Sunday, December 31, 2017

2018 Resolutions

I haven’t made a post like this before, because I usually feel like how I’m going to live my life is really my own business. This year, I feel like I’d like to be a bit more public since, as I’ll talk about later, I feel like the way we’re making use of social media needs some improvement. I also think as a university instructor and a grad student we often keep quiet about how we’re doing, and I think being a little more open we can all make our lives a little better.


So here are three general resolutions I’d like to work on for next year:
  1. Monotask More - I don’t multitask well and inevitably when I set out to do several things at the same time, I don’t get any of them done the way I’d like. My goal for next year is to do that less, I want to pick one thing, do it as well as I can and then go on to something else. In particular I’m going to try to set aside specific time for twitter and email so I don’t interrupt myself. 
  2. Hold Fewer Opinions - At some point this year John and Hank Green decided that we all hold too many useless opinions and I think I agree with them. I think I’m already alright at this, there are often times when I feel like it’s not worth getting excited on a particular topic. At the same time, there are points where I get upset over things that don’t really matter and I’d be happier if I could just move on. My goal for next year is to see when I don’t need to hold a strong opinion and if I don’t need one, I’ll try not to have one. 
  3. Act More - I think this ties in with both of the previous resolutions, but I often avoid getting stuff done, even when there’s nothing really holding me back from doing it. I’m going to try to cut down on the size of my todo list to make it easier to see what needs doing and to push myself to get more stuff done. 
And I have a few specific things too:
  1. Finish my Thesis - this is the year.
  2. Be more Engaged on Twitter - I like Twitter, or at least I like how Twitter was in the early days. I don’t know how to fix all of the problems that Twitter has now, but I think trying to talk more with cool people about cool things is a decent way to go. I’m going to try to reply more and retweet less. 
  3. Read More - I don’t read enough, so next year I want to buff that up. (And I’ll be making a project to that end soon). 
  4. Make More Stuff - I want to write more, draw more, sculpt more, program more. I think I feel best about myself when I’m getting something made, so I want to do that. 
  5. See More Things - I have an amazing flexibility in where I work right now and I should make better use of that to go and see cool places even while I’m working. 
I hope 2018 rises to meet us all as we rise to meet it.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Blog: Games of 2017

This year, I've played 7 games that were released in 2017 and it's time in the internet's honoured tradition to talk about which ones were good.

This year I played: A Hat in Time, Fire Emblem Heroes, Halcyon 6: Light-Speed Edition, Kingdom and Castles, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Rakuen and Seedship.

I don't feel like there's anything missing from my list this year. That being said I've avoided getting a switch until I get my PhD finished so there are a lot of very good looking games that I will hopefully get a chance to play pretty soon.

Unlike last year, I enjoyed all of the games I played so I'm only going to break this set down into: The Okay, The Good and The Great. It's also worth pointing out that I've played widely divergent amounts of these games (I mean Breath of the Wild is in there, so really really widely) and for some, I probably haven't played enough to comment really intelligently. Still, I wanted to capture a snapshot of how I've seen the games of 2017 while it's still 2017.

The Okay

Fire Emblem Heroes

I feel a bit conflicted about almost all of the Fire Emblem games (and honestly all grid-tactics games in general). I really enjoy the gameplay, the world, the characters, and the feel, but I'm really, really bad at them for the most part. Fire Emblem Heroes is great because it takes the basic Fire Emblem concept and breaks it down into bite sized chunks. All the great weapon triangle strategy, none of the ongoing stress and worry.

Beyond that, though, there's not really much more here. It's okay. It's not bad, it's fun and playable but it kinda lacks any depth, so while it's okay to play I'm not going to choose to play it over most other games in most situations.

Halcyon 6: Light-Speed Edition

Halcyon 6: Starbase Command is an interesting game. It's old school RPG combat (parties of three slug it out in a menu), but with spaceships rather than wizards and warriors. It's also a XCOM style base builder and a fleet assignment strategy game. It's also a 2016 game, except that they did a such an extensive "overhaul" that they released the Light-Speed Edition as a totally separate game to "classic". That being said, I feel a little baffled about the changes they made, why and what the new game is compared to the old game.

Last year I wished I'd played more and I guess I'm in the same boat. The gameplay is good and apparently they've increased the tactical depth of the game which was one of my primary complaints. I can't say I've felt compelled to play too much despite enjoying all the game elements, maybe Black Hole Edition will suck me in in 2018 (I'm sorry, this is a bad joke and probably mean to the devs.)

Kingdoms and Castles

In Kingdoms and Castles you can build Kingdoms and Castles. Well medium sized towns and castles anyway. I've actually looked three times to see if this game is in early access, but I don't think it is. The upside of Kingdoms and Castles is that it's pretty fun to build cities and make your little meeples happy, the downside is that there's really not much to the game. Fortunately the devs are continuing work and are adding new stuff to the game. I just hope they're able to expand the game without upsetting the existing fun.

The Good

A Hat in Time

I backed A Hat in Time on KickStarter a very long time ago, and I was pretty sure it was never going to actually come out. Fortunately it did, and it's actually good. As has been pretty widely discussed it's interesting that A Hat in Time finally made it out in a year with so many other 3D platformers, but I think the devs have done a very good job of focusing making a unique game that involves a lot of different elements.

I've played a lot of the first world and some of the second world. I have to confess to feeling a bit frustrated, but 3D platformers have never really been my genre. I think I need to sit down at some point soon and try to take the game as it comes so I can really see the whole thing together.


