Tuesday, December 03, 2024

The Books I Read - November 2024

November was a bit weird. The Hands of the Emperor is long, but excedingly good. I'm continuing to find Anna Lee Huber a very engaging mystery writer, for both of her series. This is How You Lose the Time War was quite interesting to reread, I enjoy the epistilary nature and the co-authors passing back and forth. I think because of the nature of how they made it, it could some times be a little more tightly constructed, but the writing alone is worth reading.

Stats for November - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 4 (99)Pages Read - 1865 (33190)

Collage grid of the covers of the 4 books listed above.November 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 3 (47)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone - 1 - 209 (1 - 209)
Amanda Cross (1 - 186) Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096)
Andy Weir (1 - 481) Ann Leckie (1 - 397)
Anna Lee Huber - 2 - 687 (7 - 2,483) Ben H. Winters (1 - 322)
Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288) Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293)
Carola Dunn (9 - 2,230) Charles Todd (1 - 352)
CLAMP (4 - 1,934) Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688)
Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996) Dennis Duncan (1 - 339)
Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132) Elly Griffiths (12 - 4,359)
Garth Nix (1 - 408) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny (4 - 1,418) Margery Allingham (1 - 208)
Martha Wells (6 - 2,240) Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841)
Milan Kundera (1 - 314) Nicholas Eames (1 - 464)
Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290) R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242)
R.F. Kuang (1 - 560) Roger Zelazny (1 - 290)
Sherry Thomas (1 - 364) Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337)
Suzette Mayr (1 - 224) T. Kingfisher (1 - 114)
Tomohito Oda (1 - 192) Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227)
Vernor Vinge (1 - 555) Victoria Goddard - 1 - 969 (2 - 1079)
Yoshiki Tanaka (6 - 1509)

Word cloud of the authors I read in November. Victoria Goddard is largest on top, below Anna Lee Huber is  smaller, to the side Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone combined are the same hight as Huber.November 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - (8) 1990s - (12)
2000s - (5) 2010s - 4 (45)
2020s - (26)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 1 (24)
Libby - 2 (50) Libro fm - 1 (10)
My Library - (1) Shared - (6)


Audio Book - 2 (44) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 2 (45) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Mystery Series I've Read (This Year (so far))

I've always liked mysteries, but until recently I don't think I'd have described myself as a mystery reader. Looking at the stats (since I keep stats) almost exactly half of the books I read this year were mysteries and mostly historical mysteries at that. That's between 47 to 49 mysteries — depending on what you count as a mystery — and 48 non-mysteries in mid-November 2024.

I liked mysteries — especially mysteries set in England, between World War I and World War II  — enough that I ended up working on a post-war themed mystery in my own sci-fi universe. Certainly at the moment when I need something easy to read a mystery tends to be my first choice.

Given all of that, and the sheer bulk of mystery books I've read, I thought I'd write up a little thing about what I've read and which ones I've really enjoyed. I'm including them more-or-less in the order I read the first entry of the series this year. I've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum.

Ruth Galloway Mysteries — Elly Griffiths

Cover - The Ghost Fields by Elly Grifiths


I can't explain why I like the Ruth Galloway mysteries. The crimes (especially the early entries) are often child-related or child threatening, which is usually a non-starter for me. The characters are interesting, but tend not to exhibit growth, or fall back from growth and can sometimes be a little repetitive over the course of 14 books. That may be a human condition, but a crux of the series is that the two leads have literally not sat down and used their mouth-words with each other for a decade, much to the irritation of their 10 year old child...

The university angle is nice and dealing with the frustration of your department head not doing what you want, or being the department head and not being able to do what everyone wants, feels very real.

Wrexford & Sloane — Andrea Penrose

Cover - Murder on Black Swan Lane - Andrea Penrose



The Wrexford & Sloane books are fun. They're regency era mysteries, which are much more about the people solving the crimes than they are anything to do with the crimes themselves — I cannot remember a single crime in the books. Mostly they're on the romance of chemist-lord and satirical-cartoonist, plus their rag-tag band of sometimes literal kids-in-rags. I'm not sure if this the narrator for the audio books I've been reading or the author, but the word choice is sometimes a little repetitive and odd, but they're always engaging adventures.

Harbinder Kaur — Elly Griffiths

Cover - Bleeding Heart Yard by Elly Griffiths



The Harbinder Kaur mysteries are notable for only occasionally featuring Harbinder. If you like Elly Griffiths's writing then these are a good example, although I found they didn't have the same connection of character that the Ruth Galloway books did. The best is probably "Bleeding Heart Yard", although the ones that don't feature Harbinder, but do feature the weird band of secondary characters are certainly worth a read as well.

Veronica Speedwell — Deanna Raybourn

Cover - An Unxpected Peril by Deanna Raybourn



I love these books because they have the loosest variation of historical you can possibly put in mystery. In fact I'm not even sure they count as mystery so much as alt-history-fantasy-romance, but if all powerful lepidopterist of mysterious origins and her Lordling Taxidermist love interest are your thing, then these are your books. I love them for being very weird, but comfortable with that weirdness.

