Sunday, November 03, 2024

The Books I Read - October 2024

Fairly quiet month. My partner and I spent a while reading through A Night in the Lonesome October and at about a chapter each day, it was a lot of fun. Babel was interesting and worth the time, but it's not a comfortable read.

Stats for August - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 5 (95)Pages Read - 1784 (31325)

Collage grid of the covers of the 5 books listed above.October 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 4 (46)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber - 2 - 674 (5 - 1,796)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn (9 - 2,230)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths (12 - 4,359) Garth Nix (1 - 408)
Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258) Heather Fawcett (1 - 320)
Ian Rankin (1 - 241) Ilona Andrews (2 - 668)
Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352) James Ogilvy (1 - 201)
Katherine Addison (1 - 448) Katherine May (1 - 212)
Katie Mack (1 - 237) Louise Penny (4 - 1,418)
Margery Allingham (1 - 208) Martha Wells (6 - 2,240)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) R.F. Kuang - 1 - 560 (1 - 560)
Roger Zelazny - 1 - 290 (1 - 290) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard (1 - 110) Yoshiki Tanaka - 1 - 260 (6 - 1509)

Word cloud of the authors I read in October. Anna Lee Huber is Largest in the middle, R. F. Kuang is a little smaller, just above and below Yoshiki Tanaka and Roger Zelazny are about 1/3 the size below.October 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - 1 (8) 1990s - 1 (12)
2000s - (5) 2010s - 2 (41)
2020s - 1 (26)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 1 (23)
Libby - 2 (48) Libro fm - 1 (9)
My Library - (1) Shared - 1 (6)


Audio Book - 3 (42) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 2 (43) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

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