Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 40)

Organizational Note: I'm reducing the number of videos per Favourite YouTube Videos post to three to reduce the strain on browsers (primarily chrome). I have also reduced the number of posts displayed on the main page from 5 to 4, which I hope will also help. Unfortunately, I'm not able to reduce the number of posts shown at a time using categories/tags or searches. 

It's the start of a new year and it's that time when people starting thinking about improvement. Fortunately my next three favourite YouTube videos all help with a little self improvement.

  • First off, Hank has some productivity tips:
  • Next, Ze Frank talks about what we leave out: 
  • Finally Pomplamoose, will help you learn how to communicate through dance:

Project 24: Blog HTML Generator - Introduction

 I’ve been having a lot of fun with my new book tracking infographic. Doing things like making a word cloud of authors and a grid of titles...