Friday, February 14, 2025

The Books I Read - January 2025

I had some health stuff to deal with in January, which kinda skewed how I read over the month. Sharing "The Dark is Rising" with my partner was great; we listened to a radio play version during the height of the pandemic, and we both really appreciated getting the whole text.

Victoria Goddard's writing continues to entertain and "The Return of Fitzroy Angursell was great to read and made me happy. I really enjoy the way Fitzroy fully abandons himself to the adventure and so adventure embraces him back.

I also reread the first three of the Wayfarers books by Becky Chambers. I was thinking about the emotional intelligence that you find in "The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet" and that it would probably be soothing post health stuff. These books have excellent examples ways to approach the differences between people and cultures, but they are a little bit clunky to read and end up with a real "and then" structure where things feel disjointed between scenes and characters.

I'm on the mend so blogging should slowly start again now.

Stats for January

Reading Stats

Books Read - 11Pages Read - 3533

Collage of the covers of the 11 books listed above.January 2025 Covers


Unique Authors: 5

Author - books read - pages read

Anna Lee Huber - 3 - 1140 Becky Chambers - 3 - 1156
Iona Whishaw - 1 - 409 Susan Cooper - 1 - 363
Victoria Goddard - 3 - 465

Word cloud of the authors I read in January. Anna Lee Huber is large and in the centre, with Becky Chambers slightly larger below. Above, Susan Cooper, Iona Whishaw and Victora Goddard are about 1/3 of the size.January 2025 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1970s - 1 2010s - 6
2020s - 4


Audible - 3 Kobo - 3
Libby - 4 - 1


Audiobook - 5 eBook - 6

Friday, January 03, 2025

The Books I Read - December 2024

The Lays of the Hearth Fire series by Victoria Goddard is good. It's also long, but I really enjoyed spending most of December on "At the Feet Of The Sun". Kinda made it to my goal of 104 books for 2024, Good Reads says so, but my tracking only gets to 103. Still not to bad and I'm looking forward to all I get to read in 2025.

Stats for December - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 4 (103)Pages Read - 2429 (35619)

Collage of the covers of the 4 books listed above.December 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 4 (48)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone (1 - 209)
Amanda Cross (1 - 186) Andrea Penrose - 1 - 370 (7 - 2,466)
Andy Weir (1 - 481) Ann Leckie (1 - 397)
Anna Lee Huber (7 - 2,483) Ben H. Winters (1 - 322)
Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288) Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293)
Carola Dunn (9 - 2,230) Charles Todd (1 - 352)
CLAMP (4 - 1,934) Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688)
Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996) Dennis Duncan (1 - 339)
Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132) Elly Griffiths - 1 - 313 (13 - 4,672)
Garth Nix (1 - 408) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny (4 - 1,418) Margery Allingham (1 - 208)
Martha Wells (6 - 2,240) Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841)
Milan Kundera (1 - 314) Nicholas Eames (1 - 464)
Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290) Patricia Briggs - 1 - 416 (1 - 416)
R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242) R.F. Kuang (1 - 560)
Roger Zelazny (1 - 290) Sherry Thomas (1 - 364)
Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337) Suzette Mayr (1 - 224)
T. Kingfisher (1 - 114) Tomohito Oda (1 - 192)
Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227) Vernor Vinge (1 - 555)
Victoria Goddard - 1 - 1330 (3 - 2409) Yoshiki Tanaka (6 - 1509)

Word cloud of the authors I read in December. Victoria Goddard is largest on the bottom with, Andrea Penrose, Elly Griffith and Patricia Briggs smaller and all about the same size above.December 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - (8) 1990s - (12)
2000s - (5) 2010s - (45)
2020s - 4 (30)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 2 (26)
Libby - 2 (52) Libro fm - (10)
My Library - (1) Shared - (6)


Audio Book - 1 (45) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 3 (48) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Games of 2024

In 2024 I managed to play five new games. As always I do a rough sorting of what I played and this year everything ended up being Good or Very Good. Everything I played had something to recommend it and it mostly depends on how the quirks of the games bug you as to how much you might enjoy these. 

I'm sad I didn't get a chance to play Legend of Zelda: Echos of Wisdom, but equally, I may need a distracting game for later in January, so I was delighted to get that as a gift. I also have lots of games I'd like to find time for in 2025.

So here, in their categories, but no other really organization, are the games I played in 2024.

The Good


Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Screenshot: Nowa & Seign facing each over a fire in a cave.



Well the spiritual successor to Suikoden has finally come out and it's ... kinda Suikoden. The writing in Eiyuden is sharp and it feels like a sprawling story, but mechanically and design wise it's not as cool as I had hoped it would be. It's still very enjoyable to play, especially if you loved Suikoden, or if you have a lot of patience for older style RPGS.

Goblin Stone

The Goblin Stone steam splash page, with a small Goblin looking at huge green gem.