Kate Fransler — Amanda Cross

Cover - In the Last Analysis by Amanda Cross



I think I started reading the Kate Fransler books sometime while I was in undergrad, and the mystery with a university background, has really appealed to me. (See Ruth Galloway). Mostly driven by the Ruth books, I reread "In the Last Analysis" and it's a fun mystery. It does feel a little bit like a book written by an English prof who looked at a mystery and said, I can can do that better.

Inspector Ian Rutledge — Charles Todd

Cover - A Fine Summers Day by Charles Todd



The Rutledge books do a lot for me because they're set all over post-World War I Britain which just makes me happy. On the other hand they do tend to be slightly different arrangements of irascible suspicious small town locals, antagonizing and antagonized by the big bad detective inspector from Scotland Yard. There are a lot of interesting elements in the post-Great War themes, but these always just feel nodded to and not addressed. I'd love these a little more if the bigger series plots and themes got more air time.

Lord Peter Wimsey — Dorothy L. Sayers

Cover - Whose Body? by Dorothy L. Sayers



I love the Lord Peter books and of the Queens of Crime, Sayers is my favourite. Lord Peter is savvy — and genre savvy — but human and concerned with humanity as much as he is by justice. There's also something about the way Sayers writes characters that I find really appealing. Her themes of cause and consequence makes her mysteries feel real and important. I read "Whose Body?" to be a little more critical and analytical about how she writes, but then got distracted enjoying it. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to read it again.

Lady Darby — Anna Lee Huber

Cover - Mortal Arts by Anna Lee Huber



The Lady Darby mysteries are, to some extent, the opposite of the Veronica Speedwell ones. Where everything for Miss Speedwell is set to eleven, Lady Darby is set to a much more sedate and carefully illustrated six. They're written with much more realistic characters, situations, crimes and settings, although they are very compelling and Huber's writing really appeals to me. Character again is the real standout in these books, but the mysteries are engaging and well set and make sense.

The Last Policeman — Ben H. Winters

Cover - The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters



This is one of the books where I'm not sure it's a mystery, partly because it's set in the literal apocalypse where the validity of investigating the crime is the key question. The first book "The Last Policeman" didn't quite click with me so I haven't continued in the series, but people I trust say it's good, so I might continue at some point.

Lady Sherlock — Sherry Thomas

Cover - A Tempest at Sea by Sherry Thomas



I love the Lady Sherlock mysteries. I think the earlier books were stronger and the series shows why you need to be careful with an overarching villain to your mysteries. (You will at no point be surprised about who masterminded the crime of each). Granted I also much prefer the Sherlock Holmes stories where Moriarity doesn't feature.

In the Lady Sherlock mysteries, I love the view into the minds of people with very different mindsets and I also love how super powers are quite possible provided you have a large enough group of people bringing enough skills together to make things happen.

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache — Louise Penny

Cover - A Rule Against Murder by Louise Penny



As Canadian as possible, under the circumstances. To be fair, M. Gamache would probably not be terribly thrilled to be described that way, but these books channel my memories of CBC radio and the sophisticated, rustic milieu which Canada used to present to the world.

The characters are intense and realistic and the crimes (despite for some reason always happening to the same six people — I'm early in the series still) are passionate and sensible.

As with the Lady Sherlock books, I think having an overarching villain cross too much of your mystery books detracts from the story at hand, but the setting and the people really drew me in.

The Angel of the Crows — Katherine Addison

Cover - The Angel of Crows by Katherine Addison



Katherine Addison is one of my favourite writers and "The Angel of the Crows" is very interesting. Imagine if Sherlock Holmes was an angel, and thus had no internal access to humanity. Of all the Sherlock Holmes inspired books I've read by people other than Conan Doyle, I think this is my favourite. It's engaging, set in a very interesting Victorian Fantasy world, and the relationship between Holmes and Watson is very interesting to watch unfold.

Daisy Dalrymple — Carola Dunn

Cover - Death at Wentwater Court by Carola Dunn



I'd tell you that the Daisy Dalrymple books are like popcorn, but I don't care for popcorn that much, so maybe more like potato chips... Anyway, my point is that I was reading these at the rate of about one a day for a good chunk of May. It seemed like every time I listened to one it just evaporated.

Inter-war, English, spirited protagonist, good — if simple — characters, these really landed in the sweet spot of readability for me. I did eat ... read ... a few too many and so I've slowed down on them a bit, but worth while and pretty well constructed mysteries as well.

Albert Campion — Margery Allingham

Cover - The Crime at Black Dudly by Margery Allingham



Margery Allingham was the member of the Four Queens of Crime, I knew the least about. "The Crime at Black Dudley" didn't really grab me the way "Whose Body?" did, partly because it seemed much more focused on the crime than the character and partly because the crime itself didn't make a lot of sense to me. I'll need to revisit it at some point.

