Saturday, January 28, 2023

Project 23 - A Space Station Mystery Novel

Lately I've been reading a lot of mystery novels, and I've been kind of inspired to make something mystery on my own.

There's something in good mystery books that makes character and space feel familiar and comforting, even while unsavoury things are going on around your detectives. A good detective in a good detective novel is noticing things and connecting things and I think that makes the world feel really real and rich.

So I've plotted out a mystery novel, and I decided to set it on a space station. As I've mentioned for the other science fiction novel I'd like to write, I've been thinking about it for a long, long time about those stories and that world, and I wanted another way to approach them. So enter our hero librarian, her three friends, the diner they hang out in, a cast of hopefully charming and interesting people, a few of whom may be committing crimes.

I've drawn a map of the story and I've written around 3000 words in an outline (with a bit left to go).

A map of colour blocks linked by lines, most are yellow with a few in green and red, too zoomed out to identify any details. On the left side the word Protagonists, which is less a hint about the book as it is me struggling to zoom in my mind map tool.

Hopefully it will turn out to be a fun read, with interesting people exploring an interesting place. I like the idea of sci-fi and mystery mashed up and I'd like to see where I can go with it. I'm also just very fond of the idea of space stations, and once upon a time write about a walk on one.

That being said, since I'm all over the place in terms of the projects I'm working on, both the ones I'm documenting here and the other ones. I don't know exactly when or how I'll work on this or what will come next, but if nothing else thinking about it makes me happy.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Project 22 - Setting up my own about page

In light of certain online spaces failing, I've been thinking about better controlling my presence on the web.  I've had an set up for a long while, but it seems like it's time to make sure that I have a point on the web which I own.

So if you were wondering who I am (and where else you can find me), I now keep a list of all that stuff at

I've owned my own domain at for a long time, so that makes it an easy start for building my own identity page. It's been pretty good for e-mails, but I haven't really done much else with it. I already had hosting set up, so I just had to put a page together there.

My webdev skills have grown fairly rusty -- and weren't that fancy to begin with. So this project gives me a place to play with some things and learn some new stuff. I've already spent a while playing with Hugo, which lead me to realize that CSS has changed a bit from what I knew before. I have a lot to learn, but I'm excited at the thought of getting to improve my page regularly.

For now, I've set up a pretty basic HTML page with an updated version of my CSS from my grad school page. I've organized into the two spheres I think about my life in, work and making stuff and there are links to my web presence.

I think my next two goals for the project are to set up SSL and smooth out the CSS.  I'm not totally thrilled with the style right now, so I may also rethink what it is I want that page to look like.

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...