Friday, November 11, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 150)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we celebrate, get a little loopy and then scribble our way to success.

  • First, we have the history of the Gaming Historian. Norman celebrates 100K subscribers with the story of how he came to be doing what he's doing.
  • Next, suppose you edited and posted 25 videos in 24 hours. Do you think you might feel slightly odd. Nah, I can't say I would either. 25 from Stephen Georg's Stephenvlog.
  • Finally, Mary Doodles blows our minds again by taking a few random scribbles and turning them into yet another amazing piece of art. Yaaaa! Yaaaaaaaaa!

Friday, November 04, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 149)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we follow Norman Caruso, the Gaming Historian as he delves deep into the history of Wolfenstein, a video game series that changed the landscape. It's certainly left me wanting to revive my Apple II so that I can see if I play the original again. As a kid, I never managed to make it out of the cell.

  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3

Friday, October 28, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 148)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos,  we code, we paint, we sing and we kick ass (well people do, we watch).

  • First, we have the extras to Numberphile and Computerphile's visit to Pixar. The original video was interesting, but I was especially interested in this one because it focuses on academias relation to industry, engineers (and computer scientists) relation to artists and software's relation to the real word.
  • Next, Mary Doodles draws a triceratops eating lunch.  Because, of course.
  • Finally, Laura Shigihara, sings "Stronger than You" from Stephen Universe and stands all the hair up on our arms (well my arms anyway). I ... should probably watch that show at some point.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 147)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we touch hearts, heads and feet.

  • First, if you asked, I'd tell you that Jurassic Rhythm is why Chrono Trigger is awesome... of course, I'd be willing to tell you that any part of Chrono Trigger is what makes it awesome. Also if you asked, I'd tell you that this song is why Caleb Elijah is awesome... of course, I'd be willing to tell you that any song he plays is what makes him awesome. Now if you asked me what make is guitar awesome, I'd ask what the hell is wrong with you because LOOK AT THE THING!
  • Next, in case you were wondering (and I'm sure you were) it turns out that every hat you thought was different was pretty much the same, and Lindybeigh is here to fill you in.
  • Finaly, not content to answer your questions about headwear, Lindybeige  is also happy to fill you in on those things you were wondering (amd I'm sure you were) about shoes.

Friday, October 07, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 146)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos,  we look at our pasts and our futures, look at computers past and then fly through space in a very unfuture kind of way.

  • First, John talks about being in high school and a) how it can leave you feeling an awful lot like a failure and b) how high school is not actually destiny or even life. It's nice to remember that our then is not our now, and our now is not our future.
  • Next, Hank takes apart a mechanical calculator and it's awesome!
  • Finally, we get a suite of music from Super Mario Galaxy, performed by the WDR Radio Orchestra, conducted by Niklas Willén (who I'm pretty sure is dancing on his way to the party).

Friday, September 30, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 145)

In this volume of my Favourite YouTube Videos, we die, we lament our lost days and we relax.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Blog: Video Games of May 2016

Quick note: As you may have noticed I'm rather behind in posting these. The retrospective for April was written in early May (and it just took me forever to get it up), but the rest will be written and posted now. As a result, they will probably have some gloss from the passing of time.

May was the first month where I was teaching a course and that ended up eating a lot of my time. So I played with a little less mindfulness than I'd been playing earlier in the year. Most of the stuff I did play was to give me some stress relief and to stop thinking for a little while.
My top five games (by play time) for May were:
  1. XCOM 2 - Having played a non-ironman "really easy" run through the first time I played, I thought it would be good to try the game at a little harder. I tried for an ironman run at a harder difficultly level. After a lot of restarts I managed to get a little traction, although honestly this game is *really hard*, or I'm just *really bad at it*.

  2. Stardew Valley - I really love this game. I especially like the 20 minute flow of a day, and I like starting my day with a day or two of Stardew Valley along with coffee and breakfast. It's also nice to be able to drop in for a while in the evenings and play a little extra.

  3. Chrono Trigger - It's nice jumping back into old favourites and where I had the time to sit down and focus on a game Chrono Trigger was a nice game to have on hand to jump back into. It's also surprising just how short the game actually is. 

  4. Middle-Earth:Shadows of Mordor - I picked this up because I wanted a game I could play without thinking too much. It took a little while to get the flow, but then the stealth to combat mechanic took over and it was a game I could play a lot and let my mind wander while I played it.

  5. Super Mario Maker - It's a little disappointing how hard it is to get your levels played, and that's cut down quite a bit on how much I've played. Still there are a lot of good levels out there to play and there's nothing quite so easy to play as 2D Mario.

Here's my total play time chart for May 2016:

And here's my total number of times played:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Project 14 - Sketch Fiction - Home

This is the fourth of six sketch stories. It's unrelated to the others.

You can expect the next sketch story when I damn well post it. (Which is to say I've kinda given up on deadlines here, but I'm still trying to stick with creating cool things.)


The spar was warm from the sun and there wasn't much that needed done, so she sat and sang idly. The sea was light and the ship surged, pulling for home, same as the crew.

As she sang, a song of harbour and home, the crew calmed.  Hauling wasn't a bad life, better than some courses you could sail, but still, nobody wanted to sail the last stretch, everyone wanted to be home.

The was a fuss down on deck, those two sailors they'd picked up at Stoneille. She made to go down, but Jerin was there and knocked the two of them clean out. She shook her head, first job back home would be to make sure this was the last they saw of the sorry louts.

The crew on deck cleared the two trouble makers out of the way, dumping them on one of the coils of rope. Jerin trussed them up, then stalked among the crew. 

They rounded the headland and the light changed, suddenly brighter, warmer. The city surged down from the hill, a riot of colour, blue and green, down into the plain, yellow and red and crashing white up onto the mountain. The roofs blended together as they poured down to the sea from there, mixing together and meeting at the docs.

"Ahoy," she shouted down, "It's home again."


A little while ago, somewhere out there on the Internet, I ran across a thing about the joy and value in rereading books. I’ve managed to lo...