Friday, May 29, 2020

Projects Update: May 2020

What happened to May?

Just at the end of April I finished the coaster project and I was feeling pretty pleased with myself. I didn’t get quite through everything I wanted in April, but I was pretty happy. Then it was halfway through May and I had no idea where I was or what was going on. I will say I’ve been enjoying spring for the most part, although there’s been some quarantine weirdness kicking around my brain as well.

Four large exclamation mark block coasters on a small table with a Jaritos bottle on one.
I'm really happy with the new coasters.

I haven’t made a lot of progress on the game tracker and I’ve found it pretty hard to sit down and write, so I’m behind on both of those for now. I’ve also picked up an academic thing I need to finish fairly quickly, so I’m thinking about that too.

Since I haven’t made much progress I’m just going to slide my goal for the game tracker back to June 30. The goal is to have remote storage of data working by that point (along with having tutorial myself on various build systems and remote storage solutions.

I also want to push forward on my Chrono Trigger sprites so I’d like to get Lucca finished by June 15.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Project 5: SNES Coasters - Update - Larger and ... newer?

So this is an update from the last update in 2014, but it’s an update. That being said, having taken … 6 … years to finish this project a lot of my thinking is totally lost to me now. Still I’ve made newer bigger coasters and they seem pretty good.

The Coasters

Four perler bead coasters shaped like exclamation blocks from Super Mario World.
The original coasters.

I set out to make coasters because I wanted to play with pixels and to make myself some geeky stuff. The first set of coasters have been pretty good, but they are a little small. They’re pretty good with tumblers or a can, but they’re a little small for mugs. They also worry me a bit whith wine glasses, so I tend not to have them out when we have guests over. They have always had a bit of a curve or a cup to them, which, so far I think is the nature of something made out of perler, which makes them a little bit prone to tipping.

They’ve held up quite well over the years. I took an inventory and a few have a bit of separation between the backing and the beads, but all 8 of the original set get use everyday.

Blue exclamation coaster on bedside table
One of the blue coasters where I use it daily.

The cupping always bothered me a bit and the size has also been a small problem. So a long time back I figured adding in an extra ring of beads (taking the width from 16 bead x 16 to 18 x 18) would fix the size problem. I’m also hoping that the bigger coasters will also help with cupping, but since that seems to develop over time I don’t have a great answer for that yet.


For the pattern I added in an extra ring of the interior colour. That helps actually float the exclamation mark more in the middle so I think overall the bigger sprite makes sense.

Closeup on unfused beads showing the expanded patern.
I didn't generate a pattern, but here's the expanded layout. You can see the extra row above the exclamation point) which effectively wraps around the whole coaster.

To compare here's the original coasters with the completed larger ones:

All the original coasters with their larger new versions
All of the originals with the newer ones behind.

For each I used the perler colours

The Black and White are Black (80-19018) and White (80-19001).

The Red:

Sprite Colour Bead Colour
Outer Red Red (80-19005)
Inner Red Magenta (80-19038)

Red Coaster
Red Coaster - click to enlarge

The Blue:

Sprite Colour Bead Colour
Outer Blue Dark Blue (80-19008)
Inner Blue Turquoise? (80-19062)

Close up of Blue Coaster
Blue Coaster - click to enlarge

The Green:

Sprite Colour Bead Colour
Outer Green Dark Green? (80-19010)
Inner Green Green? (80-19080)

Close up of Green Coaster
Green Coaster - click to enlarge

 The Yellow:

Sprite Colour Bead Colour
Outer Yellow Cheddar (80-19057)
Inner Yellow Yellow (80-19003)

Close up of Yellow Coaster
Yellow Coaster - click to enlarge

Any of the beads where I'm either not sure what bead I used, or what colour the bead is I've marked with a question mark. Those are best guesses.

I also had a bit of an adventure and made a rainbow exclamation mark block. I have a lot of beads kicking around that aren’t really getting used for anything so I thought it would be fun to make up my own. 
Close up of rainbow coaster
The Rainbow Wonder. The white ring matches the extra row of beads if you're curious as to size.

I didn’t take notes, so I have no idea what colours I actually put in here.


I fused three of these at least a year ago and the other two in the last few days.

For the ones I did in the last few days, I also made some shapes out of the same beads so I had a feeling for how those beads melted. I’ve noticed a bit over time that the different colours have slightly different melting / fusing points.