Verity Kent Mysteries — Anna Lee Huber

Cover - This Side of Murder by Anna Lee Huber



The Verity Kent mysteries are interesting. Of all of the mystery books I've read this year "This Side of Murder" was the one that surprised me the most, both by its plot and its organization. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but following books in the series have solidified it as really worth reading.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Giant Bugs and Staying on Top of Things

The Main Menu / Title Screen for Into the Breach. A bipedal mech looks (whistfully?) off towards the horizon, while standing on a huge pile of rubble.
Into the Breach, Subset Games, 2018

This is a mix of obvious video game tactics and their obvious implications for getting things done. I'm writing it mostly to get it out of my head, although I think the thought is helping me get more things done in a way that makes me happier.

If you've been reading here for a while, you're probably aware that while I love tactics / strategy games I'm not good at them. I have some thoughts about why, which I'll get to later, but for now, I've been playing a lot of Into the Breach. I've played enough that I've almost completed all of the achievements on steam, which is frankly not a thing I do.

I've been able to work on the achievements for two reasons, the first is that Into the Breach is bite sized so when I need a moment or two to think about something else I can pick it up and usually do a mission in a couple of minutes. Sometimes I play more seriously, but other times it's just the game for a coffee break. In the end I get quite a bit of practice in and I think over the years I've learned a bit. I've certainly gone from barely being able to finish the first island, to routinely finishing the game ... at least on Easy.

The other reason I've been able to achieve as many achievements as I have is that you can finish them on Easy difficult — in fact the only achievement which requires you to play on Hard is the one for finishing the game on Hard. So I've explored a lot of their very fun mechanics, which incidentally have taught me a lot about how the game is designed and what some good ways to play it are.

The big thing that's I've found that's made me better at Into the Breach is getting on top of things early. You have three robots and so if you have more than three enemy Vek on the map, you are going to be in trouble. If you can keep the number of Vek coming in to the stage controlled, then it's much, much easier to meet the mission objectives, keep everyone alive and work on the achievements.

I recognize this is a staggeringly obvious thing to say out loud.

Still, it's been sitting in my brain because having the "be on top of things" mandate has made me better at Into the Breach and honestly it's one of the only real productivity ideas that works for me in real life too. Every time I leave a plastic bag on the counter to get washed later, I know I'm risking letting the kitchen get on top of me. When I'm at work I'm happiest when I have my organization caught up and I can get through the tasks I have for the day.

I'm also reminded of the idea of rinsing the cottage cheese, which I read about in Jim Collins's Good to Great. The idea being that there's this high level athlete who rinses his cottage cheese every morning so that he gets the right amount of calories. Being a high level athlete it seems like it should matter if his diet varied by a few calories in the cottage cheese whey, but following the discipline every day was important to his success. 

Screenshot from Into the Breach. On an icy field, three red fire mechs face off with several Vek while fires rage and a pair of out of control robots are frozen in blocks of ice.
A lot going on, but not so much that I'm not on top of things.

I'm not a high level anything, but it does keep coming back to me how much it helps me when I do do the little things, even when I don't really like doing them.

As I said, I recognize this is a staggeringly obvious thing to say out loud, but sometimes saying it out loud is good for you.

Sunday, November 03, 2024

The Books I Read - October 2024

Fairly quiet month. My partner and I spent a while reading through A Night in the Lonesome October and at about a chapter each day, it was a lot of fun. Babel was interesting and worth the time, but it's not a comfortable read.

Stats for August - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 5 (95)Pages Read - 1784 (31325)

Collage grid of the covers of the 5 books listed above.October 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 4 (46)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber - 2 - 674 (5 - 1,796)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn (9 - 2,230)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths (12 - 4,359) Garth Nix (1 - 408)
Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258) Heather Fawcett (1 - 320)
Ian Rankin (1 - 241) Ilona Andrews (2 - 668)
Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352) James Ogilvy (1 - 201)
Katherine Addison (1 - 448) Katherine May (1 - 212)
Katie Mack (1 - 237) Louise Penny (4 - 1,418)
Margery Allingham (1 - 208) Martha Wells (6 - 2,240)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) R.F. Kuang - 1 - 560 (1 - 560)
Roger Zelazny - 1 - 290 (1 - 290) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard (1 - 110) Yoshiki Tanaka - 1 - 260 (6 - 1509)

Word cloud of the authors I read in October. Anna Lee Huber is Largest in the middle, R. F. Kuang is a little smaller, just above and below Yoshiki Tanaka and Roger Zelazny are about 1/3 the size below.October 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - 1 (8) 1990s - 1 (12)
2000s - (5) 2010s - 2 (41)
2020s - 1 (26)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 1 (23)
Libby - 2 (48) Libro fm - 1 (9)
My Library - (1) Shared - 1 (6)


Audio Book - 3 (42) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 2 (43) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Saturday, October 05, 2024

The Silence of the Refrigerator

One of my first memories in our house, about 7 years ago now, is sitting at the dinning room table and thinking the fridge was about to explode. It was loud and rattly and given that the previous owners never seemed to use the right tool to fix the job, I assumed it was just going to die any day.

