Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yet Another Update

I've decided, given that this is about the first anniversary of the "Blog as Project" part of the blog, to make a couple of simple changes around here. Over all, I'm happy, I feel like I'm getting better and that things are moving along.

However I haven't posted as much as I'd like to and at least some of that is due to the way I have the projects structured. They feel a bit too big to me and like I should have something substantial before I do anything (which is why there are so few). I've also been busy, as you may notice up at the top this is the "productivity" journal of  PhD and that means that I actually need to get some of my school work done as well.

In order to manage the projects better I'm going to add two other categories. The first is "Mini Projects" in which I will include things that are quick to do and will be one or two posts (and I think a lot of "after action reports"). The second category is "Academic Projects" in which I may detail more of the things I do in relation to my degree, these may be quite vague, since most of my work is not yet published and there are quite a few things that I'd rather not spoil on myself. Still I hope that I can keep track of that part of my life on here, all be it in a fairly vague manner.

I've also changed the font for the site, since I discovered that I apparently don't like san-serif body text any more. Hopefully the site will easier to read.

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I’m not sure that anyone, myself included, really needs this post. On the other hand, I read a thing about re-reading and I want to write ab...