Seedship was a very late in the year pickup for me, but a friend started playing it, and it caught my attention. You play the AI of a a ship containing the last remnants of humanity and you must find them the best place to live. It’s a Twine game and you play by making the best of whatever choice the game gives you. Games usually last for 5 to 30 minutes and end when you find the best option before your ship totally falls apart (or your ship totally falls apart). Then the game tells you how your humans faired after you landed them and then you play again.

What I particularly enjoy is that while the game is really “hard” to win, each game is interesting with new situations and new outcomes. Additionally unlike a lot of rogue-likes the decisions often tilt towards the player, so when you make a choice you have a good chance of getting a good outcome, but in the aggregate your ship always tends towards ruin.

The Great

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

I don’t think it should be too much of a surprise that I like Breath of the Wild. I’ve play ed211 hours of it by this point and it has all been really enjoyable. I think most of the things I wrote about when I summed up the game almost fifty hours ago stand and I think since then I’ve really gained an appreciation for the finesse and detail in their design. I’ve also gotten significantly better at the combat which has furthered my appreciation of the game.

I still miss larger dungeons and some of the story elements of older entries in the series, but Breath of the Wild is beautiful and stands on its own as an outstanding game. I think the level of trust it shows in its players is outstanding, and I think it demonstrates how passionate and skilled its creators are.


As I said in my write up on it, I’m biased, but I loved Rakuen. It feels like a SNES journey I took as a child, but dealing with grown up issues. The art is beautiful, the music is wonderful and the story is engaging. The game play is maybe a little thin on the ground but this game is focused elsewhere and that’s ok.

More diversity in games is good for games and for the people who play them. The more of the world we see and the more eyes we see the world through the richer we are. I’m thankful Laura Shigihara created Rakuen, spending four years on it and I feel richer for having played it.

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 14

The Legends of the Guard books are interesting in that they're basically other artists playing in the Mouse Guard Sandbox. Lots of quick fun different stories.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Blog: Video Games of November

I wasn't terribly settled to any specific game in November, but I'm feeling relaxed and enjoyed a lot of different things.

My top five games (by play time) for November were:
  1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - As  (pretty much) always Breath of the Wild topped my list for the month. I'm trying on this play through (still my 2nd) to do an all shrines play through and I think I'm getting close. I'm curious if the Champions DLC will arrive before I finish.
    Thank you, Mr. Iwata.

    Breath of the Wild has held up to more than 200 hours playing and I'm still enjoying it. Sometimes I miss the tighter story of other games (I went to the Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses last night and was reminded of just how much fun those other games can be), but Breath of the Wild is always fun to play.
  2. Europa Universalis 4 - A few times a year I just get the urge to take over the world as the Ottomans, then I give up. EU4 is interesting in how it always has things to do, so you get a version of the Civilization "one more turn" and when I first stop playing I always think of what the next thing I should be doing in the game. I find that this fades for me some the longer I play a particular game as I don't have quite the skill / focus / DLC for a more in-depth play through.
    I always enjoy it when the game really wanders of historical maps.

  3. Super Mario 3D World - Other than Breath of the Wild this has been what I've turned my Wii U on for in the last little while. I've been enjoying dropping in for short play sessions trying to 100% complete the game. I will admit I was a little influenced by everyone enjoying Mario Ojddesy, but I'll get to that once the PhD is finished.
    Just a giant Bowser head, how bad can it be.

  4. Ogre Battle 64 - I didn't start a new play through this year! That means that I'm surprisingly close to making it to the end, although whether or not I've been careful enough to actually get the "real ending" I guess we'll see. It remains one of those games which I mostly love, but which has some problems in execution. I keep hunting for a "perfect" version, but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
    Zarus and I share a birthday!?

  5. Sunless Sea - Sunless Sea is a lot of fun and I should play it more. There's a related game, Fallen London, which is free to play and worth checking out. Both games revolve around story telling in a dark, dystopian(?) steam punk, world where London was stolen by bats and delivered into the Unterzee.
    It's hard to capture a screenshot that really captures the game, but this is a lot of it all at once.

    In Sunless Sea you travel the zee trying to make a fortune, or a name for yourself, or just sense of the world. It is a rogue like sailing game and a story card game. It plays at a wonderful pace, and, if you give yourself to it, a story that will really grab you (maybe by the foot, in the dark, with an icy tentacle).

Here's my total play time chart for November:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Friday, December 01, 2017

Project 17: #NaFYoFuThMo - Wrap Up

Has anyone seen November? I distinctly recall there was going to be a November.

Ok. I did kinda notice November an I got a lot written for my thesis. Not as much as I'd hoped, but quite a lot, and I'm almost finished the next major chapter.

I have to say I really enjoyed doing #NaFYoFuThMo. It was a good motivator to get me to sit down and write even when I didn't want to. It also made me feel like there was an end to the project and it was a small enough chunk that I was able to accomplish it. Finally it was fun to report back to Twitter on how I was doing and post Cowboy Bebop gifs (Also #NaFYoFuThMo is fun to say and type).

I managed to write on 13 out of 30 days in November, and in total I wrote 6356 words. That's not great, but its better than I often am, so I think #NaFYo has been good for me. I also keep a "day score" which is basically a weighted average of the last 7 days and I've managed to keep that above zero for the entire month of November, so I feel like that's a win and a step in the right direction when it comes to getting things done.

