So, what were the 8 games I played this year? They were Bushido Bear (a mobile game from Spry Fox), Civilization VI, Halycon 6: Starbase Commander, Pokemon GO!, Rimworld, Starfox 0, Stardew Valley and XCOM 2. The one game that I missed in 2016, that I wanted to play, was Dishonored 2, but hopefully I'll catch up to that some time soon.
Its an interesting set of games and for the most part they were good games. Roughly I'd sort the games I played into The Bad, The Okay, The Good and The Great. I'll talk about each of those now.
The Bad
Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Zero is the worst game I played this year (not just out of games made in 2016). Now I think I need to say first that if the control scheme clicks for me, I might take that back, but until then there wasn't much to redeem Star Fox Zero at all.The controls are abysmal and unintuitive and sadly I don't think there's a good reason for them to be as difficult as they are. Nintendo gets into their gimmicks some times and I think that they let the gimmick override the game play. There's no reason for the single player to be this difficult to control especially when there are a lot of other good uses the game pad could have been put to. Sadly the game it self does nothing to support this, the missions (that I got to) are boring and repetitions of Starfox 64 (which they easily could have just done an HD version of). The characters and story are bland and boring and while you don't really look to Nintendo for the best story if nothing else is drawing you into a game then there's not much else.
On the positive I can only say that it's pretty, but Nintendo really got off in the wrong direction on this one.
Bushido Bear
The Okay
The Good
Pokemon GO
I've found myself hesitant to play quite a few times over the course of the year. This stems largely from the technical problems they've struggled with, although they do seem to have worked out how to make the game work now (and for a team as small as Niantic, I'm very impressed). That being said I would like it if the game could load faster (there's a pikachu, someone shouts and then I get to stare at the Niantic splash and the loading screen for the next five minutes. The other thing is that it would be nice if the game had some mechanic that didn't rely on your location, I may not always have the time (or inclination) to take a walk and it would be nice to have a reason to pick up the game.
XCOM 2 is a lot of fun. It's the game I played the most this year. It's also really hard. The difficulty, especially the expanded added by the DLC, really holds the game back from being something that you just pick up and play (again I'm talking about a game I played for 88 hours this year). I think it's a great improvement over its predecessor and confidently divides the modern XCOM games from the originals (and the remakes) into a new style of gameplay (within a grid based tactics game).
It would be nice if the difficulty was a little more balanced, even while you're supposed to be underpowered, better alternate mechanics for stealth or hit-and-run might have made the story blend better with the mechanics. It's definitely good, but lacking a little bit to be great.
I haven't played as much Halcyon 6 as I might have and I've liked what I played. It has an interesting mix of game play elements, jrpg style combat, XCOM style base building and adventure style decision making. It does seem to lack a little bit of depth or at least diversity in tactics but generally its been enjoyable and has been worth playing.
Halcyon 6: Starbase Command
The Great
Civilization VI
Stardew Valley
The only complaint I have about Stardew Valley is that there isn't more of it. It feels almost as if it could be extended by programmatic event creation, but the strength of the game is just how well all of the interactions and events of the game are written. It would be sad to lose any of that, so instead I play it as slowly as I can an enjoy every minute of it (while I keep hoping for a new update from ConcernedApe). If you haven't played and you'd like a game that lets you farm at your own pace then I really recommend picking up Stardew Valley.
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