Showing posts with label Project 23. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Project 23. Show all posts

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Project 23 - Update - Actually Writing the Station Mystery

I’m trying to get better about getting things done and finishing projects. Of course, I’ve decided to try finishing an 80,000 - 100,000 word novel. I hear that this may not be the easiest way to get practice in.

Still I’ve been working on writing a “shitty first draft"1 of my Station Mystery novel for the last few weeks. When I wrote about the book back in January I mentioned not being too sure how to go forward since I’m usually trying to do so many things at once. I’ve decided to focus on the Station Mystery as my primary project and try to prioritise working on it. So for these last few weeks I’ve set a goal of writing for half an hour a day, which I do after the things I have to get done, but before the things I should probably do. I’m not really consistent yet, but I’m moving in the right direction.

Half-an-hour is not a lot of time. I’m only able to write about 500 words if I write the whole time. On the other hand, I’m having fun, I’m actually doing it and 500 words a day is so much better than 0. So for now I’m going to say that it’s a good start.

Chart of words written, with 3 chapters growing over time with the total ending just over 6000 words.

When writing, I’ve instituted a general rule that once I finish a paragraph, I’m not allowed to go back and edit it and this is really helping me to get stuff on the page. I am allowing myself to leave comments in the margin as I go so I can either fix a thing, or just note something or just point out just how shitty the draft is. This gives me just enough of a push that I can let what I’m writing go without getting hung up on it being good or even making that much sense.

A blurred view of green and yellow stickies on a yellow rectangle.

Since I first wrote about the Station Mystery at the beginning of January I did two starts on the first chapter and gave up, but my new rule is helping get things on the page. I’ve also rewritten the outline, with less text but more sticky notes in Miro. Those two outlines have helped me work out what needs to be said and what I’m supposed to be doing in each scene. Since it *is* a murder mystery, it’s also helpful for figuring out how the mystery fits together.

Comments from a google doc saying: 'Weird?' 'Weird.' make sure to make formal bow a thing. No shaking hands and generally not much touching non-family

I’ve also started using Obsidian to build a world book for the story. I’ve been using it increasingly to keep track of things at work and it’s a really helpful way to track things like relationships. I’m trying not to world build too much and it helps to be able to make decisions on the fly.

At this rate I hope I’ll be finished with the first draft by the end of the year and by then I’ll have a whole extra year’s practice of writing and be ready for what ever happens next.

1Lamott, A. (1980). Bird by bird. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Project 23 - A Space Station Mystery Novel

Lately I've been reading a lot of mystery novels, and I've been kind of inspired to make something mystery on my own.

There's something in good mystery books that makes character and space feel familiar and comforting, even while unsavoury things are going on around your detectives. A good detective in a good detective novel is noticing things and connecting things and I think that makes the world feel really real and rich.

So I've plotted out a mystery novel, and I decided to set it on a space station. As I've mentioned for the other science fiction novel I'd like to write, I've been thinking about it for a long, long time about those stories and that world, and I wanted another way to approach them. So enter our hero librarian, her three friends, the diner they hang out in, a cast of hopefully charming and interesting people, a few of whom may be committing crimes.

I've drawn a map of the story and I've written around 3000 words in an outline (with a bit left to go).

A map of colour blocks linked by lines, most are yellow with a few in green and red, too zoomed out to identify any details. On the left side the word Protagonists, which is less a hint about the book as it is me struggling to zoom in my mind map tool.

Hopefully it will turn out to be a fun read, with interesting people exploring an interesting place. I like the idea of sci-fi and mystery mashed up and I'd like to see where I can go with it. I'm also just very fond of the idea of space stations, and once upon a time write about a walk on one.

That being said, since I'm all over the place in terms of the projects I'm working on, both the ones I'm documenting here and the other ones. I don't know exactly when or how I'll work on this or what will come next, but if nothing else thinking about it makes me happy.

The Books I Read - February 2025

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