Monday, March 13, 2023

Books of February 2023


I've added new stats for February and am tracking year to date values as well. You can read the numbered entries as - Monthly Value (Year to Date)

Reading Stats

Books Read - 10 (18)Pages Read - 3781 (7211)

Books Read

Machine by Elizabeth Bear An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us by Ed Yong
Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle CosimanoThe Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith
The Aleph Extraction by Dan MorenThe Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson
Burn Bright by Patricia BriggsThe Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov
A Cold Treachery by Charles ToddWild Sign by Patricia Briggs

Collage of the covers of the 10 books listed above. February 2023 Covers


Alexander McCall Smith - 1 (2)Angeline Boulley - (1)
Ann Leckie - (1)Brandon Sanderson - 1
Charles Todd - 1Dan Moren - 1
Ed Yong - 1Elizabeth Bear - 1
Elle Cosimano - 1Isaac Asimov - 1
Jim Butcher - (1)N. K. Jemisin - (1)
Patrica Briggs - 2 (3)Rick Riorden - (1)
Timothy Zhan - (1)

A word cloud of the authors above with Patrica Briggs in the centre as the first author read this year and largest as I've read 3 of her books.
2023 Author Cloud - February Update


Publication Range

Earliest Book - 1953Most Recent Book - 2022

Publications by Decades

2020s - 6 (9)2010s - 1 (3)
2000s - 2 (4)1990s - (1)
1950s - 1



Borrowed From Library - 10 (17)Borrowed From Friends - (1)


Audio Book - 7 (13)eBook - 3 (4)
Hardcover - (1)

Sunday, March 05, 2023

Video Games of February 2023

 February was pretty busy and I didn't really have much of window to sit down and play something big. Tactics Ogre ended up producing the bite-sized play I mostly was looking for. Towards the end of the month I wanted to play something a little more interactive and responsive and so I started poking Hollow Knight again.

My top five games (by play time) for February were:

  1. Tactics Ogre: Reborn - I spent quite a while being foxed by a mission that I just couldn't beat. Then I finally read a walkthrough that suggested I go and grind money by going on a hunt and I've throughly enjoyed myself. Also hopefully made a ton of money to give me the stuff I need to beat the mission I got stuck on. The level cap is a good addition, but it does cut down on the smashing through stuff that sometimes you just want.
    A lot of Dark Knights of Lodos decend on our heros at the bottom of the pile of a fortress.

  2. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Replay is going along at a fairly good pace, although the days have been pretty busy so I haven't settled to play much. Pushing through ignoring sidequests really does make the main plot more engaging, and the reduction in weird bad guys who are just hanging out reduces the number of questions about what's going on.
    Noah and Lanz fistbump in a city park.

  3. Hollow Knight - I've now played a lot of Hollow Knight, despite having not finished it ever. This time however I feel like I'm finally getting good enough to really get somewhere. I've been replaying the last 10 hours or so and now I'm finally setting out into the unknown again.
    The Bug Knight and the Mantis Elders bow to each other.

  4. Sea of Stars (Demo) - Sea of Stars certainly looks like Chrono Trigger if it was made in the year 2023. I wasn't sure if it was an honestly good game or just something satirical (which I've had the impression that Messenger - the dev's previous game - is), but while the demo was definitely fourth wall breaking the rest of the game felt pretty good and it seems like the game itself is going to be fun to play. The RGB "puzzle" was a really neat inclusion.
    A wide shot showing a town, The Port Town of Brisk, the rocky surrounding country and what looks like an elder dragon asleep on a mountain with it's tail in a hotsprings.

  5. Mario Kart 8: Deluxe - Vroom vroom.
    Rosalina blasts through the air towards the chalette and finish line, with onlookers in the stands and also hot air baloons.

Here's my total play time chart for February:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

The Books I Read - February 2025

February was the month I was really focused on recovering from my health stuff in January. I didn't sit down a read as consistently as...