I also noticed for future reference that depending on how I fuse the beads the depth of the coaster can be pretty different. It doesn’t show so much from the front, but it’s a factor I hadn’t really considered. For the future I’d like to find a way to be more systematic about fusing.

Five coasters viewed side on with different depths
The different depths of the different coasters.


I used the same backing as I did for the original coasters. Which I do mean literally, they’re the same set of sticky felt that I purchased back in 2013 (2012?). So they might not work as well as I’d like. But it’s what I had and given that going out to the craft store is not an option while I’m working, I figured I’d go with what I had.

As it works out the 18 x 18 bead squares are exactly 3 ½ inches wide. So I proceeded to cut a bunch of squares that were *almost* 3 ½ inches square. I have a new cutting mat that’s a little warped still and I guess I just need more practice (and maybe a bit more technique). 

Red coaster on a cutting mat, measuring almost exactly 3 and a half inches.
The fit of the red coaster. The cutting matt is a little wonky underneath.

I also realized that 3 ½ inches is too wide, because it doesn’t allow for the edge where the beads hang over the backing. I tried to make that a ½ bead overhang and it seems like cutting the squares to be 3 ⅜ inches would have been a better approach. I also had to trim the corners to deal with the curve. I found it was a bit difficult to get a proper trim, so I think if I do more of these it would make sense to have a template or a jig.
A pile of self adhesive felt backs for the coasters
The coaster backs.

So the backs are a little adhoc, despite my best efforts, but they seem to be on comfortably despite all of the potential problems. I’ll use them for a bit and then update to see if the backing actually works, but given how long the smaller coasters have lasted I’m feeling a little optimistic.

Coaster with the felt backing on
Coaster with the backing on.


These were fun to do. The several times I’ve worked on them over the last (checks notes) half decade, I’ve enjoyed it. Filling in the fields is a very peaceful activity, especially when compared to my Chrono Trigger perler sprites
Four coaster (one in each colour) sitting on a small table
The four coasters ready for action.

Now I’m going to use them for a bit and see how they do. In the mean time I get to mark this project done.

And now time to relax.

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Blog: Video Games of April 2020

So that was a month, huh. I'm having a hard time believing that April was just one month. At the beginning of the month I was still teaching. I've made it through completing that, all the marking and the clean up and spent a few weeks hanging out in quarantine. I'm actually having a hard time remembering what I played and why, but that's why I track this stuff I suppose.

My top five games (by play time) for April 2020 were:
  1. Dragon Quest XI S - I spent a lot of the month trying to finish up Dragon Quest XI, but got hung up on the secret, prove the the mystical something-or-other that you're the best hero the world has ever seen. It was mostly fun, but that secret boss kinda soured me a bit. On the other hand hitting level 99 was pretty fun and it didn't take me too long in any one session. DQXI really shines in the late game / second game. I kinda wish I'd felt that positive about it the whole way through, but generally it was worth while. I really didn't get into the 2D / historical stuff at all, but honestly I haven't played that much Dragon Quest overall.

    Erik! Erik! He's our lad! If he can't do it we're still bad!

  2. Animal Crossing: New Horizons - It's been nice to have a slow game to play and I've played it very slow. I find myself at odds a bit with Tom Nook who's looking to fill up the island. I signed up for a virtual getaway to a deserted island, what are you doing building permanent home-owner associations... But it's been fun for sure.


  3. Europa Universalis 4 - Getting a little better each time I play and honestly having a lot of fun. I've also developed surprising feelings about areas of Europe and the Middle East from 1444 to the 1700s. Also a minor fear of Austria.

    People often forget about that time the Ottomans occupied the whole of Sweden. (Including me I was super baffled when I got this message)

  4. Super Mario World (SNES on Switch) - I think I've mentioned it before, but I'm fairly sure this was the first video game I purchased with my own money, because it came with my Super Nintendo, which I purchased.  I've never actually played it all the way through and so it's been nice when work's done to sit down and play.

    The first time I earned this screen in the 20 some years I've owned this game. (And I still had to weasel a little to get there)

  5. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - I've been holding off picking up Ultimate because I'm kinda short on local friends who might want to play. But I've been watching Steven and Mal play through classic mode, and it looked fun, so I picked it up . Seems like I still main Marth (sorry) and it's been a ton of fun to have to hand.

    Fancy fighting.

Here's my total play time chart for April:

And here's a chart of how much I've played over the month:

The Books I Read - February 2025

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