Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year’s Resolutions 2019

I guess this is a thing I do now. So, here are a few things I thought about working on in 2019:

General Resolutions

  1. Be Slower - I don’t know that I would describe myself as hastey (especially because that’s not a word anybody uses), but I’ve found myself several times over the last year reacting in a way that wasn’t that helpful and that could have been avoided if I’d just slowed down. That way I can get more information, or I can react in a way that actually makes sense based on how I’d really like to react.

    Similarly, I think this extends my monotasking goal of last year. I want to slow down and do a thing until the thing is done (or done enough) and not keep jumping to something else every time I don’t want to do the thing.

    So the goal for 2019 is to go slower, think more deeply and keep in mind that whatever it is will still be there when I get to it.
  2. Finish Things - In addition to going slower, I need to get stuff done. For a long time I was really bad at even starting things (and I’m still not *very* good at it), but I’m also really bad at finishing things.

    For 2019 I’d like to get better at finishing things in two ways. One if a job can be finished, I want to finish it as quickly as I can. For another, as an aspect of being slower, if a job can’t be finished I want to focus my energy on moving it forward so it can get done.
  3. Be Comfortable - I think this is a bit of an aspect of being slower as well. I’ve found, in this last year especially that I allow myself to get very stressed, and so instead of being slow, I freeze. Instead of that this year, I want to relax in my own skin. So that even if things aren’t the way I want, I can keep moving.

Specific Resolutions

  1. Finish The Thesis - Goddamnit.
  2. Make Something Everyday - Partly freezing from stress, partly freezing from not wanting to distract myself from the thesis, but I haven't made nearly as much as I want to in 2018. In 2019 I want set myself a don’t break the chain challenge of making something cool and/or creative every day. It should be a tiny thing, but it should be a little bit of creative practice.
  3. Finish A Project Each Month - As a concrete instance of finishing stuff, I want to give myself a goal of finishing a project every month.
  4. Enjoy Good Stuff - Read more books, watch more movies, watch more tv, play more games, seem more art, listen to more music, look at more trees (and mountains and stuff). I want to push myself when I’m making a decision about my time, to lean towards enjoying something good.
  5. See More Things - As with 2018, I have a lot of flexibility and I really ought to be putting it to good use. So I want to try at least once a week to do something unusual, so that I get to see more things.
And with that I hope we all have a wonderful 2019 in which we all get ourselves to the places we want to be.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Blog: Games of 2018

This year I’ve played 2 games that were released in 2018. Into the Breach and Graveyard Keeper. I usually divide these posts into categories, but instead I’ll say I thought Into the Breach was good and Graveyard Keeper was okay.

For the record, my low number of 2018 games played is not a comment on the state of games in 2018, but a comment on the state of me in 2018. I will wrap up my thesis in 2019 and I’m hoping to be able to play a more of 2019’s games when they come out and to catch up on all the cool things I’ve missed in 2018.

The Okay

Graveyard Keeper

Graveyard Keeper loading screen, depicts a logo of a skeleton giving a thumbs up leaning on the words Graveyard Keeper on a stylized broken stone block.

Graveyard Keeper is okay. I think it has good mechanics, but I just don’t like the world building or the style. Some of that is the bit where it leans into the gross and disturbing. (I’m okay with cutting people’s brains out, but less so with burning witches).

I also found outside of that it’s a little bland. I think that’s to do with the structure of the quests (each can only really be accomplished on one day a week, so if you miss it then you have to wait another week to move the plot ahead). If you’re just in it for the woodworking then this game is great, if you want a little more, then I’m not sure it has it. At least for me.

I did play a little bit recently when I turn it on to get the screenshot for this post. It looks like it has some more stuff added to it which should be fun.

The Good

Into the Breach

Into the Breach is good. As a puzzle strategy game it takes a lot of the guesswork and RNG out of playing and replaces it with your own damned decisions. I like how the missions are structured and how each one lasts just the right amount of time. The style is nice but the “meta-narrative” of the roguelike aspects (Into the Breach is made by Subset Games, who’s other claim to fame is FTL: Faster than Light) is a little light.