So I dunno where to go next. #NaFYoFuThMo is really tied to the idea of #NaNoWriMo so I don't feel like I can carry it on beyond November. I also think if I do it'll loose the special feeling of a month long project. On the other hand I really did enjoy reporting back to twitter on how I'd done for the day. I'll think about it for a while and see where I get to.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Blog: Video Games of October

I was pretty unsettled in October and jumped between games a bunch. I don't love the feeling of not having something serious to play, but for now I'm focused elsewhere and I'm pretty happy just to get a chance to play when I get a chance.

My top five games (by play time) for October were:
  1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - One beautiful thing about Breath of the Wild is just how much there is to do. It makes it simple each time I turn it on to wander off into Hyrule and find something new and fun and engaging.

    Quite the outcome of a side trip.

  2. Pikmin 3 - I love this game. I could play it forever. There's just so much brightness and charm. The game play presents a lovely challenge of first finding a solution and then optimizing that solution. Every Nintendo Direct, I'm always hoping to see more Pikmin 3.

    Work to do, work to do.

  3. Kingdoms and Castles - I haven't bought too much in the way of new games lately, but listening to 3 Moves Ahead discuss Kingdoms and Castles it seems like enough fun for $10 to make it worth while. I've enjoyed it so far, although it doesn't have a huge range of things to do. There's something nice about building a simple city and using it to kill dragons.

    A dragon in the rain.

  4. FTL: Faster than Light - I suck at FTL. I've been bad at FTL since it came out. Then I watched Eurogamer play it and thanks to Jonneh, I suddenly understood a lot about how *not* to suck at FTL. Either way, even if you're bad it's still a good time.


  5. Pokémon Go - Daily bonuses keep me going, other than that I haven't played too much.

    This ... was a bad idea.

Here's my total play time chart for October:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Project 17: #NafYoFuthMo

It's November, so the Social Internet has turned to its habit of either doing or whining about #NaNoWriMo, in which people write a novel in a month. I don't have time to write a novel in a month and I do have a thesis to finish (related points).

Therefore, I am going to do #NafYoFuthMo, National Finish Your F*ing Thesis Month. I'm not going to be able to finish everything this month, but I have enough stuff that I could do right now that it's a good time to give myself a big push and get closer to the line.

I have 3 big chapters I can finish, I'll consider it a win if I can have significant progress on each of the three. In the smaller scale I'm going to shoot for a new word target of 750 average each day.

I'll update on twitter regularly and occasionally here.

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 12

The second volume of Mouse Guard was as good as the first, and possibly even better. I don't read a lot of comics, so while I feel like the pace of the story is a little slow, that might just be par for the course. The art is absolutely phenomenal.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 11

I finished the 10th Anniversary Audio Book version of American Gods last night (staying up way too late again). It was a fantastic read and I feel a little in awe of (and inspired by) just how wonderfully Gaiman writes a story. I enjoyed every single moment of it, I loved the characters, and the world, and most of all I loved how the characters, and the world harmonized with the story.

I also find it really weird (but interesting and cool) how similar Gaiman and Stephen King's stories feel.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 10

I've probably started reading Mouse Guard a half dozen times. This time, I finally actually finished the first volume. I enjoyed it and I'm curious now what goes into the following volumes.

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 9

At Christmas last year, I kinda forced my loved ones to all exchange books. Which I think mostly worked out for the good. I especially enjoyed getting A View From the Cheap Seats (the hardcover is beautiful). Neil's writing is engaging and warm and funny and the only problem with the book its it contains a lot of introductions to other books, so now my reading list is longer than when I started.

I also made it to 12 books in 12 Weeks. Mostly Audiobooks, but I'm quite happy. I'm going to keep going and see how many books I can read in the remainder of the year.

Friday, October 06, 2017

Project 16: Covert Action in Space: Update 2

I've been working on my Covert Action in Space project and reached the point where I wanted to be able to see a graph of the spaces I'm generating. Particularly, when I was working on my first system, it was difficult to get a feeling for how the spaces work (or if they worked). At first I had been thinking that I’d look and find a simple algorithm to draw a graph and then implement that in something simple like Processing. Fortunately, poor google-fu prevented me from finding a good algorithm and instead I found GraphViz.

I'm not sure I want to work here, but I'd look for their industrial secrets.

Despite that tweet, I managed to keep my wits about me and realize that I don’t need to create my own graphing system, I just want to see a graph of the space layout. So instead of spending time learning a graphing algorithm and dealing with all of the problems that’s likely to create, now I just need to output a simple text file and let the magic happen.

GraphViz is great. It’s capable of doing a lot of stuff of which I only need it to do a little bit. To output, I need to make a list of all room connections and put it in GraphViz’s dot format. Internally I’m keeping this information in a map so that each entry has all of the rooms that a room connects to. This produces duplicates in the list, but using the strict keyword GraphViz automatically ignores those.
The code to generate the dot file works out to be quite simple.

And the dot file for the graph up top. Again I'm not particularly stressing GraphViz.

As I said, this makes it really easy to look at how spaces are connected and how those spaces work. I’m really glad I was able to get this working without needing to spend too much time on it.

The next job from here is to start laying out an actual floor plan based on the given space. I have a rough plan, basically starting with a default shape for each room and then expanding them to fit together. I can probably come up with something more complex, but as with the space generation, I’d like to start simple.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Blog: Video Games of September 2017

Well, it finally happened. I played something more than Breath of the Wild. Generally nothing grabbed me too much again in September so I tended to default to some basic choices. I did try to keep my streaks up in Pokemon Go, but other than that I didn't feel too attached to anything.