We did eventually get someone in to look at it and learned that we could get the seal on the door to be much better if we gave it a once over with a hair dryer. He also got it quieter. Given that the fridge was quieter and that neither of us owned a hair drier, we filed that away as a "thing we should do" and went on with our lives — with the regular urge to really squeeze the fridge door shut (sorry if we're visiting).

Time went on, as time does, and eventually the fridge got noisier and nosier. I'm not always the best at getting chores done and so despite having some idea that I aught to "clean the compressor coils" from time to time, I didn't and slowly the fridge arrived back at a level of loudness where we couldn't ignore it any farther.

So I searched, to find out how to make your fridge quieter and "clean your compressor coils" was the largest answer. I was able to figure out roughly what the model of my fridge was and that the coils are in the bottom at the back.

I unplugged the fridge, pulled it out found the ... cardboard that was screwed to the back (I'm not sure if that's Mr. Wrong-tools at work or just some old fashioned enshitification in fridge design), unscrewed it and found, a fair bit of dust. I cleaned it out. Screwed the panel ... cardboard ... back on, plugged the fridge back in and the fridge got quieter.

The bottom-back of a refrigerator. On the left is a big black pot, some copper pipes and some wires, on the right is a (surprisingly small) stack of fine tubes. Everything is covered is a heavy layer of dust.
Yes, this does need cleaning.


Then the fridge got louder. A lot louder. It was hard to talk to each other in the kitchen if the fridge was running louder and the fridge was always running.

Back to Google and ... compressor coils, compressor coils, and then one entry on evaporator coils, which are in the freezer. They can get ice on them (and the fan can get ice on it) which can be *really loud* and sound like it's coming from the freezer.

That of course make sense. I do actually know how heat systems work (thanks Technology Connections) and of course you need compression on the one side and evaporation on the other. I just took the consumer electronics at their face value and went, well that's a smooth panel, nothing to be done there.

But that's a lie. And it's a lie google reinforces. When I search for how to clean your evaporator coils Google (and YouTube) will *only* return pages about compressor coils. So I knew I had to deice (and maybe clean) the evaporator coils, but unlike the compressor coils I couldn't find a video.

So, we went and bought a hair-drier, a thing neither my partner nor I have ever done. Fortunately if you only want it for "Hot Air" purposes the drugstore hair-drier isle is fairly manageable and so we found one that's pretty good for hot and air without too many weird marketing words attached. (Ours is still double ceramic... we're not barbarians...).

Unplugged the fridge, emptied the freezer into bins and covered with blankets, and there was the back.

Discovery one, serviceable screws (and the same size as the ones on the back.)

Discovery two, temperature control, set the absolute maximum (we probably should have looked at this like 7 years earlier).

Discovery 3, the rack in the freezer is held in place with a little rubber stopper. Immovable. Until you heat it up with a hair-drier and then you can pop it right off and lift the rack out.

I unscrewed the panel on the back and carefully — there were wires from the control and the fan — moved the panel out of the way. There were the evaporator coils and the fan, covered in ice. (Also a hose clamp covered in spray foam, doing ... something, but that's Mr. Wrong-tools' calling card, so I know he was in here at some point.)

The back of the freezer behind the white panel. A series of aluminum tubes with fine fins attached. The fan is on the panel to the left and there are wires connected across the back to the panel and tubes hooking up the compressor.
So there it is, slightly moist now I think I was mostly through melting when I took this.

I went to town with the hair-drier. I put a couple of towels in and there was also a drain (which I think goes back down where the condenser coil is) and all of the ice melted out. I got the fan running freely when I blew air on it. Nothing exploded or released any gas, so I guess Mr. Wrong-tools at least got a seal with his clamp, and things seemed pretty good.

I got the panel seated again, screwed everything back together put everything back and lo-and-behold the fridge ran almost silently. Also it ran way less frequently.

It seems like, when I unplugged it to clean the compressor coils, the ice partially melted and then refroze (especially on the fan) which is what made the fridge so loud.

So, that's what I learned about my fridge. And if your fridge is loud and you can't figure out why, then ignore Google and take a look at your evaporator coils — if you can (enshitification of fridges continues I'm sure). Be gentle with the fins, they're really thin. As far as I can see if your freezer is self-defrosting and not very prone to making noise you may never need to do this, but if it comes up it might be worth trying to clean it up.

Now our fridge runs quietly and not that often and peace mostly rules our house again. Although we will still squeeze the hell out of a fridge door if given the chance.

As a bonus I was able to turn the freezer down to a much more believable level and now we don't freeze thing if we put them too near the top of the fridge.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Books I Read - September 2024

Again, Critical Role cut down on a lot of my reading, especial audio books. The three books set in the inter-war period were interesting counter points and I have to say that Anna Lee Huber writes in a style I really enjoy. Garth Nix's Left-Handed book sellers was a lot of fun, a little more elegance in crafting the front half, but a good action novel in the second. As always Martha Wells' Murderbot is outstanding.