The game is always fun to play and there’s enough challenge to keep playing. I especially enjoyed that it lets you adjust the difficulty level without punishment which makes it fun to play however ambitious you’re feeling.

Blog: Books Read in 2018


Good Reads

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Looking Back at 2018 New Year’s Resolutions

Doing a resolutions post was a new thing for me, and I think the exercise was generally a good idea. I thought I’d take a moment to look back at my resolutions for this year.

General Goals

  1. Monotask - Mixed results on this one. It’s something I’m going to have to keep working on. I find especially as I get tired and overwhelmed by the stuff that needs to be done that it’s easy to lose focus and so I do more stuff, less well. I keep a pocket moleskin and write out my todos each day and as often as not I tend to fill a whole page with stuff that needs doing. Ideally I think i’d do fewer things but focus on them to get them done. (Also I’m editing two posts right now, so clearly Monotasking hasn’t quite taken yet.) 
  2. Hold Fewer Opinions - I … think I succeeded? This feels like a thing that I’m going to work on for the rest of my life. 
  3. Act more - Again I feel like this is a bit of a lifetime project. Generally I don’t think I did as well as I did at holding fewer opinions, but I have been trying to break stuff down into smaller pieces so that it’s easier to get them done. 

Specific Goals

  1. Finish my Thesis - Goddamint. I am closer though. 
  2. Be More Engaged on Twitter - This didn’t really take. I still stand by my feelings last year, that the only way to actually improve Twitter is be be good on Twitter (or whichever social network). I found it hard to engage partly due to stress about all the other stuff I hadn’t got done and I think a bit because the community I want isn’t really there any more. 
  3. Read More - I did that
  4. Make More Stuff - I didn’t do that. 
  5. See More Stuff - Another mixed result. I certainly didn’t take advantage of my flexibility as much as I’d hoped, but I did do a little. I also feel like I’ve managed to organize myself so that in the future I will be able to see more stuff.
My 2018 wasn't great, I wanted my thesis done, but teaching got in the way (sort of) and I got in my own way. That being said, I'm pretty close to being done, and, more importantly, I think I'm getting more comfortable being a person who has things to do.


I have no idea who this cat is, but lets dance anyway.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Blog: Games of November 2018

I'm not super happy with how I spent my play time this month, especially because I found myself playing more out of frustration / burnout than relaxation or fun.

My top five games (by play time) for November were:
  1. Civilization VI - Well, this is the game I play when I'm avoiding getting the stuff that needs to get done, done. I'm feeling behind on practically everything, and, embarrassingly, it's been much easier to pick this up "for a minute" rather than work. The problem is, that minute often expands out to be a lot more than a minute.  So my goal for December is to, a) relax, b) focus, c) get stuff done, and d) feel good when I do play.

    It has been created. Next Turn!

    On the not of the actual game, side I actually feel like I'm finally figuring the game out a little. I even caved and picked up the Rise and Fall Expansion. I'm not sure I'm actually getting good, but I have learned. Further I've accepted that not every game is going to be a game I enjoy playing until the end and it's okay to go back to the early game part where I was having fun. I also really the aesthetic of the game, the same thing I thought the first time I played is that it still calls back the things I loved from Civ I and II.

  2. Ogre Battle 64 - While I'm accepting things, I'm accepting that I can love this game for the feeling it gives me even when a huge portion of it makes no sense.

    Happy Place.

  3. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - I still haven't beaten the Master Sword challenge. I have been trying to pick up some better techniques and skills and I feel like, except for the part I can't do, I'm getting good.

    Little Silver Jerks. 

  4. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - As part of a routine of relaxing this game just keeps giving. It also has an incredibly slow reward system - costumes for the amiibo characters - which might just keep us playing for another year. Animal Crossing for life!

    Animal Crossing is mostly Animal Capitalism.

  5. Pokémon Go - Between being behind and it being colder out, I've been playing a little bit less the last month.

    We're slow and that's ok.

Here's my total play time chart for November:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Project 17: The Revenge of #NaFYoFuThMo - Update

Well, that was a bit of a bust. National Finish Your (by which I mean my) Fucking Thesis Month, only netted me about 3000 words. Suffice to say I haven’t actually finished my thesis. I wasn’t exactly planning to, but still I’d have like to have had more progress.