My top five games (by play time) for September were:
  1. Civilization 6 - I figured at some point I'd sit down and spend more time with this game. As I think I've commented before, much as I like strategy games I'm never that good at them. I feel like Civ 6 is a bit more open to how you play, although it remains a little bit bland if I set the difficulty low enough to play well. And of course much as I did enjoy it, it managed to get to the top of the list through a couple of "just one more turn" nights.

    I am the mightiest (and only) navel power in the world and yet I can't keep the barbarians off my shores. 

  2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Still awesome. I'm still discovering new things. I'm still having fun. I'd like a little bit more story at this point, but I guess we'll be getting that before too long now.

    I was just standing here and then suddenly realized how beautiful this looked.

  3. Kingdom Rush HD - My love of strategy games has a strong component of loving tower defense. Kingdom Rush is one of the best although (as noted above) I suck at it more than I probably should for how much I play it.

    The standard state of any Kingdom Rush game for me.

  4. Pokemon Go - A few minutes a day keeps a game up on the list. Sadly I didn't really get time to deep dive too much on PoGo, but keeping my streaks alive was enough to get me logged in most days.

    His name is Tiny.

  5. Cities:Skylines - I do like city building. But, I also like pretty pictures of video games. I keep a rotating selection as my desktop, and, more than anything else looking at those pictures makes me play Cities:Skylines so I can go get more pictures.

    The roads are quiet this late at night.

Here's my total play time chart for September:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Project 16: Covert Action in Space: Update 1

I spent quite a bit of time working on my first approach to procedurally generating spaces. I based a lot of what I did on [this paper] and ended up with a system that worked, but that ended up pretty complicated. It had a system for creating an arbitrary hierarchy of spaces, as well as an arbitrary rules engine, which provided systems for determining how rooms were connected to the outside and each other.

I had already finished that work when I first posted about the project and I thought I'd keep working with that system. I realized, though, that solution was overbuilt and over complicated. So I ended up spending a quick evening rewriting it. The arbitrary hierarchy was very difficult to maintain and creating rules that abstractly described space was frustrating, so I dropped all of that and went back to figure out what I needed to make a minimal viable product.

If my goal is to play with guard AI, then I need space for the guards to guard, furniture to play hide and seek in, graphics to see what's going on and some AI. Plus possibly an interface to play.

The new system was a little messy, but thanks to a timely beer with a friend who had just been reading Uncle Bob, I came out with a nice clean system. I now have:

  • A model which describes how to make a space:
    • Model rooms which include a room name and a probability that the room should be on the space. 
  • A space that includes:
    • A list of rooms and a map 
    • A constructor that builds a space based on a given model 

The first question I had was would it still be interesting. And I think (at least for limited test situations) it is. Using a basic model of a Hall (with probability 1.0), Office (0.75), Storage Room (0.6), Lounge (0.5) and Bathroom (0.25), it has provided an interesting set of rooms and connections that, I think, could each provide an interesting encounter in a game.

At this point, I’m just producing the text outputs of the system, but I think the above sampling produces something “interesting”. My evaluation for “interesting” right now is: Can I imagine how an interaction between my spy and a bad guy would go down in that space. For the samples above I think I can, and I think with more models, I can expand the interest of the space.

My system has a known bug right now in that it isn’t guaranteed to produce a fully connected graph of rooms. I think that’s a quick thing that I should fix in the near future. Other than that my next step is to put together a quick graph viewer to show how the rooms connect. Once that’s finished then it’s on to expanding the graphs to physical space.

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 8

When I was a teenager, Stephen King's nonfiction ruled my world. His fiction too, of course but there's something I always loved about the way he writes and the way he projects himself in his writing. Listening to On Writing again, I was struck that while I still love his style, I have a lot more perspective on his approach to writing. Still he hits the most important point, I think which is if you want to be a writer, write.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 7

I'm not sure I enjoyed The Player of Games, but I sure did stay up later than I meant to finish it. Machina ex machina, describes it the best I suppose, which leaves me a little unsatisfied with the story as a whole. On the other hand you can always get my attention with vague descriptions of game play.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

Project 16: Covert Action in Space

Sid Meyer has a rule, the Covert Action Rule. The Covert Action Rule basically says don’t make Covert Action.

So the next big thing I want to make is basically a recreation of Covert Action. Covert Action in Space.

In covert action you play a super spy (or super agent … or super counter-agent … or something). Each month you’re given a mission and some basic clues. Then you have to stop the bad guys from doing whatever they’re doing. If you succeed you get a clue about the current mastermind plotting the crimes. Once you’ve figured out who and where the mastermind is you can grab them and wrap up that crime spree. Then some other mastermind starts up again the next month.

Now, I’m trying to finish a PhD, so it’s a really stupid time to take up making a game, but that’s where the Covert Action Rule comes in. Basically the point behind the Covert Action Rule is that it’s hard for the player to remember what they’re doing when they have to keep switching between generally unrelated minigames, so make sure that your player always knows what they’re supposed to be doing (XCOM also falls into this territory).

My thought is that given limited time and attention, making a collection of interesting minigames, seems like a good idea. I can work on one minigame when I have time and I don’t have to worry too much about making the whole thing hang together. It should be good practice getting a game made without worrying too much about making the game good.

