Sunday, July 01, 2012

Project 3 : 25 books in 52 weeks : Update 1

So as with everything associated with this blog, I'm behind on my reading for the 25 books in 52 weeks project. I started the project on September 3, 2012 and will wrap it up on September 3, 2012. As it's June 29, 2012 at the time of writing, 43 weeks have elapsed and I've only made it through 7 books. Ideally at this point I should have read about 23 books, but the point of this project is to push myself back into reading so I'll take having made any progress at all as a good thing and will see where I've made it to by the time September 3 rolls around.

New Books this Update 

  • The Atrocity Archives - Charles Stross
    • I love John Le Carré's George Smiley books especially the focus on the infrastructure built by the espionage organizations. The Laundry books do an amazing job of invoking that feeling and mixing it with some Lovecraftian world mangling and a healthy dose of Dilbert.
  • The Jennifer Morgue - Charles Stross
    • As with the George Smiley element in The Atrocity Archives, the James Bond elements in the Jennifer Morgue work very well as well. 
  • The Fuller Memorandum - Charles Stross
    • Unlike the other two Laundry books, I felt like the Fuller Memorandum was more "in it's own style" although that may be because I haven't read the books wikipedia mentions as influence. All of the Laundry books are a lot of fun to read and I'm very excited that the next major novel is coming out in the next few days.
  • Mort - Terry Pratchett
    • I'm working my way through the Terry Pratchett books in publication order and I have to say that I found Mort much harder going than the first three (Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic and Equal Rights). With the first three it was fairly easy to slip into the world as odd as it was, but Mort feels like such a festival of anachronism that the world is hard to accept. 
  • The Alloy of Law - Brandon Sanderson
    • I loved all of the first Mistborn trilogy, but especially the first volume. I enjoyed the action and adventure and heistyness and especially how alive and active Vin felt. The other two were good as well but I found that they didn't move as quickly as the first (which I think is something of a standard problem for Brandon Sanderson). The Alloy of Law felt like a return to that first books energy and I finished reading it and wanted to pick up the next one immediately. (Which is sad because I think the wait might be a while).
  • The Sword of Shannara - Terry Brooks
    • I read this book at least partly due to having never finished the project I undertook in junior high school where I promised that I would read it. I found this, especially for the first two thirds to be an incredible drag with uninteresting characters. As I eventually began to accept it as a Tolkien based D&D campaign rather than "people run back and forth in a small park" (seriously the longest march they undertakes is about 4 days, how close are all the major cities). The end had enough charm and momentum and I don't regret reading it, but I'm glad to have relieved myself from that particular guilt of my youth and don't think I'll pick up any of the other books from the series without some serious motivation.
    • I should also point out that I seriously expected Menion Leah to have no idea what a woman was when he first meets Shirl. The entire first three quarters of the novel is devoid of the mention of women, so it seems to me that Menion should have been totally baffled. Serious missed opportunity for an Ethan of Athos kind of world. 
  • Great by Choice - Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen
    • I liked the ideas put forth in Built to Last and Good to Great. I think that Great by Choice is better than either in that the findings of the book are much more applicable to the daily life of a graduate student. It's certainly worth a read and is an especially good jumping of point for trying to be more productive.


  • Project Completeness: 7/25 - 28%
  • Time Remaining 9 weeks.

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