Stats for August - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 5 (90)Pages Read - 1431 (29541)

Collage grid of the covers of the 5 books listed above.September 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 5 (42)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber - 1 - 306 (3 - 1,122)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn - 1 - 261 (9 - 2,230)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths (12 - 4,359) Garth Nix - 1 - 408 (1 - 408)
Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258) Heather Fawcett (1 - 320)
Ian Rankin (1 - 241) Ilona Andrews (2 - 668)
Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352) James Ogilvy (1 - 201)
Katherine Addison (1 - 448) Katherine May (1 - 212)
Katie Mack (1 - 237) Louise Penny (4 - 1,418)
Margery Allingham - 1 - 208 (1 - 208) Martha Wells - 1 - 248 (6 - 2,240)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard (1 - 110) Yoshiki Tanaka (5 - 1249)

Word cloud of the authors I read in September, with the size based on the number of words read. Carola Dunn is in the middle in a medium font, Margery Allingham is above and a little smaller and Anna Lee Huber is above that in a larger font, Garth Nix is below Dunn in the largest font and Martha Wells is below in the smallest font.September 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - 1 (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - (7) 1990s - (11)
2000s - 1 (5) 2010s - 2 (39)
2020s - 1 (25)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 1 (22)
Libby - 2 (46) Libro fm - 2 (8)
My Library - (1) Shared - (5)


Audio Book - 2 (39) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 3 (41) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Friday, September 06, 2024

The Books I Read - August 2024

I didn't read much in August, which was again party due to watching a lot of Critical Role and partly I just wasn't in the right mood. Anna Lee Huber's Lady Darcy books are a good balance of Scottish murder mystery and romance and I found a Grave Matter really fun. Petty Treasons was a lot of fun and the fact that it starts in second person more or less makes sense and works.

I added a bunch of books to Libby and my Kobo, Libro.fm and Owls nest wish lists so I think I'll be back to my usual reading speed as summer ends.

Stats for August - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 5 (85)Pages Read - 1520 (28110)

Collage grid of the covers of the 5 books listed above.August 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 5 (42)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber - 1 - 432 (2 - 816)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn (8 - 1,969)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths - 1 - 350 (12 - 4,359) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny - 1 - 376 (4 - 1,418) Martha Wells (5 - 1,992)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard - 1 - 110 (1 - 110) Yoshiki Tanaka - 1 - 252 (5 - 1249)

Word cloud of the authors I read in August, based on the number of words read. Anna Lee Huber is largest and at the top, then Elly Griffiths below and a little smaller then Louise Penny about the same size. Yoshiki Tanaka is off to the left and quite a bit smaller and Victoria Goddard is smallest and tucked in to the bottom right.August 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (1) 1960s - (1)
1980s - 1 (7) 1990s - (11)
2000s - 1 (4) 2010s - 1 (37)
2020s - 2 (24)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 2 (21)
Libby - 3 (44) Libro fm - (6)
My Library - (1) Shared - (5)


Audio Book - 1 (37) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 4 (38) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Books I Read - July 2024

I'm late updating things for July, so I don't know that I have a lot to add. I did start watching through Critical Role, (from the very begining) and that's cut down on my Audio book listening quite a bit. I ended up picking up a lot of the Legend of the Galactic Heroes books since they were kind of easy to pick up and put down. In case you're interested, they're written -- or translated -- very dryly and I find it's very helpful to read them in the voice of Dan Carlin.


Unique Authors: 6 (41)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amanda Cross (1 - 186)
Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096) Andy Weir - 1 - 481 (1 - 481)
Ann Leckie (1 - 397) Anna Lee Huber (1 - 384)
Ben H. Winters (1 - 322) Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288)
Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293) Carola Dunn (8 - 1,969)
Charles Todd (1 - 352) CLAMP (4 - 1,934)
Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688) Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996)
Dennis Duncan - 1 - 339 (1 - 339) Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132)
Elly Griffiths (11 - 4,009) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy - 1 - 201 (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May - 1 - 212 (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny (3 - 1,042) Martha Wells - 2 - 891 (5 - 1,992)
Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841) Milan Kundera (1 - 314)
Nicholas Eames (1 - 464) Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Yoshiki Tanaka - 3 - 725 (4 - 997)

Word cloud of the authors I read in July. Yoshi Tanaka and Martha Wells are largest and the others, Dennis Duncan, Katherine May, Andy Weir, James Ogilvy surround them.July 2024 Author Cloud

1920s - (1) 1960s - (1)
1980s - 3 (6) 1990s - 1 (11)
2000s - (3) 2010s - 2 (36)
2020s - 3 (22)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - 1 (3) Kobo - 5 (19)
Libby - 1 (41) Libro fm - (6)
My Library - (1) Shared - 2 (5)


Audio Book - 2 (36) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 6 (34) eBook Comic - 1 (6)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (1)

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Blog - 2024

Um hello! I'd wish you a Happy Belated Blog End and Start day, but that was a while ago... Did anyone one get the licence plate of that August? I'll be picking calendar shrapnel out of my brain for weeks!

If you're new here, welcome, good timing. The next sentence I'm going to write is weird, but it'll be a whole year now before I write again. My rule is to never start a project without an idea of how it ends, so I never set out to blog for more than a year at a time and the beginning of August -- actually mid July, but honestly nothing here makes that much sense -- marks the end of the last year of blogging, and, since I feel like continuing on, the start of the next year.