As for the “in Space” part. I have a sci-fi world sitting around in my head, with a few stories I’d been meaning to write (and a few I’ve managed to put up here). It seemed like a good way to modernize a game that had fallen into abandonware and give it an interesting spin. Rather than having to fight 1990s terrorist across Europe, you could fight space terrorist across the Terran Empire.

The original game had four main minigames; one where you infiltrate people’s offices, stealing their information and possibly arresting them, one where you drive through the city either trying to capture someone or avoiding your own capture, one where you have to swap chips out to trace a car or bug a landline, and one where you have to decrypt messages doing a simple substitution cypher.

I think there are a lot of fun things that could be done after to stretch the game and make it a little more playable than the original. Before that however I want build the original four minigames and get a skeleton basically. Of the four, I’d like to start with the infiltration minigame, and especially with a little bit of fun procedurally generating offices (possibly to do different things) and building up a guard AI.

Due to a mishearing, I accidentally created the mascot for this project. The Flurpin.

I’ve started a bit over the last few months and I have a rough system together that takes requirements for buildings and is able to generate a procedural room graph, that connects all the rooms, but doesn’t actually build a floor plan yet. My next short term goal is to finish creating the floorplans from the graphs. Given that I still have a PhD to finish and this is mostly a “watching TV with the laptop out” activity, I’m hoping to wrap up this the floor plan generation by October 15, 2017.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Blog: Video Games of August 2017

I don't have a very coherent story ab out the games I played in August. I'm finally able to access most of my games again and so can play whatever I'd like. This of course means that there's nothing that I own that I want to play. Hopefully as I get busier I'll find more things to enjoy and if not then I'll be able to put the time I'm not gaming to productive use.

My top five games (by play time) for August were:

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - It's good. It's still really good. I haven't even looked at the Trial of the Sword yet. I'm just over 164 hours right now. I also wrote a long blog piece about how cool I think this game is.

    160+ hours in. I have never been here before.

  2. Pokémon Go - Well, it's summer, they cleaned up the game and it turns out if you keep playing a lot PoGo gets really good. I think they'll need to keep changing up the array of pokémon I'm getting to keep me in, but it's been a fun addition to the commute home lately.

    GASP! It's YOU!

  3. Super Mario 3D World - I've mentioned a few times here that I've finished an embarrassingly small number of Mario games over the years. So I jumped back in and figured I'd try to finish all levels of 3D World. I'd thought some about getting all the stars, but I'm feeling right now that life's too short. The game isn't bad but suffers from not being other Mario games, especially Galaxy. It also has some really bad camera positioning making me feel like the 3D effect would be better left to the 3Ds.

    This game feeds my love of rainbows. 

  4. Sid Meier's Ace Patrol - I listened to Soren Johnson's 4 part interview with Sid Meyer on Designer Notes. I was surprised how much he talked about Ace Patrol and so figured I'd fire it up again. I'm curious to try the starship game too at some point.
    Balloon busting is great. It's like shooting fish floating in the air on strings...

  5. XCOM 2 - I'm not buying myself a Switch until I finish the PhD. But, ... uh ... my mind may be taken ... somewhere. That and the new DLC looks like a ton of fun.
    XCOM2 Firing at things you can't see the game. (Sometimes)

Here's my total play time table for August 2017:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Project 15: 12 Books in 21 Weeks: Update 6

Well I didn't expect to blow through the Delirium Brief all at once, but it's was really stressful and I just wanted to know what's happening. I'm more than ready to read the next one too, although I think hoping for a happy ending is ... unwise.

As for The Nameless City I've been working on it a little while and just finished. It's a great book and totally recommended.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Blog: Thoughts on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

As I write this, I’ve played 162 hours of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I think that may be all I need to tell you about the game. It has enough depth that one 110 hour play through didn’t exhaust all of the fun in the game and now, 52 hours into a Master Mode run, I’m seeing things I’ve never seen before and I’m still having a ton of fun.

Out of the cave and off to explore.

Beyond being the game I turn on pretty much every time I get some time to play, I think that Breath of the Wild is a great demonstration of how video games can be made. In making Breath of the Wild, the creators looked deeply at all of the decisions made in all of the previous games in the Zelda franchise, and evaluated whether every aspect of game play was important to the game, or not. The result is a game, that, for me at least, has at least 162 hours worth of play in it.

I think Breath of the Wild should be required reading for everyone making games. It stands head and shoulders above games in the Zelda series. I’ve never been a huge fan of open world games, but compared to the ones I’ve played, BotW stands head and shoulders above those as well.

As always, this post contains spoilers for the whole of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I will say that I’m not sure how much spoilers will really influence your enjoyment of this game. As I discuss below, it’s not a game about the journey, not the destination. Still, I think now is probably a good time to start your first hundred hours.

Things I Liked

I’m not sure how apocryphal the story is, but apparently the seeds of Zelda were formed when Shigeru Miyamoto was young, and exploring the wilderness near his home. As he climbed over a hill he saw the entrance to a cave, and got a thrill of adventure, "Let's go see what's there!" Years later, when designing the original The Legend of Zelda, he took that thrill as a guide: Let’s go on adventure and see all of the amazing things in the world.

Through the tunnel and then...

Breath of the Wild returns to that point: Let’s go on adventure, and see all of the amazing things in the world. You get a stick to hit bad guys with, (which I missed for the first couple hours in my first play through) and you can eat apples to refill your health, and you can go anywhere you want.

