Friday, May 18, 2018

Project 18 - Video Game Play Tracker - Update 1 (v0.1.0)

I’ve really had a lot of fun with this project so far.

For version 0.1.0 I’ve added in the basics, including:
  • A game representation, including the name, the year and the platform.
  • A set of games and get back games that match particular criteria
  • A play session representation, including the game, the date and how long the session lasted.
  • A list of play sessions
  • Managers to load and save game and play  data from and from csv files.

I’ve also built a simple text-based UI, which allows you to save, load and add games and play sessions.

The Basic Text Based UI Menu

I also think I did an ok job using the git flow workflow, although I think I ended up adding too many features in my release 0.1.0 branch. I also added a ton of tests, even if I didn’t quite get myself to a test first mentality.

So I’m happy enough with v0.1.0. RIght now I’m keeping it in a private GitHub Repository, I should probably just open it up, but right at the moment I’m not sure I want to. At least just yet.

The basic tracker running in the terminal.
In terms of usability it’s not great, but it’s a good starting point. My next goal from here is to introduce filtering and aggregation so I can see play sessions aggregated over a list and filter for specific games or time periods. I’ll post an update around July 1, 2018.

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