I noted last year that I wanted to cut back on quantity in favour of quality. I've certainly achieved reduced quantity, quality isn't quite where I want it but you know, things are coming along. I guess my goal of this year is now to increase the quantity of the quality.

I'm proud of the two "Things about Games" posts I wrote (Sea of Stars and Unicorn Overlord) and I enjoyed the things I wrote about reading and rereading. I also had fun rebuilding the way I record the books I read and the games I play. Games especially aren't quite there yet, but my over engineered mail merge is fun. 

Do I know what I'm doing next? Nope. I might blog more. I might finally move off blogger/blogspot. I might just hang out and write another August post here next year feeling like I'm almost where I want to be. Still I'm working on getting the "shoulds" out of my life and just doing. 

I'll see ya'll for the New Year's navelgazing. In the mean time I hope we can have a little adventure. Hope you've found a nice seat. 

A view from a lawn chair of a bit of a messy yard, under a blue sky with a couple of fluffy summer clouds.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Things about Unicorn Overlord

If you've been reading here for a while, you know that I sooner, or later, I will always come back to talking about  Ogre Battle 64. You'll also know that while I think it has a lot of flaws, I love it deeply. I've spent a lot of time thinking about how, if I were to get serious making video games, I'd love to make Ogre Battle 65. (You know, Ogre Battle 64, but one better...)

I was neither surprised nor excited when I first saw Unicorn Overlord in a Nintendo Direct. I wasn't paying that much attention and the name is dumb. So it was only later when I saw someone call it an Ogre-Battle-alike that I actually went to take a look.

Title Screen: Unicorn Overlord. The U is a horseshooe with a unicorn and maiden head on each end and the O is a crown.

It turns out, it's a modern Ogre Battle. It sands off most of the things I think make Ogre Battle flawed and plays up the things I really liked. It has some flaws of its own, but I am very happy when I'm playing it.

I have a few things I've thought about Unicorn Overlord (and some of them aren't even about how like Ogre Battle it is) and I've written them up below. Beware spoilers for the whole of Unicorn Overlord, and Ogre Battle too — really a warning about Ogre Battle spoilers should just be part of the header of the blog.

Things I Liked

The first thing I like about Unicorn Overlord, is that it *is* Ogre Battle and it works really well. One of my complaints about Ogre Battle is that it involves a lot of the computer walking while you sit around. You give a unit an order and then check Twitter and then a while later they show up where you wanted and a fight starts, and then if you set things up right, you win and go on to the next thing, which is maybe fighting the same unit again.

Clive attacks some guy named Adolfo and looks like he's about to wreck house, potentially hurting Adolfo's unit for 767 and healing his unit for 4..
Clive and friends are going to kick ass.

In Unicorn Overlord, they've fixed that. Mostly through the magic of making the maps smaller and the units faster. I just started a second play through and they told me about the fast forward button, which is great, but I almost never wanted to speed up because I was already making decisions as fast as I could. If you're looking for Sid Meier's rule that "a game is made up of interesting decisions", having the game go faster means more interesting decisions.

The stamina system they chosen also works quite nicely with the smaller maps. A stronger unit might light out in front of everyone, but after five or six good fights, they'll need a rest and if someone isn't there to cover for them they'll get their buts kicked. It makes the system from Ogre Battle more discrete, less chaotic and once you understand it, easier to plan around. Also when you get tired you can eat hot cross buns and get 3 stamina back, and that's got to be better than eating energy fruit.

Unicorn Overlord also has a streamlined  unit set up compared to Ogre Battle. You still put together soldiers into units, but the positioning matters much less. For one thing, your front always faces the enemy, as opposed to all of the side and back attacks that you had in Ogre Battle. This does reduce a bit of the fun of catching someone from behind and routing them, but it also makes the game much easier to understand. Units are organized into just a front row and a back row and there are a few benefits to each, but the overall complication is very low, while still being satisfying.

A unit made up of a Holy Knight, A Griffon Knight and Tiny Woman Giant Hammer Knight. (That last one might not be official but it is descriptive).
The Knights of the Rose are also going to kick ass.

The difficulty is still refined through solider placement. One of the first things the tutorial tells you is never to place a back-line unit directly behind a front-line unit because of the attacks that go straight through the front-line unit and hit whatever's behind them. Then they give you a spear that gives you that exact ability, and all of the enemy units line up in nice attack-throughable columns.

There is also a difficulty slider, and I'm not that sure what it does. I played on a lower difficulty to get started, and now I'm playing on a higher one and the difficulty has always felt good. As I often mention here, I'm not nearly as good at strategy games as my love of them would suggest, and I've been right in my happy place all along.

One other delightful thing I really appreciate is that you don't have to keep your hero alive. Prince Alain is welcome to be on the front lines and if you oops, that's great he can get resurrected just like every other solider in the game. That opens up your options and gives you more interesting ways to play.