I knew I had some other stuff to do that would hang up the writing, but still had high hopes of magically getting ahead. I’ve rewritten why and how several times now, but at the end of the day, the thing I need to put here is I can get to the end if I just keep stepping forward.

Beyond that, #nafyofuthmo is fun to say (say it out loud if you haven’t NAFF-yo-FUTH-mo). It’s also time I finished this thesis. I am going to wrap up the writing by end of January and to keep myself entertained, so I’m going to keep #nafyoing until I get done. I'm going to shoot for a daily(ish) update on twitter. Sometimes that will be new words, and sometimes it will be the other work and sometimes I'll have to do some other stuff, but I'll try to keep myself positive and on track.

I've got everybody and the stuff together. 3-2-1 Let's Jam.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Blog: Video Games of October 2018

October was a pretty head-down month. I didn't get as much done as I wanted, and didn't play that much either. I think my goal for November is to build a routine where I'm getting stuff done and enjoying my play time as well.

My top five games (by play time) for October were:
  1. Final Fantasy XII - As with last month, I tried to fit Final Fantasy XII in as a "bed time" game of sorts. This worked out fairly well as the game does lack a certain amount of excitement. I've been thinking back to the train scene from the beginning of Final Fantasy VII, because it feels like XII is kinda lacking that kind of spectacle, let alone the character or charm of Final Fantasy VI. It also suffers from severe hero / protagonist dysphoria (which is a fancy term I just made up for the bit where the game is about Ashe and for some reason you keep playing as Van.)

    An now you will be killed by a bird, unless you remembered to do that side quest.

  2. Pokémon Go - Baring a bit of snow at the beginning of the month, it's been nice to be out and about picking up stuff. Now I just want to work somewhere with a slightly higher density of pokéstops.

    You are getting sleepy, and pink.

  3. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Friends make the journey, and also working really hard to avoid getting eaten by a large ambulatory jack-o-lantern.

    Winners, but most importantly not eaten. 

  4. Paper Mario: Color Splash - I needed more pictures of the game for my post, and so I had to play more. While this game certainly has a lot of issues, it's still a lot of fun to play.

    You're a key, Slightly Grumpy Toad.

  5. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - I'm like a speed runner, but slow, and bad, and kinda unmotivated because the game is hard.

    Who's a good boy? Not Link he's never going to pet that dog.

Here's my total play time chart for October:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Project 17: The Revenge of #nafyofuthmo

Well I didn't exactly mean to still *have* a thesis to write at this point, but I do and it's time it got done. So I'm hauling out the power of the niftiest hashtag I've ever invented and I'm bringing back #nafyofuthmo (National Finish Your - by which I mean my - F*ing Thesis Month)

And also Cowboy Bebop gifs.

So I'm way closer to being done than I was last year, so that's a plus. I'm mostly working on the system describing my demonstration systems and evaluating them. I'd love to get those finished by the end of the month. I'm setting myself the goal of 800 words each day.

One thing I've enjoyed is the permission #nafyo (if I may be so bold) gives me to take time to work, even if I won't get too much done in any session. At least it's worth it to sit down and get something done.

As last year, I'll be posting day-to-day updates on twitter and at least a wrap-up here.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Blog: Thoughts on Paper Mario: Color Splash

It's colour and it's splashy. (Yeah, still haven't fixed the internet problem on my Wii U)

I picked up Paper Mario: Color Splash because I wanted something new, different, and not that hard to play. I’m trying not to buy too much while finish my PhD, and I thought Color Splash might be the right thing to tide me over until I can get caught up again. There will be some spoilers for Color Splash - I hate to tell you but Bowser might kidnap Princess Peach again, but wait til you see why he did it!

Toad is very firm in his beliefs.

While I've watched most of the Paper Mario games being Let's Played. I’ve never actually played one before. I’ve generally thought that they had a lot of heart and the localization team has had a lot of fun producing them. I really enjoyed Thousand Year Door and I’ve thought most of the others were pretty good. Color Splash fits in that model, and while I didn't love it, I certainly like it a lot.

