Friday, May 08, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 84)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we save the world (twice!), look at how to make a movie look great forever and then we burn things in the coolest way.

  • First, we have SuperJeenius's Let's Plays of Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

    I'm not sure I made it clear ever, but this series of blog posts is based on all of the videos I've favourited and sometimes me-from-the-past seems set to make my job harder. This volume has been one of the problems where that's been the case. I found a bunch of videos in the list and I don't know why I liked them, so a lot of them got tossed. Then I had Episode 37 of Golden Sun: The Lost Age, which is interesting but makes no sense being halfway through the second game. So I don't know what me-from-the-past thought about this video or why it ended up in the favourites.

    I can say that both Let's Plays are very good and SuperJeenius's style makes a Let's Play very entertaining and engaging. So I'm going to throw the playlist for the first game in here and leave it up to you if you make it all the way to Episode 37 of the second game.
  • Next, Adam Savage talks with Will on Still Untitled about the special effects on Blade Runner and why almost nothing else measures up.
  • Finally, we get some slow motion action watching what happens when you drop embers into liquid oxygen, from Brady Haran and the team at Periodic Videos.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 83)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we look at the unexpected. Canada and the US don't have a straight border, and the barking dog actually bounces. Also we unexpectedly channel Hello Internet.

  • First C.G.P. Grey, has an interested in weird boarders and even though it seems simple, the Canada-US boarder is a weird one. 
  • Next Brady Haran has a video on Periodic Videos about one of the cooler demonstrations that they do at the University of Nottingham, the Barking Dog and how it doesn't work at all the way they thought it did. First we have the video itself then he shows the behind the scenes of how the video was made.

Friday, May 01, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 82)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we get musical, argue with ourselves and then soar to greater heights.

  • First, we have two entries in the ongoing chap-hop fight between Professor Elemental and Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer. At some point I think I had a grasp on which videos were in response to which, but now we just have these two which are (as you might guess from the post) my favourites. Either way it seems these two have been at it a long time.
  • Then to calm down a little, let's go with Brentalfloss (and some of his fans) to help Mario get to a date with Peach.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Blog: Favourite YouTube Videos (Volume 81)

In this volume of my favourite YouTube videos, we ask some questions about the nature of the universe.

  • First, what happens if you combine the awesomeness of the Duck Tales Moon Theme and Smooth McGroove? Well you get a lot of awesome in one place. Possibly enough to look at the asymptotic limits of awesomeness. 
  • Next, what happens if Kristina Horner and her roommates get a bunch of costumes really cheap? This... apparently.
  • Finally, what happens if the Internet talks about video games. Well lots of stuff, but here RinryGameGame looks at all the over analysis that happens.

Project 24: Blog HTML Generator - Introduction

 I’ve been having a lot of fun with my new book tracking infographic. Doing things like making a word cloud of authors and a grid of titles...