Friday, February 19, 2016

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 121)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we look at the shells we build for ourselves, the shells people gloop on to our heads and strawberries. (If he'd used peas I'd have had a chance. Thanks a lot John.)

  • First, Ze Frank reads "If you are in a shell" and Harry Shum Jr. dances. If you have the time, stop what you're doing and put this one full screen (and I think bigger screen is better). It's very touching and I had one of those discovering my hands moments after I finished watching. And if you are in a shell, then this video is a nice reminder that you can always move.
  • Next, somewhat in contradiction to the first video, we watch Frank Ippolito put Norm Chan in a shell, so that later, they can build a shell for him. Or actually, make a life cast of him, which is more cool. This is part of's Zoidberg project.
  • Finally, we check in with John Green for an update about things. This one is a video from an interesting time and it's nice to reach back and feel all the excitement when The Fault in Our Stars was starting production and Esther was getting published and the Dons were getting sponsored by Nerdfighteria.

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