Things I Liked

Paper Mario: Color Splash is very charming. From the visual style, to the characters, to the writing it was a delight to play. It definitely has some issues, as I’ll discuss in the Things I Didn’t Like, but overall it’s fun.

The first thing I really liked is the colour. I am a fan of bright colour and rainbow things and this game certainly provides. Beyond that, the Woolly World / physical paper style is fantastic. Mario is a piece of paper. The enemies are pieces of paper. If you hit the enemies with your hammer they crumple.

Don't worry that's just a country side cafe, with extra large decorative knives, getting rolled up above you.

At the same time the paper craft is used to build a really “realistic” and fun world. As you go through the world you see a shiney rock and suddenly realize it’s aluminum foil. Or you a log and realize that it’s rolled corrugated cardboard. Or you walk along a nice ridge and then some jerks roll it up and trap you in it.

I also liked the world of Prisma Island. You travel around on a Super Mario Bros. 3 / Mario World style map. At first I was a little worried that it would be too highly “levelized,” with no reason to go back to a level once you finished it. But there were interesting characters in different locations and just about every level had at least two reasons to go back, and was a little different every time you went through. Each level felt unique, and there were "biomes" across the game that felt like you were travelling between different areas, where there were common stylistic elements shared between the levels.  The world felt dynamic, alive, and interesting at every point of the game.

I'd visit.

Part of the world feeling alive is that, despite the fact that it might be really hard to tell the Toads apart, every single character is has well written, unique dialog. Everyone in every town has a personality and it’s easy to remember them. Like the bridge repair expert, and the bridge repair expert expert who helps you find the bridge repair expert (they’re especially memorable because they both get really happy whenever you use the bridge they repaired in town).

So happy!

The Rescue Squad Toads were also phenomenal, there were at least a hundred of them, in various colour squads. Each squad helps Mario do a thing usually by becoming a patch in the world (and they don’t mind if you step on them, or drive a train over them). Each Toad in a rescue squad has a personality, and has a different thing to say. At one point you and the 50 Red Rescue Squad Toads need to get in a circus. While you’re waiting all 50 toads have something different to say and they’re all witty, or interesting, or both. The attention to detail that the localizers put into this game is phenomenal.

They may be construction material, but they are glorious.

The writing overall is really good. The game is very self aware, and comedic, and it’s really enjoyable to read the plot, the side plots, and the NPCs just standing around. The story is not a heartbreaking work of literary genius, but for a Mario game, it’s unique, fun and a little different.

Things I didn’t Like

I played about 50 hours of Color Splash, and I probably enjoyed 40 of those. Unfortunately, this game is kinda cavalier with your time, and that can make it very frustrating. The first example of this is simply the game over mechanic. This game is old school, if you lose a fight, you go back to your last save. Also, did I mention that there are hazards in the world that can kill you? There are, so if you’re not careful - and sometimes if you are careful but the game designers are feeling like it would be fun for you to do that last bit over again - you’ll suddenly get blown back to your last save.

The game, and the colour, is over.

I will say that the game is generally good about saving every time you leave a level and there are save blocks positioned in fairly useful places. However even then on several occasions I found myself dead by surprise and suddenly way back with a lot to repeat again.

The game is also aware of its game over mechanic. Several times, early in the game I’d die to a boss only to have Huey pop up and tell me that I hadn’t done the fight correctly. Later in the game this didn’t happen as much but I still felt a that the game over penalty wasn’t required and there must have been a different way to handle the fact that the game is *fairly* easy.

I actually found regular fights pretty fun, instead of picking your commands from a menu you pick cards out of a hand, and then it’s back to the old fashioned action commands to thump enemies. As with all Paper Mario games, you need to take care that you choose the right type of attack for the right enemies (don’t jump on the spikey things).

Stomp, hammer, fire your way to victory.

Where I found things broke down in combat was in the boss fights. I mentioned Huey telling me I was fighting wrong, well the bosses in Color Splash all have a CORRECT WAY (™) to fight them. In general you have to find a card out in the world (a “thing”) and use that think to break whatever is keeping you from actually fighting them. On the one hand this makes the boss fights interesting and different than your regular encounters. On the other this means that almost inevitably you’ll go into a fight having not found, not gone back for, or having used the thing you need to actually win the fight. And then you die.