The game does put you through a small tutorial. Although as Zelda tutorials go it is incredibly short and sweet. You have to visit four shrines (mini dungeons) on the opening “Great Plateau”  to get the four powers (Freezing objects in time, Lifting metal objects, Placing square or round bombs, and creating frozen platforms in water). This gives you all of the powers you’ll need in the game. You have every tool right up front, it’s up to you to learn how to use them.

Additionally, visiting the four shrines gives you four orbs, which you can trade to The Goddess to get an extra heart of health or an extra chunk of stamina (or not, that’s cool too). With that, and a rough pointer to where someone will give you more ideas of things to do in the world you’re on your own.

From there, you can go and beat the game. You can walk down the hill, climb the Castle and kick Ganon in the teeth (if you’re good enough). For completeness, there is one quest that the game wants you to finish before, which gives you “the best ending,” but there’s absolutely nothing else holding you back.

Hyrule Castle is always there

Except, it’s really not a game for beating. It’s a game for exploring. Even as you work on the first four shrines, you see things off in the distance that catch your interest. Is that a shrine down there? Is that a flying city? Why is that mountain split in two? What’s up on that ridge? Is that a dragon? Then as you start to investigate things you get new inklings of things out there that you should check out.

You’ll meet people in the world, they might give you quest to do something for them, or they might give you a quest to go find a particular shrine, or they might just mention something that’s neat in the next valley over. Over and over you’ll find there’s a new next thing to do, just over there, and then over there, and then over there and then over there.

Adventure is right over there.

The game gives you so many “over there”s. The world is huge, and tightly packed, and there is always somewhere to explore. While there may not be “story” at each point, everywhere you go is interesting: This outcropping looks cool, Hey that’s neat the way the waterfall flows through there, Huh, what an interesting place for a grave. Sometimes you are rewarded with the experience itself, but often the creators leave a Korok there to say, yeah, we thought this was cool too!

Where there is story, it’s often told through the environment. Guardians piled up against a wall where the Hylians made their last stand a hundred years ago, Old rusted weapons left leaning against the remnant of houses in a destroyed town, The makeshift barricade thrown up halfway across the bridge. As I played I felt like every view I saw was carefully crafted, so even though the world is giant, it isn’t sparse and it all feels like part of a cohesive whole.

What happened here over the last hundred years?

One thing I loved about Breath of the Wild, is the way it gives you a thrill as you reach somewhere new. I’m reminded of playing Illusion of Gaia, or Secret of Mana when I was a kid. You’d finish up somewhere and then you’d get whisked off to a new part of the world, where there were new cool things to do, see, and fight. Except, in Breath of the Wild, you don’t have to wait for the story to take you. If you want to go see a new cool thing, climb a mountain and see which way the cool takes you.

Another beautiful thing about Breath of the Wild is it’s ability to surprise you. The world is so big, and in 110 hours, I felt like I’d seen most of it. Starting a second play through, I saw things I’d missed before. Often things I’d missed by being just on the wrong side of a hedge or a valley, or even I’d flown directly over without looking down, or back at the right angle. There were also parts of the world I’d just somehow never wandered too.

One quest I got fairly early in my first play through was to find a woman who was washed down a river. I never found her. Not in 110 hours of searching (I mean, I didn’t spend all 110 hours looking, but my eyes were always open). On the one hand this is can be frustrating, but on the other hand what an amazing game that there can be a mission in “plain sight” that I can’t do, just because I’m not thinking the right way or looking in the right place.

The first DLC pack is generally great. The best part of the DLC, though, might be the “Hero’s Path”. The Hero’s Path allows you to see exactly where you’ve been over the last 200 hours of game play. Having finished my first play through, I now have the chance to go back, and find the place’s I haven’t found before. I think it might have robbed some of the exploration from the first play through, but I’m really enjoying it in the second. It’s also a fantastic storytelling tool and often when I’m done playing for the day I’ll just rewind the Hero’s Path and watch my own progress from the last little while.

My adventure this far.

The other great addition in the first DLC is Master mode. In it the game bumps up the level of the bad guys by a bit, and adds in a few new things to make you more wary traveling through the world. But it’s not just a simple change in difficulty, master mode has reformed the game for me, and made it just as engaging as it was the first time around, if not more so. Now, you have to be careful and think a lot more about where you want to go, how you want to get there and what you’re going to do when you get there. It forces you back out into the space of the game, and then gets to surprise you all over again.

I think the creators spent a lot of time thinking about how to push players out into the world. One of my favourite aspects of the game is the rain. If you look around online, you see a lot of people complaining about the rain. It makes it hard to do what you want to do. In Breath of the Wild, you can basically climb anything you want, so long as you have the stamina, and if you spend a little time with the cooking pot you can usually have the stamina. When it rains though, everything gets slippery, and it gets very hard to climb anything.

A dark and stormy night.

This makes people upset, because it “takes away their choice,” but I think it actually makes the game stronger. It makes you stop and think about how you’re trying to solve a problem. Why would I go look at the path at the back of the hill, when I can just straight climb up the steep side? Rain.

Rain makes you rethink your plans, and it pushes you to see new things in the game. Similarly, weapons and shields break, which again force you to adjust and adapt how you want to solve the problems in front of you. They both feel a little overused, so I think it would have been nice to see them spiced up with some other ways of making your readjust your plans.

