Showing posts with label Wil Wheaton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wil Wheaton. Show all posts

Friday, July 03, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 93)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we geek out about stuff! (I know right, what a surprise!)

  • It's Comic-Con time, at least it was back in 2013 when I favourited these two videos from First we have Adam and Jamie's panel from SDCC (hosted by Wil Wheaton) where they talk for an hour about what keeps them interested and what they want to do.
  • Next Adam talks to Will and Norm on Still Untiled about how SDCC 2013 was for them all.
  • Finally, not from tested but still super cool, Laura Shigihara sings the "Lament of the Highborne" from World of Warcraft.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 91)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we can have a dream, a laugh and a journey!

  • First, Brentalfloss shares an original composition with us. 
  • Next, Wil Wheaton's son Ryan Wheaton was on an episode of Table Top. His interview is good and it's nice to see such a great family dynamic, but mostly ... well you really should just watch it.
  • Finally, if you need music to walk over green hills to, CalebElijah covers Colour of the Summer Sky from Secret of Mana. Now if you'll excuse me it's time to go get too hot working in the garden, then go hide in the basement and play Secret of Mana.

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 78)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we open our minds, feel the magic and try to bring down our evil overlords.

  • First, Hank Green went and had a talk to a bunch of rad people about their sexuality.
  • Next, Smooth McGroove takes us back to the magic mystical land of Zeal, singing the Corridors of Time.
  • Finally, if you want to experience some real tension, Wil Weaton plays The Resistance with a bunch of very cool actors on Table Top.

Friday, May 09, 2014

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 46)

In this very musical volume of my favourite YouTube videos we get some nostalgia, some laughs and some tension!

  • Firstly, LeVar Burton and the crowd at w00tstock 4.0 sing the theme to reading rainbow. Included at no extra cost, squees from Mr. Wil Wheaton.
  • Next, Husky and his friends sing his overlord song. I could maybe explain what's going on here, but really why would I ruin your fun.
  • And finally we see a seminal moment in the life of Pomplamoose, while they mash up Gotye's Somebody That I Used to Know and Carly Rae Jepsen's Call Me Maybe. What will happen to Jack? What will Nathalie do with unlimited power over the creative direction of Pomplamoose? Will another meme from the sumer of 2012 be able to save our heroes? DON'T. PUSH. THAT. BUTTON.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 38)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, Happy Typing! And some other stuff, but mostly Happy Typing! I mean college, potions, gay marriage and the best Table Top episode about trains are all important and cool, but HAPPY TYPING!

  • First off, Elmify reminisces about college, and points out the potential danger of benches (although in my mind benches have always been party to pretty good moments). 
  • Next Rosanna Pansino makes skittle vodka - Diablo 3 potions, which I thought were pretty cool (and possibly cooler than the game itself).
  • Then John Green delve's into religion and gay marriage.
  • Next Ze Frank suggests ways to chase the happy! (But seriously, happy typing, always happy typing!)
  • Finally from great moments in Table Top, Wil Wheaton is joined by Colin Ferguson, Amy Dallen, and Anne Wheaton. The game is a lot of fun, but there's a moment in this game that lives on in table banging infamy. (Not like that you dirty dirty people). - Also the Seattle Calgaries, what a team! All these videos live in my favourites, but this one is honestly one of the best!

Friday, July 05, 2013

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 34)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos we get the rest of the launch of Geek and Sundry. meaning we get to geek out about board games and books and we'll also get the chance to geek out about cake and sex, relationships and words too.