Better yet are the times when you have the thing but you don’t use it the right way. Did you use the balloons? Well, too bad, because right now Ludwig isn’t vulnerable to that. He’ll be vulnerable to that later. So you die.The game isn’t bad about explaining when you get to the right point that you should use the thing, but it’s still kinda easy to jump ahead and get yourself in trouble.

Morton might be be the brightest candle in the box, but he sure tried hard.

All of the main bosses work this way, but the worst example was probably the steak. Yes, there’s a boss about 2/3s of the way through the game where you have to cook a steak. So you have to tenderize it appropriately (which, i mean Paper mario does love clobbering things with hammers so - great), apply salt and pepper, apply lemon juice and grill it to medium rare. That requires three “things” you find out in the world. That are all found in different levels (although there is at least a shop in town where you can retrieve any “thing” you’ve found once in the world). Then you have to apply them in the correct amounts in the correct order. I think I fought the steak 5 times before I got it right. You don’t die if you don’t cook the steak right but you do have to buy the steak to fight again each time.

Overall, I do think the boss fights add a lot to the game, they are at least different and interesting. I’m not sure they’re fun, but I wouldn’t say they're bad. What I would say is that they feel a lot like the developers included the mechanics to slow the game down for you. I get needing patience to play, I suck at dark souls, but I recognize that I need to put the time in to “git good”. In Paper Mario: Color Splash I feel like I am good and the game’s just hitting on my ignorance. While I loved it, I was definitely frustrated at times.

This carries over to some of the puzzles in the game, they’re very long and you have to start over when you do something wrong (or sometimes when you do everything right). There’s one level late in the game where you fight your way through the forest, have to avoid the surprisingly accurate hammer brothers circus act and then you discover three “paint stars” next to each other, which means that not only was it a slow and relatively difficult level, you have to play it three times in a row for no reason.

I think my frustration also comes back to the use of save points. The game only saves when you leave a level or hit a save blocks, so when you’re infiltrating the Yellow Sniffit’s base to get the a Cafe Owner back (cafe owners are very plot important), you have to play the whole level in one sitting or start again and do the 30 minute trip to the base and then the hour long base.

I sniffed the need for a quick save feature.

(I’m wondering now if there were save points that I missed / forgot about, but still it would have been nice to just suspend and come back later. Additionally the mechanic of saving in a level and coming back is a little confusing.)

I think I was most frustrated by the part where you have to guide a ship through a spooky violet passage. That level had an “on the ground” portion, and then you had to sail the ship through a number of fairly challenging challenges, navigating rocks and shooting stuff. It probably wasn’t that bad but I was tired, I wanted to stop, but I didn’t want to give up all the work I’d done to get that far.

The game has banners in the main town square where it celebrates how many coins you’ve picked up, how many times you’ve whacked things with your hammer really well, how many times you’ve used your scissors to cut up the back ground, how much paint you’ve smashed onto things, and - how many times you’ve won a game of rock paper scissors. While 100%ing the game is not really rewarded, it is nice to see those banners unfurled, so I tackled those parts of the completion quest. Over all they’re fun enough, especially with a friend shouting everytime they see something you missed. The Roshambo however is a bit of a different beast.

Achievement Unlocked - wait, that feels wrong here...

For - reasons - Roshambo is the religion(?) on Prisma Isle. There are Roshambo Temples at least where you compete against your enemies in - the ultimate rock-paper-scissors showdown. I actually like about half of how this was put together, Toads outside the temple give you hints about what your opponents are likely to play and you can use that to help figure out a pretty good strategy to play.

The part I don’t like however is that if the Toads don’t know then you’re just playing random rock-paper-scissors. The final “boss” of each temple works that way, and the whole of the final temple. For the first 7 temples this means you need to take a couple of runs at them, for the 8th temple this means you have to win 3 rock-paper-scissors matches in a row, which works out (if I did the math right) to a 4% chance of winning on any run. While I know I didn’t have to do it, it did take me an hour to get done. I’m happy I got all the banners displayed in town, but I think there’s a better way to implement that.