All that being said, the best thing the Unicorn Overlord developers have done, is look at other strategy games and find the cruft they can remove. One example of this is in levelling. If you've played any Fire Emblem, you know that there are often promoted units hanging out with you low level units and stealing their experience points. If you're really familiar with the mechanics you can see that because they're so much stronger, they're taking the XP that lower level units need, but the first time out you often end up with a harder time later because you couldn't level up your units.

Clive, three Knights and a Holy Knight celebrate their vectory. Some of them have their XP growth in red and it's much smaller than the soldiers who are lower level and getting their full XP (in white).
Clive and friends win their fight.

Here, all the soldiers in a unit share XP and if a soldier is above a threshold it just doesn't get XP (which is clearly marked in red) and the other soldiers get their regular allotment. Often, it's beneficial to send along a higher level unit to lift up lower level ones. There's still a bit of a problem, but over all as long as all the units are more or less in the right range, other mechanics determine if a unit will be good or bad in a fight rather than just the level. There's also enough XP sitting around that you can (more or less) level up any unit you think would be interesting.

The other thing that's great is that there are no tricks. Again in Fire Emblem or a lot of other games, they'll give you a special item to promote your soldier and make them super great, except that if you use the item it turns out they'll miss out on the thing that will actually make them powerful in the late game. Here, promotion just makes your solider better, more stats, more actions. Promote as soon as you can, at the many helpful forts scattered around the map.

They've also done a great job of organizing the types of units and basically, they're all bangers (if you'll forgive me for saying that as a person who played Ogre Battle when it came out). As you liberate more and more places, more types of soldiers join you and there's always an interesting niche you can use them in.

There's also a lot of fun in having units fit together. So having a fighter and a gryphon rider work together can make a fun unit because the fighter can stop all of the arrows which would kill the gryphon rider and then the rider can quickly wipe out the enemy. I veered a little conservative, with a lot of healing in my first playthrough, but now that I'm on my second I'm having a lot of fun figuring out ways just to avoid damage. Again, both are fun and that's why I wrote 1300 words on how much I like this game!

Managing your army in Ogre Battle was also a lot of fun -- at least fun for me. Again, Unicorn Overlord is more fun out of battle too. For one thing you rip around the world, with an easy fast travel system and with a very fast moving hero. This makes it easy to explore, which nets you a lot of good items and equipment, and also lets you see the quests which are good for the world building and also are fun.

You also get to rebuild all of the towns in the world. They'll ask for deliveries (can we have some of your stuff) and once you give them the stuff they need, and station a guard there, they'll pump out the stuff you'll need for deliveries for other towns. This is a simple satisfying system, that gives you something different to do in between the main combat parts of the game.

They also have optional "Liberation" quests where you reclaim a part of the map, and fairly often get a new recruit for your army. I think they're optional, but I did all of them because they were fun and often a nice place to try out a new unit or new set up.

There's an economy of "Honour" which you get for completing quests which you can use to make your army stronger, add more units, or increase their size or promote units. You can also use honour to add mercenaries to you army, which is great because then you can set them to guard towns and get more honour. It's a nice way to organize and rate limit the game and make you make choices that are more interesting throughout.

I really enjoyed Unicorn Overlord in just about every way and found it to fill both the "I want something to do with my hands" itch you feel some times as well as the "I'd like to play a serious RPG" itch as well.

Prince Alain faces off with enemy Knights in the streets of the capitol.
Prince Alain marches on the Capitol

Things I Didn't Like

The biggest thing I did not like is that I'm reading glasses old. More generally, the user interface on the game is not great and it's hard to read thing. Not impossible, just squinty. So it's hard to tell units apart on the map, and it's hard to see what a weapon does, and just generally I felt a little bit like I couldn't figure out what I was doing for a lot of my first play through.

A mass of units threaten your position. It's hard to tell them apart. Prince Gilbert announces that the enemy's main force is coming from the north east.
The primary force is large, kinda grey and teeny tiny, to my old eyes.

The menus are also not lined up the way my brain wants them so every time I wanted to use a item on a unit, I opened the wrong menu first and then every time I wanted to change a soldiers equipment I made them unit commander. These were things that just never really clicked in a way where I felt competent, even after 80 hours of playing.

The maps were generally hard to navigate and it was often difficult to see what types of units you were fighting. It all felt a bit like a mass of grey running around. I ended up relying a lot on the game's "here's how the fight will work" mechanic rather than really carefully choosing which of my units fought which enemy units. A little extra zoom in on the map would have been nice.

The last thing I did not like was the unit design. Too many chainmail bikinis, or just bikinis. The female characters are over sexualized, not universally, but enough that I found it frustrating. It's one of the things I really appreciated about Ogre Battle was that it was fairly egalitarian when it came to gender and while Unicorn Overlord isn't awful, quite a few characters did decide to put on their frilliest bikini and go to the battle field. 

A unit after winning. Two of the women are in full armor (especially the holy knight), the two elven archers have chosen lacy thigh high stockings and a courseted gown for this fight.
The archery, healing and distraction unit did well.

Also the main female character's legs are animated in a very inhuman way. They shouldn't point at each other like that. It's weird.