  • The first videos in this volume are from Wil Wheaton's Table Top. Here we watch him play games with a bunch of cool people (This week, Grant Imahara, Sean Plott (Day[9]) and Jenna Busch). This show is great for the witty banter and it also let's you see people playing your favourite games or learn about cool games you may have missed. They also include some extra footage of their guests which are also pretty cool (and here we see Grant Imahara's).
  • Next up, Rossana Pansino and CourtnyPants make rainbow unicorn cake on Nerdy Nummies. (The cake does not actually contain unicorns.) If you wanted to know how to make a cake of many colours, this is a pretty good guide.
  • The next video in this volume is the inagural video episode of Sword & Laser (or The Sword & Laser ... I'm not sure they ever sorted that out). Here, Veronica Belmont and Tom Merritt talk about the lastest and greatest in Sci-Fi and Fantasy books. The audio version existed long before the video one started and continues on now that the video show has run it course. They also have a strong community over on Goodreads.
  • Finally John Green talks about sex and relationships. The most important advice he gives I think is maybe the most important advice for any situation. "USE YOUR WORDS!"

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Blog: Cool Things I Never Mentioned

So I decided not to keep going with the weekly Cool Things posts. I either had too many or too few things to post and then keeping cool things for a week doesn't make much sense. So from now on cool things will show up on my Twitter feed (and I might post a round up here from time to time).

I have a pretty big list of videos left over that I didn't post and I'm going to post a list of them here (just as links since I don't think any of us need a 40 video long post).

Monday, September 17, 2012

Blog: Favorite YouTube Videos (Volume 11)

Welcome to the eleventh volume of my favorite YouTube videos. This week our musical journey is interrupted by the arrival of a new species of video, the vlog. *Play ominous music now* At least we'll start with a vlogger rapping to make our transition.

  • The first video of the volume is yet another song by the perennially appearing Brentalfloss. Rather than his usual video game fair, this one is an awesome moment of thanks for a teacher.
  • The second video is another video song from Pomplamoose. As with "If you think you need some lovin" this is one of their earlier original pieces. Always fun to see the exuberance vs the cool chick.
  • The next three videos are the arival of the vlogbrothers into my favorites list. For the uninitatied the vlogbrothers are brothers (surprise) Hank and John Green, who started out with a project many years ago called brotherhood2.0. In brotherhood2.0, they set out to spend a year without communicating with each other textually. This morphed over time into the vlogbrothers and the community surrounding them nerdfightaria. One of the nicest aspects of their videos (aside from the fact that they're awesome) is that most of them are under 4 minutes in length.
    These three come from three different time periods in vlogbrother history. I think the first one comes just after I started watching, although that seems far too recent (after I started watching the vlogbrothers I went back and watch all their videos through (at least twice) so my sense of time is a little mushed where when their videos actually happened). The first video is Hank's wootstock rap and pretty much explains itself (but it starts with a reason for me to use the wheaton fawning tag) The second is further back, but deals with the important concept of braincrack (and gigantic blue penises) and the third is from brotherhood 2.0 days and is one of the first book club videos (and a demonstration of how slow John used to talk). As I've said before the vloggers are coming and this is their vanguard.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Yet another blog!

So I've decided to start a blog. I know, the world is not exactly short on blogs, but I'm doing it anyway. You can't stop me, your only chance is my own powerful lethargy.

That's actually the point of this blog, to combat my natural tendency to sit on my butt not doing things. I want (and I recognize this may just be the most elaborate and time consuming way I've ever found to procrastinate) a place to keep track of all the hundreds of things I want to do and a way to keep myself accountable.

I've been a fan of Wil Wheaton for a while now and I've really enjoyed the ethic that goes into his podcast Radio Free Burrito, the ethic that it's Time to GET EXCITED and MAKE THINGS!

Poster reading, Get Excited and Make Things, under a crown of wrenches on a green background.
Credit to Petaflopism (under CC-atribution-non-com-share-alike)

So clearly enough it's time for me to get excited and make things. I'm a little afraid both of actually getting things done (which I admit to be an odd phobia, but I think it's true), but I'm going to plow ahead. Over all this blog will be a series of posts about the things that I'm trying to get done organized into different Projects, with posts covering information about the progress of the project and hopefully information about the completion of the project.

Thank you for reading, constructive feedback will always be read and appreciated.

Don't be a dickBe Good to Each OtherTo-Be Continued,

Go Make Something!

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...