I like the way the decide to break up the challenge of the game. In most Zelda games (especially the 3D ones) the overworld is there for your to explore, but is mostly just the place where you travel between dungeons and story bits. There might be some combat, there might be a some puzzles and there will be a few cool things to see and explore. Then in dungeons there will be puzzles linked together in some order (checkout Mark Brown’s series Boss Keys to see how those links have evolved over time), with combat thrown in between.

How many shrines can you see right here?

Breath of The Wild is about seeing the world, so it wouldn’t make sense for the game to shove you into a dungeon for hours and hours at a time. Instead you get a little bit of overworld exploration (possibly while following a quest or a clue) and then a little bit of dungeon challenge. It’s another mark of how this game holds to its theme of Adventure over everything else.

I especially like the times when the game pulls the puzzles out of the shrines and into the world. A few times you will find an ancient labyrinth, or other challenge, in the world and have to traverse it. At the end of these overworld challenges you get shrines where you don’t get a challenge, you only get a reward, which again is a nice, “You found (or did) something cool” moment.

Then there was the time I got stuck in a labyrinth.

I think one of the things to like best about Breath of the Wild is just how tightly the creators stuck to the theme of Adventure. Every aspect of the game calls back to it, and, while some of the other aspects of the game such as combat or story may be a little weakened by that, it creates a special experience that is really rewarding.

Things I didn’t Like

There’s not too many things that I don’t like about Breath of the Wild. The biggest is probably unfair given my tendencies as an AI researcher and a fan of simulation games, but they cheated with the NPCs. You don’t notice it too much, other than possibly that guy carrying all the stuff somehow made it from that other stable quicker than you did, … on your horse …, but the NPCs aren’t doing much in the world if you’re not right there. There are times where you’ll catch an NPC “leaving” then follow them as they walk just out of sight of somewhere, then turn around and “be arriving” again.

The cutest, and probably most story aware NPCs.

I know that you only really need “enough” AI to make the game work, but deep in my heart I’d have loved to see the people of the world implemented a little more realistically. It would be fun to see someone travel across the world trying to accomplish their own goals and it would make the world more immersive. At the end of the day it’s not game breaking, or even actually that annoying, but it is a thing I always hope for and the rest of the game has such attention to detail.

Another (small) problem I had with the game is that the the combat does get a little repetitive. Effectively there are three main types of enemies (bokoblins, lizalfos and moblins) you’ll meet and fight as you go through the game, with a few more “mid boss” style ones for special occasions. These three types of enemies can all wield a bunch of different kinds of weapons, and so can you, but eventually it feels a bit like you’ve done it all.

A fight, which was cool (but that I did not win) 

I’d have liked it if the game had a little more combat diversity, and a few more enemies that popped up at different times or different places. Beyond that if there were a few different ways to fight it would have made the combat a little more engaging. Between the combat sameness and the increased difficulty I’ve found in my Master Mode playthrough, I’ve skipped combat fairly often. (Which may have been a part of their plan to force me out to explore more again).

The other aspect of the game that feels like it could use more diversity is the architectural design. You wake up in a world 100 years after the near destruction of the world by Ganon, and before the world was almost destroyed the kingdom was trying to retrieve relics from a hyrule 10,000 years past. This seems like a lot of history, but it feels boiled down to “recently built stuff,” “stuff Ganon smashed,” “ruins” and “stuff from 10,000 years ago”. There are some differences, especially in the modern buildings, but it’s a little disappointing to travel through a vast unique landscape and arrive at a ruin that’s 100% identical to the one you found last hour.

I don’t mind as much with the “tech” stuff, such as the shrines and the towers, they’re part of the game play and within the game it makes sense that the look like they do. But I found the ruins a little disappointing, especially given how dynamic and exciting all the natural landscape is. Again, it’s nothing game breaking, and I can’t imagine how much longer “more exciting man made artifacts” would have taken, so I’ll content myself with the natural wonders instead.

One moment in the world.

Oh. Motion control dungeons. Those suck. Doubly since I didn’t use the gamepad for 99% of my playthrough. Stop it Nintendo.

Things I Noticed

It’s not a good, or bad, thing, but reducing the role of dungeons really changes the face of a Zelda Game. Thinking about what I remember of different games from the past, I find that I can remember the dungeons of a game (especially a zelda game) far better than I can anything about the world, the story or the mechanics. I’m worried then that as it ages Breath of the Wild may just dissolve into a pleasant feeling.

Divine Beast Van Medoh watching over the Rito Village

The lack of dungeons is interesting, because I think I’d say to you that it makes the game a little less engaging, but on the other hand I spent an hour hour last night running along a mountain range and didn’t feel disengaged once. I’d also be tempted to say that the game feels a little sparse, but there again I think you’re finding something new every few minutes and as I already said, the game is always ready with the next “go over there”.

I guess that means that this is a low-density game. And I guess since it works, a low-density game works. One aspect of the open world design is that there’s much less of a difficulty spike across the game, most shrines are about as hard as any other and the great beast dungeons are not that much harder either.

The World 

I think this risks making the game tepid. I think the creators kept the game interesting through good design and relying on the Zelda mythos. I suspect that if a new IP, like Horizon Zero Dawn, was this sparse in its design it would not be treated as well as Breath of the Wild has been. I think the fact that Breath of the Wild has more than a quarter century of history of Zelda games to draw on, saves it with a lot of gamers. It is able to use that history to shorthand a lot of things that another game might need to explain more fully.