Scarlett and Alain look at each other. Scarlett's legs point across her body in a way I don't think legs do.
Scarlett and Alain, confess. Mostly to strange anatomy.

Things I Noticed

I think the story in Unicorn Overlord is interesting from the perspective that it's the minimum viable story. It's exactly as much story as the game needs to make the mechanics flow together and then not much more. You, the prince, need to fight back at the amazingly persuasive bad guy who dethroned your Mother the Queen. Every fight you win gets you a little bit of land back and also maybe helps someone out. There are a few decisions, but they're pretty limited.

Renault, a knight, kneels and swears fielty to Prince Alain for as long as the enemy rule.
Renault, solves problems by being mind controlled and then contrite.

There's almost no twist. Lex, your best friend since you fled the capitol with your mentor, is by your side. The whole way. The first time I saw Lex, I went he's going to betray you, but he doesn't, he's just cheerful and climbs tall things to bring you treasure. Your mentor, the aged knight who raises you, lives. He's a viable character throughout the game. There's just nothing in the story that takes you out of the game play.

I like that, I think there's a tendency in a lot of games to use the mystery box and surprise twist to keep you engaged, but here it's just here to make a nice smooth path between story elements. I like the characters, they're written to be likeable. I like the world, it's written to be likeable. If you were looking for something deep or cutting edge, that's not here, but there's nothing to dislike.

Romance is here, barely. At one point you need to activate the power ring that matches your's as the Unicorn Overlord and you have to do that with the person who's most important to you. I did that with Prince Alain's in text beloved (the one who's legs point the wrong ways) and my other option was the plucky girl who keeps the Prince organized. As it turns out looking online you can "romance" with practically anyone, including Lex and your mentor. I don't know how it all works, but with the textual relationship between the prince and the childhood friend / heir to the Pope, they find someone to take on her role as Pope and she comes to hang out with you in your shiny white castle.

A white screen with the pretty text: Thus Scarlette appointed Sanatio the new pointifex of the Orthodoxy - and history tells that upon accepting her role as the queen of Cornia, she and her beloved Alain traveled Fevrith to aid in its recovery.
Scarlett chooses Queen over Pope.

The game has a good system for explaining how the combat is going to work. When you point one of your units at the enemy it will show how much of each unit's HP is going to get lost (or gained). The game's fairly deterministic so these estimates are right, how ever the game is also very sensitive to conditions, so it's easy to send a unit off for what seems like a route only to have them completely smashed. The mechanism is good, and since you can swap with another unit near by it's usually fine, but especially when I was playing fast it was sometimes a little frustrating.

As an extension of this and of the issue with the UI -- and of my own over expansion in my first play through -- it would be nice to have a system of Quarter Masters. There are a lot of items in the game at a lot of characters and if you aren't paying good attention then it's easy to hit a wall in the game because people aren't using the gear that you already have, let alone the gear you could go and buy at one of the hundred towns you've fixed up.

In my second play through, I've kept my army much smaller and I've been more careful with equipment and it's working out fine. There is a lot of fun in figuring out how to set Lex up to be the bad ass he deserves to be, but I think having a system where I *could* let the game do it form me if I wanted would make this a little easier to take on.

The game is very good about explaining all the bits too, but it has a lot of bits. There's a whole Unicornipedia (it's not called that, but you know) about every person in the world, every country, the last ten thousand years of history, every type of unit, every game mechanic and all of the tips and tricks you need to succeed. It's a lot, so much that I totally ignored it. The story stuff isn't terribly necessary, and I picked up most of the combat things on my own eventually. Now on my second play through, I'm finding things that I struggled with are much easier.

One thing I think the game could have used is some kind of unit rater. The enemy units are usually not great models for your units (since you need to be better than them). The enemy can give you hints about what might be helpful, but they're not great. Having an optional in game tool that goes "This unit is going to lose a lot because it doesn't have anyone doing direct damage" or "This unit is going to get wrecked by anyone with a horse", would have been a nice addition. Maybe coupled into the estimate systems, "Lex should be excellent in that fight, but there are a lot of horses around who are going to trample him." 


Things I'd Include In a Game

I've though making an Ogre Battle clone would be fun. Now I don't have to because this game exists and it's great. Having spent a long time looking at all of the issues with Ogre Battle, I can say that Unicorn Overlord solves practically all of them in wonderful was, is a great game in it's own right and just makes a ton of sense.

Prince Alain, smashes an enemy soldier in a foggy swamp. Alain heals 24 HP as he does so.
Alain kicks ass in a nice friendly swamp.

If I were still going to make my own Ogre Battle, I think the attention to the interactions between classes in units would be the best thing to take from Unicorn Overlord. It's a lot of fun to put units together that either solve a specific problem or are just really nice wrecking balls.

Last Things

I'm delighted that Unicorn Overlord exists. It's fun, and fast, and light and gets rid of so much cruft that slows games down or makes them not be fun. I don't know that it would be everyone's cup of tea, but it is mine and I think that it's really likeable in a lot of ways. 


Fin, on a black screen.


The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...