailsford expands on compression in this video from Computerphile.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 76)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we have some happy times, some sad times, some calm times and some hope.
- First, Pomplamoose cover September by Earth, Wind and Fire for a little burst of happiness. And also beardlessness ... weird isn't it.
- Next, in less happy times John Green talks about the Boston Marathon Bombings, but more so about finding hope in dark times.
- Finally the Pentatonix sing a version of the Carol of the Bells.
Friday, February 06, 2015
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 72)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we learn things, end things and eat things. THINGS!
- First up, as you may have noticed John and Hank have a thing about discovering all the ways we're all wrong. Such a thing apparently that they (well John) made a whole show dedicated to it.
- Next, somehow I missed that both the Jeffs answer the dumb question I asked, so here's Jeff Mattas answering my question. If you want to see Jeff Cannata answer my question I posted it a while ago.
- Finally, Adam Savage and the crew at Tested.com make an omelette. Then Traci Des Jardins up omelettes them.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 69)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, the Watsky - Vlogbrothers show continues!
- First, Hank points out that John is WRONG! (Also he makes up a song about Quarks and Amanda Bynes, which has stuck around). Warning: Puff levels are high.
- Next Watsky and Kate Nash give us a nice sonic kick in the ass.
- Finally Hank has managed to find the Google history of a certain someone who lived...
Friday, November 21, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 66)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we sing songs of work and of drug stores and also laugh with the vlogbrothers.
- First SuriOokami composed some lyrics for the Earthbound Drug Store Song and then sang them!
- Next we get the joy that is John and Hank together in the same room. Always a fun moment. (And hey, remember when video responses were a thing?)
- Finally, Watsky tells us the Moral of the Story of getting where you want to be.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 63)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get music on a tea tin, posters made on three continents and the nerdfighteriest variety show.
- First, Laura Shigihara, gives us the Oolong cover of Schala's Theme from Chrono Trigger.
- Also check out the trailer for the game she's making! I'm excited!
- Next John Green takes a look at how the creation of a cool thing involved a lot of internet leg work and how copyright law's relation to that creation is complicated.
- Finally someone let John and Hank on the stage at Carnegie Hall. I guess there might be something interesting to watch in that (although I won't lie to you this video is 2 and a half hours long). Also the Mountain Goats show up and some guy named Neil something or other...
Friday, July 25, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 60)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get to enjoy music in boxes and music about boxes and learn together.
- First we have a guy making music in boxes. No not that guy. This guy! Even if the song doesn't grab you the video magic will!
- Next Brentalfloss and DemonTomatoDave wax (on and off) reminiscent about the first ever Gameboy Mario game.
- Finally, John Green goes to TEDxIndiianapolis at how we learn together and how communities such as YouTube can help draw people together to learn.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 52)
In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we deal dealing with with death, how raspy throats lead to the labour movement and how everything seems to be linked to everything and that's pretty ok.
- First, Dan Misener (CBC producer and guy who reads stuff he wrote as a kid), ukuleles the joint up a bit covering "She's Dead" by Jim's Big Ego.
- Next, Hank Green got sick enough that he could sing on of my favourite songs, "Sixteen Tons" so he did.
- Then John Green reflects on a Leaky Con, is forced to read something he wrote as a kid (it's all circles) and discovers more circles and reflections in being.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 48)
This volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we go back to our vlogbrother roots. Also, John sings in this one...
- First off, John addresses Hank's new found buffness and his plan for reciprocation, a treadmill desk.
- Then John (and John and John) play in the Carling Cup with the Swindon Town Swoodlillypoopers. There's no topic to this one, but you have to enjoy the nail-biter ending (if you're into imaginary games of football (as played with the feet)).
- Finally we see that Hank can't possibly be that buff. He's been tumbling down tumblr!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 44)
This volume of my favourite YouTube videos takes a look a two very important constants in the universe, mass, and love.
- First ZeFrank and Hank Green talk about the discovery of the Higgs Boson (and also spiral hotdogs).
- Next John Green talks about how John Green and John Green met and fell in love while playing for the Swindontown Swoodilypoopers. While this might seem confusing, just trust that John Green (one of them) knows how to tell a story.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 41)
This volume of my favourite YouTube videos lets us think a little bit about how math, and society works and how to solve the problems that face us.
- I don't think there's much selling that needs to be done to tell you that a ViHart video is awesome, but I'll give it a try anyway! MATH! HISTORY! PYTHAGORAS! PROOF BY MURDER! BEANS! ... Did that work?
- ZeFrank puts together some very good thoughts on how the culture of the Internet works and how much energy is required to act. Also, if I ever figure out how to bottle that post movie viewing energy I'll be well set for life.
- And if you have some problems that need to be solved, John Green is the person to help you solve them.
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