I also feel a little conflicted about the way gender is handled in this game. This comes in two parts, one the gender roles implicit in the world and the other in the handling of gender identity and the Gerudo. At the end of the day I can’t say that the game handles either of these badly, so much as I think the creators didn’t take the opportunity to better consider these cases. I also suppose it’s worth noting that this is a Japanese game, and so it really doesn’t reflect my cultural biases.

The original Champions who support Zelda (the Princess) and Link (her Hero) are Daruk, Mipha, Revali and Urbosa. This gives you a gender balanced team, but it also gives you a team which died before the beginning of the game. In the game three  of the four champions’ descendants who help you enter the divine beasts are male. Now this is complicated by having two “species” who are monogendered one all males and one all females, but this means that the majority of the hero type people meet in the game are males unless they have to be women.

The Six Champions (from Zeldapedia)

This continues in the general NPC population. Of the people you meet out in the wild, the gender parity seems fairly even, but amongst the ones who interact with the monsters far more female characters need to be rescued vs the male characters who fight (though there are some of both). More generally in towns and at stables it feels a bit like there is “men’s work” and “women’s work”, which I don’t know is necessary in a fantasy game. The game is not terribly out of tune, but I still feel like there could have been better representation all around, especially among the action characters.

I was also bothered by the handling of the Gerudo. Gerudo are an all female race of humaniods (I think), into whom a male is born very rarely. In Breath of the Wild, the Gerudo are all women and they live in the desert, and only allow women from the other races to enter their walled city. Link can enter, but only when he’s received a Gerudo outfit from a man, who was using it to sneak into the city to … uh … well it is actually the nicest city.

At the Gate of Gerudo Town (and sorry I didn't have a screen shot of Link in his Gerudo outfit)

So that’s one part of the problem, the game enforces a fairly strict gender binary, and deviations tend to be treated more as jokes than as serious moments. Even if Link does look somewhat androgynous (a decision the creators made on purpose), the game is serious about letting you know that he’s MALE.

The other part of the problem is that, while the Gerudo are a proud warrior race, they spend a lot of time researching how to find husbands. Because what else would a bunch of women do when they’re gathered together, I guess. It’s disappointing because a lot of the rest of the text in that part of the game is very explicit about how there’s really nothing holding women back from doing whatever they’d like.

I think that’s what bothers me about the way the game treats gender, it has the chance to do a lot of very interesting things and it doesn’t. It falls back to being tropy and so even where they do get something approaching a nuanced look at gender the rest of the game holds it back. For a game that questioned so much else about gaming and it’s own series history, it’s a little frustrating that this area didn’t receive nearly so much examination.

Treasure hunters (almost) defending themselves.

Things I’d Include in a Game

The biggest thing I think that I'd take out of Breath of the Wild is their fearlessness with the tutorials. Or, rather their lack of tutorials. Or, their fearlessness trusting their players. Especially considering that this is the series that insisted on teaching you how the money worked every time you started the game again.

There's quite a bit going on here really.

I did really enjoy how I was able to meet each new problem in the game with my own wits. I do feel like they reduced the overall difficulty of the game a little bit to compensate for this lack this, but they managed to produce a game that left me feeling fairly smart for the most part (and really dumb the two times I had to look things up).

The thing I wonder about reducing tutorials, is how much Breath of the Wild is able to rely on people having played a Zelda game before. By my calculation there have been more than 65 million copies purchased over all of the previous games (source). So, I wonder if it’s easier for Nintendo to rely on 30 plus years of history than it might be for a new company, or a new game. I certainly can’t tell having played almost all of the history of Zelda as the games came out.

Still I think the design of the game is a good one, regardless of how much history a player has with it. They limited the amount of mechanics in the game. Looking at the different items in various previous Zelda games, there’s usually somewhere between 6 and 12 different items/mechanics in the game (Taken quickly from Gamepedia). Breath of the wild has 6, if we count generously: bombs, Magnesis, Stasis, arrows, melee combat and Thrown Weapons. They aren’t even combined that often.

I spent an embarrassingly long time working this one out.

As I said, this does reduce the overall difficulty of the game, but in counter argument I’ve now played 162 of the game and I’m still happy. They’ve managed to introduce interest without complexity and I think that’s part of how I’ve managed to play so much. It’s not Darksouls and that’s fine, I don’t have to git good every time I play.

Breath of the Wild is also a great reminder that you can tell a compelling story without talking it to death. As a story Breath of the Wild is like a short story, whereas Skyward Sword is like a novel. Gameplay offsets this though and by keeping the story short and focused, it stays with me even when I’m not advancing it. Environmental storytelling in the world then helps reinforce that. I don’t know that this says you shouldn’t try to tell a big story in a game, but it certainly works well this way.

Final Things

I love The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I’m 162 hours in, and can easily see myself playing double that over the rest of the year, even before you count what the DLC adds to the game. I think if you’re looking for entertainment and fun in a game, this is where you should be looking. Play it, and I guarantee you an adventure.

Additionally, I think the game does a great job in revisioning how games are designed. As I said at the beginning, I think this should become required reading for all game makers in the future. The mix of story and gameplay and environment is fantastic and the trust the game shows its players is great. I don’t think, by any means, that all games should play like Breath of the Wild. I don’t even want the next Zelda to play exactly like this, but I do think that it says a lot about how deeply examined, bold choices will pay off. More than anything else, this game leaves me feeling inspired to play and create.

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