You are truly the king of randomly picking things over and over and over.

The last thing I didn’t like about this game is a design decision. If you’re going to write a funny game, maybe put the jokes on the screen the player is looking at rather than the one they can’t look at? I was lucky to play with my partner because she would read me the enemy dialog that they should while I picked cards on the WiiU Tablet. Given how well the game is written I was pretty disappointed in that decision.

Generally, the use of the WiiU tablet was unusually weak in this game. When you’re moving around the over world, the tablet screen only displays a button to press to get into the menu. And you have to touch the touch screen to get into the pause menu rather than using any of the controller buttons (like, +, which would make sense). It wouldn’t have cost them anything to put the status screen you can get in the menu up all the time while you play, let alone just make the tablet screen usable like it is in other games (Wind Waker HD, for example). It’s also really slow, which suggests to me that there was some sort of information or optimization problem going on in the background.

This is neither interesting, nor useful.

The structure of the card mechanic is also weird. Your job in the game is to take cards out of your (eventually) 99 card sized hand, put them into your “palette”, “paint” them and then throw them at the enemy where they turn into your moves for a standard Paper Mario battle. First, picking through your hand is hard, especially as it gets large, secondly as you move between the different phases of organizing your cards you have to press buttons on the interface and the number of times I tried to go on to the next phase or looked back at the screen is high. I think some careful UI / UX work on the tablet would have gone a huge way to making this a more satisfying game to play.

Things I Noticed

This game has too many mechanics. It starts off well with the standard Paper Mario, go around the world and hit things with your hammer (or maybe jump on them). In the paper would this is really engaging as there are a ton of interesting paper-craft things in the world for you to hit with your hammer. This is especially when you get the temporary unfolding power which lets you make really cool things, by hitting them with your hammer. That brings us to one and a half mechanics before really starting.

Peach calls it like she sees it, when necessary.

Next we have the paint. Paint is effectively your mana in Color Splash. You and your paint can buddy Huey, are trying to recover the paint stars and in order to do that you have to recover all of the paint that’s spread around the world. Some paint is just sitting out whereas other paint has to smashed out of things with your hammer. Your primary enemies are shy guys with straws and they suck the paint out of things and steal it, so you get an extra ability to hit things with your hammer to smash colour back into them. (This is very funny - to me - when you’re resuscitating toads by smashing them with the hammer. I’ve been calling it first aid by cranial trauma, but it’s okay since they’re made out of paper and can just iron themselves out.) Again this seems like a mechanic and a half so let’s call it three mechanics, so far.

Paint, available everywhere you hit things with hammers.

Next, you have cut outs. These depend on you positioning the camera in such a way that something in your view of the game world makes a shape and then pressing a button so that you can get out your “MAGIC SCISSORS” and cut your view of the world and then sometimes put things into the cut outs, sometimes get things out of the cut outs and sometimes jump into the cut outs so you can get somewhere in the world that you can’t do normally. Firstly, these are asinine, and my least favourite thing to do in the game. I regularly forgot I could, and they didn’t make sense with the rest of the world. Either way the game expects you to do this frequently to progress and that brings us to four mechanics just for getting around the world.

I did not feel very challenged by this part.

Next they introduce the “things”. Things are - things - which are rendered in a “realistic” fashion as opposed to the paper-craft style of the world, so they stand out. These include lemons, desk fans, statues of cats, washing machines, teapots, plungers and many, many more. As I already said they play a critical role in boss fights, but are also used generally for combat and they also manipulate the world in a lot of situations. I liked the things and I thought they added to the light hearted fun of the game, but again they were a different mechanic that had to be monitored. You could go out in the world and find the things or (if you’d already found them once) you could go to “the squeezer” in the main town and just buy one (and squeeze it to get a card). There was also a toad that would give you hints about which “thing” you were going to need next. Given their uses we could probably call them three different mechanics, but let’s give them game and keep them as one whole mechanic, which brings us to five different mechanics.

Oh no, it's a giant fan! We're made from paper!