If you wanted to send a bunch of goblins out to do jobs and fight all the big scary things in the world, Goblin Stone would be your game. My first few hours of the game were excellent, with some really neat mechanics, the main one being you advance by retiring old goblins and breeding new ones with better abilities. After a while it ground down a bit, partly mechanically and partly because I was playing it on an older Mac Book and it was just a bit hard on the processor.

Mind Over Magnet


Mind Over Magnet splash screen, with the robot and magnet characters beside the game name.

I haven't played enough Mind over Magnet yet, but I've watched Game Maker's Toolkit build it over the past four years. The bit I've played is fun and we'll see how far I get, given that I'm often not that puzzle minded, but I'm very pleased it's come out and is doing well.

The Very Good


Unicorn Overlord

The Unicorn Overlord title screen, with the tital over a huge white stone city and castle.


I feel like I'm inevitably talking about Ogre Battle here, and I've already written up some Things About Unicorn Overlord, but this s a very nice modern take on the idea of a game where you set up your army and then have to let them do their work. Unicorn Overlord — despite having a silly name — is something custom designed to appeal to me and, it does!

Mario & Luigi: Brothership

Screenshot: Mario and Luigi find the Red and Green shells — and unlock clips Mario Strikers.


I wasn't sure what to expect about Mario & Luigi: Brothership. Like most modern Mario RPGs it's a little generic in the look, but the more I've played the more I've enjoyed it. The story as such is fairly generic — put the broken world back together, but the characters are actually interesting and make the quest to all the different islands fairly interesting. The mechanics also feel pretty good, they're maybe a little lighter than old Mario & Luigi RPGs, but I'm still getting enough challenge out of the game. I'd have also enjoyed a few more dynamic enemies to fight — another hallmark of the old games, but overall it's been very good.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

The Books I Read - November 2024

November was a bit weird. The Hands of the Emperor is long, but excedingly good. I'm continuing to find Anna Lee Huber a very engaging mystery writer, for both of her series. This is How You Lose the Time War was quite interesting to reread, I enjoy the epistilary nature and the co-authors passing back and forth. I think because of the nature of how they made it, it could some times be a little more tightly constructed, but the writing alone is worth reading.

Stats for November - (Year to date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 4 (99)Pages Read - 1865 (33190)

Collage grid of the covers of the 4 books listed above.November 2024 Covers


Unique Authors: 3 (47)

Author - books read - pages read

Adrian Tchaikovsky (1 - 592) Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone - 1 - 209 (1 - 209)
Amanda Cross (1 - 186) Andrea Penrose (6 - 2,096)
Andy Weir (1 - 481) Ann Leckie (1 - 397)
Anna Lee Huber - 2 - 687 (7 - 2,483) Ben H. Winters (1 - 322)
Bowles, Burns, Hixson, Jenness, Tellers (1 - 288) Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel (1 - 293)
Carola Dunn (9 - 2,230) Charles Todd (1 - 352)
CLAMP (4 - 1,934) Daniel O'Malley (1 - 688)
Deanna Raybourn (3 - 996) Dennis Duncan (1 - 339)
Dorothy L. Sayers (1 - 132) Elly Griffiths (12 - 4,359)
Garth Nix (1 - 408) Hanna Hagen Bjørgaas (1 - 258)
Heather Fawcett (1 - 320) Ian Rankin (1 - 241)
Ilona Andrews (2 - 668) Jacqueline Winspear (1 - 352)
James Ogilvy (1 - 201) Katherine Addison (1 - 448)
Katherine May (1 - 212) Katie Mack (1 - 237)
Louise Penny (4 - 1,418) Margery Allingham (1 - 208)
Martha Wells (6 - 2,240) Mary Robinette Kowal (3 - 841)
Milan Kundera (1 - 314) Nicholas Eames (1 - 464)
Oliver Burkeman (1 - 290) R. Brian Stanfield (1 - 242)
R.F. Kuang (1 - 560) Roger Zelazny (1 - 290)
Sherry Thomas (1 - 364) Shonda Rhimes (1 - 337)
Suzette Mayr (1 - 224) T. Kingfisher (1 - 114)
Tomohito Oda (1 - 192) Toshikazu Kawaguchi (1 - 227)
Vernor Vinge (1 - 555) Victoria Goddard - 1 - 969 (2 - 1079)
Yoshiki Tanaka (6 - 1509)

Word cloud of the authors I read in November. Victoria Goddard is largest on top, below Anna Lee Huber is  smaller, to the side Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone combined are the same hight as Huber.November 2024 Author Cloud

Publication Decade

1920s - (2) 1960s - (1)
1980s - (8) 1990s - (12)
2000s - (5) 2010s - 4 (45)
2020s - (26)


Audible - (4) Author's Website - (1)
Borrowed From Friend - (3) Kobo - 1 (24)
Libby - 2 (50) Libro fm - 1 (10)
My Library - (1) Shared - (6)


Audio Book - 2 (44) Blog Post - (1)
eBook - 2 (45) eBook Comic - (5)
Hardcover - (2) Paperback - (2)

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...