Within combat there are two main twin mechanics, one is standard Paper Mario combat, with hammer hits and jumps, which you have to act on with “timed hits” pressing buttons at just the right moment to block an attack or to hit your attack properly. In the “good” Paper Mario games you decide which attack your going to do out of a menu. In more recent games they’ve made battle commands expendable items. In Color Splash, to jump on an enemy you have to have jump card.

To use a card you have to pick it out of your hand and throw it at the enemy. As the game goes on you can throw more cards, but every card you throw is gone, so you don’t want to throw to many cards if you don’t have to. The cards are also basically useless unless you paint them, so you have to use some of your paint to colour in the shapes on the cards so they’re powerful. Thankfully the game only requires you to tap and hold on them while does the actual painting.

On the surface that’s two and a half more mechanics, bringing us to seven, but then you have to deal with the number of different cards and the different ways they work. So you have the standard cards, hit with a hammer, jump, which then have a half different dozen flavours each (which change up the effectiveness and timing of the timed hits). You also have fire flowers to throw fireballs, and ice flowers, and mushrooms to refill your paint and mushrooms to refill your health - plus some other cards too. Then you have enemy cards where in you can call in a temporary ally, which might or might not actually help you fight, but yay, now you have a goomba buddy for the next 30 seconds. Then you have the thing cards which mostly will wipe out all the enemies, except when they don’t. All of these you might find pre-painted or have to paint yourself, and you have to make sure you have enough cards, but not too many cards or you can’t pick up the new cards (which might be the thing cards you need to fight the boss). And then you have the emergency card system where you can pay money to the game to give you an emergency card (that’s helpful but not too helpful) to help you in case you run out of cards. And that’s still excluding the boss fights where you might or might not need to use a thing to do something other than what it usually does to do something to the boss so you can fight them. Oh and then there are the times where Kamek decides to flip all your cards around, or just steal all your cards, or whatever.

It's enough to make a guy droop.

So, yeah. That’s a lot of mechanics. That’s also only the regular mechanics, there’s many, many more one-off examples, such as the 2D/3D Super Mario Bros. 3 game you jump into, or the Dragadon which you can jump on and have it carry you around a volcano, but only if you have an item that you have to get in the level that is literally the farthest away you can be from the volcano.

Over all, I feel like the game could have used a little bit of editing. None of the mechanics are awful - although I really didn’t care for the cut-outs, but there’s just a lot and figuring out how what mechanic you’re supposed to use for this particular situation. As far as I can tell the game is also not very generous with allowing you to find different solutions to a problem using different mechanics.

Interestingly after all that. There’s one, one-time mechanic I wish I’d seen more in the game. In the final fight with Bowers, you have to get black paint off of him and jam it back into your paint can friend Huey. This was hard, especially because it required really skilled blocking, but I thought it really fit well into the theme of the game and was honestly a lot more interesting than the thing mechanics they used for all the other bosses - Bowser does still have a thing mechanic, but the paint capture is more prominent. I think they could have use a mechanic like that to much more effect throughout the game.

Bowser's covered in ink. Your only option is to smack him with a hammer until he's clean.

Things I’d Include in a Game

First and foremost I would love to make a game which is as charming, funny, fun and entertaining as this. While I definitely have my gripes, I loved playing this game and I think it’s a thing people should look at frequently to ensure that we have a real diversity of genre, theme and style in video games.

Friendship, a sidequest.

The other thing I think I’d like to include in a game is the combat system, at least somewhat revised. The card system they use works, and it does promote using several different play styles as you run low on one type of card or another. I think the weapon breaking mechanism from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild does this better, but it does get at keeping players on their toes and preventing people from having one solution to everything.

I think I’d rather see the game structured as more of a deck builder - similar to Legendary or Star Realms. In this way rather than collecting disposable cards, you collect a card you can put in your deck and then use that same deck regularly to take out enemies. That would allow a lot of diversity in different decks for different worlds and then different decks for different bosses. I’m not sure how well it would work but I think it would make the combat a little bit more consistent and enjoyable - at least for me.

Final Things

This is a good game. It’s fun, it’s bright, it’s rainbow coloured, it’s funny. It’s worth you time. I also got really frustrated playing it. Thinking back I think that’s more of a comment on me than it is on the game. Obviously there’s things that could have had a more streamlined design or a more thoughtful implementation, but over all the game is a lot of fun. I think I needed to slow myself down and just relax and enjoy it. I think I got a level of difficulty and a style of play in my head and when the game didn’t do that I was annoyed.

I wanted a game that would distract and entertain me. This game does that. I should have let it do that more and I hope if you’re looking for a game to entertain it will do that for you as well.

Paper Mario, best credit sequences, no question!

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Blog: Video Games of September 2018

I've been busy enough, and stressed enough that playing hasn't really been that far forward in my mind. I've played to try to relax at the end of the day and to make a little mental space in my head. I'd like to get a little more mindful again, but honestly I'd also like to get my PhD finished so I can pick up a Switch and a PS4.

My top five games (by play time) for September were:
  1. Final Fantasy XII - In his great review of Dragon Quest 11, Tim Rodgers mentions the mentality behind the Dragon Quest series in Japan. They're the games you play at the end of the day when you're ready for a fairy tale. That got me thinking about how I play and how I choose what I play, and it seemed like trying to play something to chill out a little more was a good idea. FFXII is also my current favourite Final Fantasy game (VI was until I actually played it again), and so I figured it was time to fire it up. And yeah, I'm playing the PS2 version for reasons, I was struck by how awful it looked, and how weird it played, but honestly after a few hours that's all faded away and I'm really enjoying it.

    They sent me movies when I asked for games! 

  2. Pokémon Go - September was a pretty good month to be out and walking. That, and the explosion of Gen1 pokémon really pulled me forward. 

    Action in Pokémon

  3. Graveyard Keeper - I'm not sure I like this game. I basically picked it up and started to play it because everyone playing it on YouTube was playing it wrong. I think it has a lot of nicely designed mechanics, and an interesting world, but I think it's missing the compelling element to really keep me playing (It really has nothing on Stardew Valley's charm).

    A little shaky, and a little weird, but a solid set of world mechanics.

  4. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Yup. It's still nice to play video games in the morning. Played a three player game for the first time and interested that the game played just a little different.

    Forgot to take a photo in September, but now we can enjoy all the options the game gives you for purchasing fireworks.

  5. Earthbound - I finally finished Earthbound after trying to finish it for about two years. I liked it, but on its own I'm not sure it was able to overcome being a SNES era game. It has a ton of wonderful concepts and is one of the most charming and well built games I've played, particularly when it comes to the world and the narrative. I'm appreciating the game significantly more watching Chuggaconroy's new Let's Play, as it illuminates a lot of the charm and interesting history of the game.

    It was a long journey, but our heroes stayed true.

Here's my total play time chart for September:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Blog: Games of August 2018

August was a month where I mostly focused on getting my thesis done and on summery things, so I didn't play ton. What I did play, I really enjoyed.

My top five games (by play time) for August were:
  1. Pokémon Go - I've played more PoGo in August than I have since I picked it up again (and possibly since before).

    This game really has it's hooks in me and I'm really enjoying it.
  2. Earthbound - I pushed forward to get to the end of Earthbound. I didn't quite finish, but I did play a lot. The game definitely has charm, but was also a bit hard to play. Sadly a lot of SNES RPGs (and games in general) feel a little clunky if you don't have the nostalgia to grease the controller.

    How very Earthbound.

  3. Paper Mario: Color Splash - I finished Color Splash over the summer. I enjoyed it quite a bit, except for the parts that I didn't. I haven't played a Paper Mario game before, and I loved the charm and the style. Some of the game play didn't quite measure up, but generally I thought my time with this game - and with friends - was well spent.

    Paper Mario: Color Splash, beautiful and willing to acknowledge that you've burned several of your hours on it.

  4. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Coffee, brunch and the trials of capitalism, what's not to love?

    I've missed August Fireworks, but got to live many Augusts this year.

  5. Mario Golf: World Tour - Hey, four years in and I've just about unlocked some stuff. World Tour is a lot of fun, even with just the basic three courses.

    You want to land left of the tree, with enough space to chip up onto the green. (Via Super Mario Wiki)

Here's my total play time chart for August:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

The Books I Read - February 2025

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